Friday, June 29, 2012


There is no other Name whereby men and women can be saved. (Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:90 

There is a reason for this. God is One Spirit. He that descended is the same as He that ascended. For it was none other than God Himself who was veiled  in sinful flesh whilst in the womb of His surrogate mother who herself was a descendant of Abraham's sin prone flesh. In other words, God did not send another to bring salvation to you and I. God came Himself. Indeed, JESUS was the conceived SEED of  the Holy Spirit. For as the scriptures state, in JESUS, it pleased God that all the fullness of His Godhead should dwell bodily. The SEED of Christ then is that spiritual which was manifest in the flesh (Christ). It is this same Seed in which all believing nations of the earth can be blessed.

As the scriptures declare JESUS is God with us. JESUS is also declared to be the Word of God, which was with God, but now is with us. JESUS then is the Word of God. This is why the people pressed toward JESUS. To hear the Word of God. Further, JESUS is the same Word that was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him. So if someone were to ask - who is the Word of God? The answer here is JESUS! Without JESUS who is the same Word that was with God in the beginning there is nothing made that was made. For the Word of God is the beginning of all things. The very worlds were framed by the Word of God. As we read in Genesis, God spoke and lo’ it came to pass.

Similarly, JESUS' Word was with power but JESUS is also the power and wisdom of God. Yes, all that God is was revealed in the face of JESUS. How do we know this? Never a man spoke like this man spoke. Why even the winds and the sea obeyed Him. He fed the multitude from five loaves and two small fish. He cast out evil demonic spirits with a Word. He healed all that would come to Him.

John declares that if all the things that JESUS began both to do and to say were to be written, the world and universe would not be able to contain all the books that would be necessary. But do note that sufficient scripture was written so that you and I might believe in our hearts that JESUS is the Christ the Son of the living God!

JESUS - the name above every other name in Heaven and on earth. For God declared that salvation could not be found in any other name. God was manifest in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil who is the reason there is sin, sickness and disease in the world. These are not of God. For God is not willing that any should perish but rather that all men should be saved. For God so loves you that He willingly sacrificed His life as a Son in order that we might be saved.

The blood coming forth from JESUS' veins at Calvary was the life giving blood of the Holy Spirit, who fathered the man JESUS. God laid down His life for us. He uttered these Words. It is finished. The price of man's redemption has been paid in full. As such, there is no more sacrifice for sin. 

Thomas declared to JESUS these words, ‘My Lord and My God!’ JESUS is Lord over all. Come to the Lord today and thank Him for His sacrifice on your behalf! Peace to all.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


If any man or angel presents a different gospel other than that which was preached, then let them be accursed, saith the scriptures. The background to this is worth noting. Paul the apostle was chosen by the Lord JESUS to bear His name among the nations.

We also know from the scriptures that Paul was chosen of God to be His apostle to the Gentiles. Paul declared that the gospel that he preached did not unfold from man’s wisdom. Neither, as Paul states, "was I taught by man." In other words, Paul asserted that he did not receive the gospel of man. Rather he received the gospel from God by means of  revelation. In short, Paul  was asserting that the Word of God was coming to him not from him. 

All this to affirm Paul's statement to one and all. That is, "if any one think of himself as a prophet or spiritual then they had better acknowledge that the things that I write are the commandments of God."

At the time, Paul was well aware how he had been entrapped by the religion of his day. Indeed, Paul was so engulfed that he - like many today - think/thought they were doing God a great service by  killing anyone with an alternative mindset other than theirs. Obviously, they had never heard or read the scriptures that state men  (and women) must be allowed to work out his/her destiny in fear and trembling. Instead, Paul (formerly known as Saul) became a radical terrorist killer, throwing believers of the JESUS persuasion into prison.

Who would ever have thought that God would say to a disciple that Paul was a chosen vessel to bear His name JESUS to the Gentiles? God has a people -- a people that God foreknew before the very foundation of the earth. Similarly, in the good news gospel, it is written that God chose the foolish to confound the worldly wisdom of men.

Yes, the good news gospel! Even though our sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. For those who were foreknown of God, He has purchased and redeemed back to Himself  the sacrifice of His own body. JESUS being the child conceived of the Holy Spirit and none other than ‘God Himself as a Son.‘ God with us, as the Bible states. God with us who willingly laid down His sinless life as payment in full for His people that He foreknew at no cost whatsoever to them.

For the gift of God is eternal life. God’s prescription is that you and I believe upon His name -- JESUS -- because there is no redemptive salvation under Heaven in any other name!

We are not talking about churches here. As an institution, religious traditions cannot save man. Why?  Because as the scriptures state, their candlestick has been removed. Therefore, redemptive salvation is not through a church or by you adhering to long-standing institutional traditions and doctrines --  which unfortunately, in many instances are the same teachings invented by the church fathers of 300 / 400 AD. What is important is that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon believers on the day of Pentecost. The first message was delivered and recorded in Acts 2. Here, the people  were told to repent and be baptized into the name of JESUS! Like you, they asked the disciples what must they do. The response can be found in Acts 2:37-42. Read these scriptures for your edification and learning. In the interim, God bless you!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It would appear that the candlestick of the church has been removed. Why? Because to many believers today, the church is not the light of the world. Admittedly, there are many who profess to be what they are not. We know them as religions and traditional institutions that have decided not to continue in the Word --  the doctrine and teachings delivered of the Lord Himself during a period of time when darkness covered the face of the earth.  

The good news is that JESUS is the light of the world. His Word is Spirit and Life. This light shines even in the darkness. But the darkness cannot comprehend the message of redemptive salvation which at the first was preached by the Lord Himself, and then delivered to us by them who heard Him. As John declared, "these things are written so you might believe that JESUS is the Christ the Son of the Living Spirit of God."

JESUS came into a religious world that at the time was supposed to be adhering to the Law. Instead, they had doctored the law to suit their own style of religious business. In response, JESUS overturned the tables of the money changers and chased them out of the temple declaring,"My Father's house shall be called a house of prayer but you have turned it into a den of thieves!"

All of this is recorded in the New Testament in Greek. No manuscripts are in Hebrews. So if one desires to hear the gospel, he or she must resort to the Greek manuscripts. This point has been raised in previous posts. It is important because some people (both in and outside of religious institutions) are advocating that we should all learn Hebrew to understand the scriptures. This is nonsense. Professing themselves to be wise, they have become as fools.

But believers who search the scriptures are able to discover how great their deception prior to opening and reading the scriptures. It is only in discerning the scriptures for oneself that they are able to recognize that the Word of God is coming to us, not out from us. God said what He meant and God meant what He said. The written Word is the sole authority. There is no other. The bottom line is this. If a preacher and/or priest loves God with all their soul, body and mind, then  he or she will teach no other teachings other than that which has been delivered to us and confirmed of God. 

If we use perilous times as an analogy, then perilous times are upon us. Indeed, there is a famine in the land. A famine of ignorance toward hearing the Word of God. That was [or is even today], until Jesus appeared. The beginning of the gospel of JESUS the Christ did not bring more Law but Liberty,. JESUS came to set the captives free!

JESUS preached a message of deliverance and the ordinary people heard Him gladly. For JESUS did not speak as the scribes and the Pharisees did. Rather, He cast out devils with His Word. He healed the sick. Never before had anyone seen miracles to this extent or fashion. Surprisingly, the religion/religious of the day were still unaware that God had walked out on them. How could they not know? They had broken the covenant and wanted rid of JESUS!

But the New Testament is not interpreted by the old. It is just the opposite. Any prophesies spoken of in the Old Testament were revealed in the New Testament. The early believers went everywhere preaching JESUS. Conversely today, many religious folks run from the revelation of God in the New Testament. These people are known to go to extreme lengths to deny the name given of God to His son - His name is JESUS. It is He alone who shall save His people which He foreknew from their sin.

In other words, JHVH  is not a rendering of any name. In fact, it is of and by itself incommunicable. And yet men strain through the addition of vowels to cause that which is incommunicable to be deceptively communicable. JESUS is the ONLY name GIVEN whereby anyone can be saved! Call upon JESUS today! For JESUS is GOD HIMSELF with us as a SON. Peace!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


"And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus ... that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." (I Timothy 1:14-15)

JESUS said that when the Spirit of truth is come, He shall lead and guide you into all truth. He shall bring all things to your remembrance. Paul's words to Timothy were, "If you shall put the brethren in  remembrance of these things, then you shall be a good minister of the Lord JESUS the Christ. The instructions were to appoint elders in every city so that those who were appointed should preach no other doctrine."

Acts 15 elaborates on this point. It is the first apostolic gathering with the elders and the people. There is a discussion on the error of Peter's ways. As we learn from reading the scriptures, he was advancing a position that stated the Gentiles must keep the law of Moses and be circumcised. Note that Paul admonished Peter face to face and the contention over this matter was brought to pass in this apostolic assembly.

The result of the meeting was telling. Simply put, Paul was right and Peter was wrong. Peter had attempted to straddle the fence in an endeavor to appease the Jews. Unfortunately, as we learn from the scriptures, his plan was not going to work. Indeed, Peter had attempted to make the new testament a continuation of the old covenant of law, commanding that the Gentiles keep the Law and be circumcised.

Notably four things were established here. These four points were then written in letters and personally delivered to the church assemblies, so that there could be no error. The letters read thus:

Inasmuch as some went out from us troubling you commanding that you keep the Law and be circumcised, TO WHOM WE GAVE NO SUCH COMMANDMENT, it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us to lay upon you no greater burden other than these necessary things'  That is, to keep yourself from fornication - and from blood - and from things strangled -  and from idols - from which if you keep yourself you shall do well. Fare you well.

 It is recorded that the church assemblies upon reading and hearing the message contained within the letters, had great consolation! So should we. The teachings of the Holy Ghost were the teachings of JESUS. Remember, Acts 1:2-3? 

"Until the day in which He was taken up, after that He THROUGH the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom He had chosen, to whom also He shewed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (Acts 1:2-3)

For it is written that JESUS -- after He ascended up into Heaven, He through His holy Spirit gave commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen. They in turn delivered His Holy Ghost teachings to us so that there would be no division among us. For the Spirit and the Word - are one and the same  - for the Word is God - and God is the Word - God being one Spirit!

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. (Ephesians 4:5) 

God confirmed these apostolic teachings. Certainly, the Holy Ghost was given through the laying of  the hands of the apostles. In Acts chapter 8, Philip preached and mighty signs and wonders were performed. The Samaritans believed and were baptized in water into the Name of Jesus but they did not receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost until the apostles Peter and John arrived, who prayed for them that they might receive.

Simon saw that through the laying of  the apostles' hands that the Holy Ghost was given. Immediately, he offered them money that he might purchase the power of this gift. Peter told Simon that his money along with himself will perish if he thinks that the baptism of the Holy Ghost could be purchased with money. Yes, there are many spirits gone out into the world which is why we should test the spirits as to whether they are of God, or conversely, a lying spirit. 

For if they speak not according to this Word, then they are not of God. The believers continued steadfastly in the apostolic Holy Ghost teaching for these are the very foundation of the church which is the body of JESUS the Christ. 

Jesus is the Head of the church.  PEACE BE to all who are earnestly contending for the faith that was personally delivered by our Lord God and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Stand in the offering plate. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


In the last days, perilous times shall come. The scriptures state that men will be lovers of their own selves and shall heap to themselves their own teachers. Indeed, men will no longer be able to endure sound doctrine. This will lead them to depart from this faith that was once (and only once) delivered of God to mankind as the only means of salvation. 

As a consequence, men are laying aside the teachings of the Lord of glory that are outlined in the New Testament. Instead, people are aligning themselves to the same doctrines of the church -- that which the so-called church fathers conjured up of themselves in the period 300 to 400 AD. 

Unfortunately, even today, these doctrines are presented to church congregations even though the doctrines taught are in direct opposition to the Word of the Holy Spirit. Contrary to the sound doctrine beginning at Jerusalem and confirmed of God to be His authoritative Words of the New Testament which now are set down at the right hand of God.

But the Bible also states to save ourselves from such deception for many are being deceived unawares. For if one denies the teaching of the gospel of JESUS the Christ contained only in the parchments -- written only in Greek (none in Hebrew) -- they would quite easily be susceptible to believing lies. This is why we are encouraged as believers to search the scriptures. For if these "teachers" speak not according to this Word, it is because there is within them no knowledge of scripture. It is also because they went out from the apostolic teachings confirmed of God.  Instead, they started the deeds of the Nicolaitians which God hates. 

However,  those believers who have received the Word of God by entering as the Holy Spirit bids in Acts 2:37- 42 can now endeavour to continue steadfastly in the Holy Spirit teaching being led by the indwelling Spirit of Christ. It is He who is bringing the New Testament scripture to abound within them and in the process of believing God‘s New Testament, the words bring forth much consolation. We recognize that the Word of God has not originated within us, but has been delivered to us by His chosen apostles, who alone are His witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Mark chapter 1:1 confirms this point. It states, "The beginning of the gospel of JESUS the Christ." Yes, we have a beginning and later on we read in the scriptures that "it is finished." Notice this is the beginning of the gospel -- the first words -- of JESUS the Christ. What is His name? Who are we talking about?

First, the name is Jesus (Immanuel, meaning God with us ). There is no other name presented whereby men and women can be saved. Such is the case in all the records within the New Testament scriptures --  recorded in Greek but never in Hebrew. So why did some group conjure up YESHUA? Certainly, there is no justification for such a rendering. Recall that the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not write that name JESUS!" So the sign of the times, as alluded to above, is only a continuance of the past. Like then, there are those who even today cannot bear to hear the Name of JESUS who is the child of the Holy Spirit, His Father.

Still, as foretold in the Old Testament, His name was to be called JESUS. Why? Because there is no salvation in any other name!  Read Acts 2:37-42. Stand in the Offering Plate!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


For when the holy Spirit of truth is come, He shall lead and guide you into all truth.  He shall bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever "I have said to you." For another foundation can no man lay, other than that which has been laid. This is why Christ is the cornerstone and His chosen apostles are the foundation. For the apostles by the holy Spirit  have expounded to us the first principles of the doctrines of Christ. It also explains why the Word was given of God. The Word sent to us -- written and confirmed of God -- so that no man can deceive those who believes that the written gospel is indeed the Word of God.

For there are many who have departed from this faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils who deceive people simply because new believers have not read the scriptures and discerned the teachings for themselves. Therefore, we ought to give more earnest heed to the things which we have both seen and heard lest at any time we should let them slip away too. For if  this gospel is hid it is hid to them that are lost because of their unbelief. Unfortunately, many unbelievers stagger at the simplicity of faith being exercised in the Word of God!

Still, God has a people which He foreknew even before anything was created. That's right. God foreordained a people to be His elect chosen of God! He did so because God is the Father of all spirits. He is the Alpha and Omega -- likened to a potter. As as a potter, God creates one vessel to honour while another vessel dishonours but each vessel of itself fitted of God to serve whatever purpose is required. In unfolding the universe, God orchestrates all things after the counsel of His own will. That said, no one has been His counsellor.

But God is not unrighteous. Neither is He unmerciful. God has chosen to create a visible kingdom -- visible in all ways and yet similar to His unseen (to us) spiritual kingdom. ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." The things which are created visibly display the power and majesty of God so that all men are without excuse for their willing denial of God’s presence. For it is in God that we all live and move and have our being.  God is altogether merciful toward man and is long suffering to man’s foolishness and willing ignorance. 

This is why we read in Genesis that man was made in God’s image a visible expression of God to be manifest in a body of flesh whilst the life within man displays the inward life outwardly. We also read here that Adam was a created son of God.  Adam sinned the sin of disobedience and was put forth into a world outside of the garden of Eden with a death penalty resulting from disobedience. Adam was forewarned not to partake of a certain fruit. However, setting himself apart from the Word of God, Adam brought upon himself the wages of disobedience which is spiritual and physical death.  As Adam’s offspring, we inherit the penalty which is why there is none righteous in the world today. No, not one.

But God did not plan to leave us helpless in this state. God loved His creation. Even though it appears that God had lost the battle resulting through the craftiness of the devil in beguiling Adam to indulge in disobedience, the battle was not lost as we know from the New Testament today. God planted into Eve a pure SEED adding that, ‘this SEED of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head ( power)’ for in this SEED will all the nations of the earth through the exercise of faith. Be blessed.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


On the mount of transfiguration, JESUS was accompanied by Peter, James and John.
Suddenly, their appeared unto them two other persons. One was Moses (representative of the Law given at Mount Sinai). The second was Elias (representative of the prophets).  JESUS conversed with both. The apostles were privy to the scene, hearing and observing but not participating.

Peter bursting with enthusiasm declared, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. Let us build three tabernacles. One for you, one for Moses, and one for Elias." What follows, according to the scriptures is a resounding answer to Peter's suggestion. A cloud encompassed the group and a voice from within the cloud spoke these words.

"This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him." The cloud dispersed, leaving the three disciples shaking with fear. They looked but saw no man other than JESUS. Only Jesus.

This was not written to suggest that Moses was not a part of the plan of God. Moses certainly was, ushering in the Law. As it is written, the Law was given through Moses. Elias too because Elias and the prophets prophesied of these days wherein God would be manifest is flesh. Each of these prophesies served their respective generation.

But in these last days, God has spoken to us in His Son who is God Himself manifest in the flesh, inasmuch as JESUS is the SEED of the Holy Ghost. If JESUS be the very SEED of the Holy Ghost then He is altogether God Himself as a Son. Therefore, in JESUS must dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily!

The scriptures declare that no man has ever seen God at any time. The only begotten Son of God who has come forth from the innermost being of God (who is Spirit), He and He alone has declared / revealed / manifest the unseen God in form. Veiled in sin prone flesh for the purpose of man's redemption.

Man was totally incapable of redeeming man. Indeed, man’s solutions were only band-aid solutions. We see this in traditional institutions claiming to represent God. In this context, religion is rampant, making merchandise of people, orchestrating all sorts of entertainment, begging for money, conning simple minded persons, even as Simon the sorcerer had done in Acts chapter 8.

This might explain why JESUS overturned the money changer's tables in the temple saying ‘My Father's House shall be called a house of prayer." Still as we often see today, they have once again turned His Father's House into a house of thieves! Even so, religion cannot negate the scriptures.  

JESUS is still the cornerstone of this spiritual temple that God erected for Himself. Not a  building made of brick and mortar for heaven is God’s throne and the earth is God’s footstool. 

Yes, God Himself is the corner stone, and rightly so. For in order for God to build this temple wherein He would be pleased to dwell it required living redeemed stones, obtained through the sacrificial blood of the Holy Ghost which flowed within the veins of JESUS. This temple is the body of the Lord JESUS the Christ, who sacrificed Himself at Calvary, providing for man the only means whereby he can be redeemed. JESUS took upon Himself the curse of sin - willfully taking upon Himself our sin!

JESUS is the Word of God. This is why in God’s own Word, the voice from Heaven declared, "This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him."

Now Moses and the prophets spoke and were heard. However, we have entered into the beginning of the new testament gospel of JESUS the Christ. No longer under Law. The law and the prophets were up until Christ, now a message of ‘grace and truth’ is the Word of the voice from heaven. We are brought into the perfect law of liberty, inviting one and all to come to God in Christ with nothing in their hand.

God sacrificed Himself for you. He wants your heart in return. Stand in the offering plate.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


When the scriptures refer to the beginning of the Gospel of JESUS the Christ, note the reference. This is the beginning of the gospel of JESUS. No longer does the Word refer to types and shadows of things  previously prophesied by the Spirit of Christ or by the fathers and prophets. No longer are we searching for something as it were through a glass darkly.  

But now, He of whom all things that are written in the volume of the scriptures has Himself appeared in these last days to bring us the light of the glorious gospel of the unseen Spirit. He who was previously unseen is now manifest in flesh as a Son. Yes, JESUS is the SEED of the holy Spirit of God  being conceived of the Holy Ghost without the involvement of any other party. The scriptures boldly declare that in JESUS did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily!

Therefore, when JESUS was in the temple conversing with the elders concerning the Word of God, He was found there by His adoptive parents. Parents who were probably more than a little upset at not being informed of His intentions. Mary, His surrogate mother was the first to vent her frustration concerning His conduct. In response, JESUS said, "Do you not understand that I must be about My Fathers business?"

Here the scriptures show the Lord JESUS saying that He is the Son of God, declaring openly to all present that God is His Father. We have written before on this. God planted into Eve a SEED of promise, declaring that the SEED of a woman would bruise the serpent's head (power) and that Seed would be passed from Eve into Seth and continue from generation to generation.

Abraham also was given a SEED of promise and to him it is declared that in that SEED (which is Christ) shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. These two passed from Sarah and Abraham into ISAAC and these travelled from generation to generation until the fullness of time arrived.  The angels brought to earth the message whereby God declares peace and good will to all. You see, God intended to bring glad tidings of great joy to all the inhabitants of earth.

It was the Holy Ghost that brought this  together. The embryo was God Himself as a Son. The life of the pure humanity of God was to be manifest in fleshly fashion. But, as we know, there was none righteous to be found of God. No not one. For upon earth, every one had sinned. In order for God to be manifest in the flesh it necessitated that a sinless body be found.

Again, a sinless body could not be found so the Holy Ghost implanted into Mary a surrogate mother, who herself was one of Abraham's natural sin prone flesh descendants, so that she could bring forth a Son.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." (Matthew 1:21-23)
In the days following, the embryo was clothed in sin prone flesh whilst in the womb of Mary the surrogate mother. The angel had declared to Mary that the "holy thing" that shall be born of her shall be called the SON of God -- God with us -- and that He was to be called Jesus. His precious name that is above every other name is called JESUS  for He who shall save His people from their sin.

Who are these people? Who are His people?  They are the people that were foreknown of God before the foundations of the earth. A people dispersed among all nations scattered abroad.

So today if you hear His voice, open your heart and bid Him enter. Stand in the offering plate.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


God is Love! If the Lord were to ask you "do you love me?" as he did Peter, what would you say? How would you respond? In all probability, you might have responded even as Peter did, saying these three little words, "I love you!"

The scriptures tell us to not only love in spoken word but also in deed, for our actions invariably speak much louder than our words. This is why husbands are encouraged to love their own wife even as the Lord has loved the church and given Himself for her -- the reference to the church here is the body of the Lord. The scriptures also state, "So ought also the husband be willing to give his life for his wife." (also his body for God has said that these two when joined together are in reality one flesh). But the scriptures have an equal responsibility for the woman. That is, the wife must ensure that she reverences her husband.

Today the chances of staying married are apparently 50/50. Of course these statistics only include those who venture into marriage. Still, the good news is that in a marital relationship, God has the answers. Yes, God is Love! God’s love has no limitations. Indeed, His love is immeasurable. But it is in God’s love that we were  intended to live and move and have our being. Unfortunately, we lost that world of fellowship with God through the disobedience of our ancestral parents - Adam and Eve. Now we wander around in a world of trying to do the best we can to create order like sheep but without a shepherd. Similar to the analogy used in the scriptures - the blind leading the blind.

But it doesn't have to be this way. We have a Saviour that loves us. God knew from the beginning that humans would need a Saviour -- a Saviour that must not be smitten with the same diseases as all of Adam’s prone to sin race. So God had a plan. Why? Because God recognized that regardless of the collective efforts  of human beings, we are still surrounded with crime, sickness, disease, wars, deceivers and professional liars who have learned how to play the game of deception.

We create ISM's resulting in millions of lives being shortened. Horrific displays of how men with no knowledge of God can reach into such depths of depravity. And we seemingly  fall into the same old story line down through the ages. We never stop to realize that just because someone speaks with enticing words does not mean that they might be conning someone into a situation whereby they can elevate themselves. 

Still, JESUS, the Son of the Holy Spirit who is not of this world veiled Himself in a veil of sin prone flesh for us. And while in that humiliated fashion, He brought to us a message foreign to the to the political and religious forms presently seated. That is, JESUS declared that God is LOVE and in so doing, openly displayed in Word and Deed that God’s Love is unchangeable. JESUS said that if we will come to Him with all of our problems, then He will in turn give us rest. God's desire is that we cast all of our cares upon Him so that He can give us rest.

 Do you love me? Three times JESUS asked this question. To each response, JESUS asked for commitment  in garnering a response. A commitment in the same fashion that He originally intended for man and woman in the Garden of Eden. Therefore love the wife of your youth. And remember, there was a reason that JESUS made them male and female. God also knows that within this world of billions, there is someone who will love you just like He loves us! Peace!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Our Christian faith was never intended to be something separate from our every day lives. Rather, faith in Jesus is the critical link that provides believers today with the necessary understanding to experience and interpret life. We see this in the book of Mark chapter 8. Here, the crowds had been gathered around Jesus for three days with nothing to eat. Jesus knew that if He sent them home, some of the people might not make it because of their physical hunger. They might faint. But Jesus' disciples thinking only from a physical perspective asked, "How can one feed these men with [only] bread here in the desert?" After all, altogether there are only 7 loaves and a few small fishes to be had, hardly enough pickings to feed 4,000.

The disciples' question is often similar to our own lives when things start piling up against us with no immediate resolution in sight. Here were the disciples in the same situation, wondering with their "earthly" world view how Jesus intended to satisfy the crowd's physical hunger. What the disciples didn't comprehend is that Jesus understood the people's "spiritual" hunger. That for three days straight the crowds had lingered for more of Jesus' teachings and parables. More of Jesus' miracles and healings. More of Jesus!

Just like Jesus already knew the heart of the Greek woman, a Syrophoenician by birth whose daughter had a demon. She begged Jesus to help. Jesus said in Mark 7:27-29, "Let the children first be fed for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." But the woman answered Jesus saying, "Yes Lord, yet even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."

The mother's request was for a physical healing but like the crowd of 4,000, this woman had a spiritual hunger - an ultimate faith that Jesus could and would heal her daughter's sickness. She wasn't about to leave unsatisfied. Jesus saw the desire of the mother's heart and the daughter was healed. Like the crowd who for 3 days wanted more of Jesus. More of Jesus in spite of the physical.

There was a lesson being taught here. It was what teachers today call a teaching moment - a revelation. That is, when Jesus took the 7 loaves and few small fishes and gave thanks over them, the food multiplied to the point that the crowd ate and were satisfied. Full. When the meal was finished and the broken pieces of food collected, there were seven baskets in total. More than the crowd started with. Imagine what the disciples thought then.

This is why our faith in Jesus is integral to who we are. Because Jesus sees and knows the very desires of our heart. He wants to bless us with His abundance -- just like the mother who wouldn't settle for a physical response -- just like the crowds who wanted more of Jesus in spite of the physical. As Christians, this is what faith is about -- when it becomes intertwined with our very being. Therefore, faith is not intended to be separate - put on the shelf until we need it - but intertwined in every aspect of our walk with our Lord and Saviour. The disciples needed to learn this lesson and many times so do we. Take hold of Jesus today and don't let go for He never fails! Never ... 

"Was it not I, the Lord? There is no other god beside me, a righteous God and a Saviour. There is none besides me." (Isaiah 45:21)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


In my travels this week, I happened upon a symposium publication that provided a platform for the Free Discussion of Issues in the Field of Religion and their Bearing on Education. It was published in 1968. One particular article written by Robert E. Karsten and entitled, "A New Pedagogy for Theological Education" caught my attention. The specific article itself is written from the perspective that it is pedagogy that needs to be reconsidered and not necessarily theology if post secondary education students are to be attracted to religious studies within these respective institutions. This is not a road that I will be travelling down today. But there is an underlying theme in the article that has merit. This theme is particularly insightful for new believers who have asked Jesus into their life and are seeking understanding for their Christian walk.

If we consider that "a body of knowledge should be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner" -- a notion established by Jerome S. Bruner in "Toward a Theory of Instruction" -- we realize that the New Testament  was written in such a way that both the educated and less educated can grasp Jesus' good news message.

Think of the many parables within the New Testament, the Beautide teachings (also known as the Sermon on the Mount) and the timeless images that present key insights and knowledge for our life. Similarly, the symbolism within the analogies and story line representations that are full of wonder, "of authority, promise and fulfillment" that are inherent in Jesus' speech. Indeed, Jesus' language was "picturesque and immediate" but it was also a language that each and every one of us can understand. Simple and yet powerful!

Karsten wrote that "They know God in that [people] are able to talk about Him, about their knowledge of Him, and about what this means in terms of ethics and morality. With more or less sophistication, they use philosophical and theological categories to talk about God." But as Karsten points out, the understanding of God does not end there.

"To have seen the Lord was, in some sense, to have known God, and to have known all that need be known of God. At the same time, from the beginning, set forth a knowledge of God which, within its own sphere was adequate. It was assumed that the preacher has been in some sense a witness either to the Lord himself, or to those changes in people which were themselves revelatory and contained the knowledge of God for him .... There was no need for a witness to be a preacher or teacher in order to be authentically a believer, and to know God."

How true this is. We can all be believers by asking Jesus into our life. As the scriptures state, there is no mediator between God and man except Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the light. Jesus said in John 8, " I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life" -- everlasting life -- life abundant!

He who is of God hears the words of God. This is why it is so important to base our knowledge and understanding on the Word -- the gospel that Jesus so willingly gave us so that our lives can be attached to the Rock of Salvation - the Rock of Ages. Luke 6:46-49 states, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and not do what I tell you? Every one who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like. He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation upon rock, and when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it because it had been well built but he who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, against which the stream broke and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great."

Come to Jesus today! Build your foundation on the rock by reading the New Testament for guidance and wisdom in your life. It doesn't matter where you start reading in the New Testament -- only that you do. Stand in the Offering Plate!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


There are times when believers can be discouraged from the struggles that life brings. This is a natural response given the numerous trials and tribulations that can blindside us on any given day. But Acts chapter 12 is an example whereby faith overcomes even the darkest moments. In this chapter, Herod the king has laid violent hands upon those who belong to the church. He had killed James the brother of John and proceeds to arrest Peter. Herod instructs four squads of soldiers to guard Peter while in prison, intending to present Peter to the people at the conclusion of the days of Unleavened Bread. With this kind of oppression against Peter, it would be easy to see that this was the end for Peter.

But what Herod did not count on was God's army being more powerful than his own. The same God who loved us so much that He would become flesh and die on a cross so that we might have salvation and life eternal was in charge. So what happens next? Believers began praying in earnest for Peter. The very night that Herod was about to bring him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains and sentries before the door were guarding the prison. 

"Behold, an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell, and he struck Peter on the side and woke him saying, "Get up quickly" and the chains fell off his hands." The angel instructed Peter to get dressed and follow him. At first, Peter thought he was seeing a vision. This can't be real, he surmised. But the reality began to kick in when they had passed the first and second guard, and then upon their arrival at the city entrance, the iron gate opens for them. "

And Peter came to himself and said, "Now I am sure that the Lord has sent His angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting." When Peter realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John, where many believers were gathered in prayer. The people were amazed! Motioning for the people to be silent, Peter told them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.

As one can imagine, Herod was angry. "Now when the day came, there was no small stir among the soldiers over what had become of Peter. And when Herod had sought for him and could not find him, he examined the sentries and ordered that they should be put to death." On an appointed day, Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne and made an oration to him. And the people shouted, "The voice of a god and not of man." Immediately, an angel of the Lord smote him because Herod did not give God the glory and the word of God grew and multiplied.

As we read here with Peter, even in our darkest moments, and through all of our earthly trials and tribulations God has a plan for you and me. So, even when there appears to be no way out of our circumstances, we can remain confident in His grace and mercy that our Lord God and Saviour Jesus has already opened the door! Believe on Jesus today!

Friday, June 15, 2012


In Mark chapter 12, the intellectuals of the day, including the Pharisees and some Herodians began asking Jesus inviting questions in the hope that they could entrap Him. This went on for some time with the chief priests, scribes and elders as well joining in and posing different scenarios in order to catch Jesus in a response that would provide them with justification to throw Him in jail. Indeed, these folks kept asking, "By what authority are you doing these things?'  The first line of questioning caught my attention. Mark chapter 12 begins:

In response, Jesus began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it and dug a pit for the wine press and built a tower and let it out to tenants and went into another country. When the time came, he sent another servant to the tenants, to get from them some of the fruit of the vineyard. And they took him and beat him and sent him away empty-handed. Again he sent to them another servant, and they wounded him in the head and treated him shamefully. And he sent another, and him they killed. And so with many others, some they beat and some they killed. He had still one other, a beloved son. Finally, he sent him to them saying, "They will respect my son." But those tenants said to one another, "This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours." And they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard. "What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others. Have you not read this scripture:

"The very stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the corner; this was the Lord's doing and it was marvelous in our eyes?""

Mark 12 continues, parable after parable, response after response. "And as Jesus taught in the temple, He said, "How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? David himself, inspired by the Holy Spirit declared, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand till I put thy enemies under my feet." David himself calls Him Lord so how is he His son? And the great throng heard Him gladly.""

Jesus then warned, "Beware of the scribes who like to go about in long robes and to have salutations in the market places and the best seats in the synagogue and the places of honour at feasts, who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the great condemnation."  The Pharisees, the scribes, the elders and priests who in all their wisdom could not discern the underlying message in this simple parable spoken by Jesus.

Note too however, that even in the midst of pressing crowds and plans to trap Him, Jesus told His disciples in Mark 12:41-44 to observe the poor widow who contributes not from her abundance (because she lives in poverty) but rather from her heart. Why? Because "this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For they all contribute out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had."  May God richly bless each and every one of you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Often, the faith statements associated with churches are rooted in the 300- 400 AD time period when certain church fathers declared their statement of faith. But this does not suggest that their acceptance of a particular faith statement should either negate or overrule what the apostles said in the scriptures. After all, wasn't it the apostles that were the foundation of the Church (the Body of Christ)? Certainly, the apostles were Christ’s chosen witnesses - chosen to bear His WORD to the uttermost parts of the earth. In so doing, God confirmed their Word as being His Word. For they are now, as He was, the temple in which the Spirit of God was and still is pleased to dwell.

If we review the contents of earlier postings, we know that there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism. Also, when we read the scriptures, we learn that the Word of the Lord was prophetically spoken of as going forth from Jerusalem. In this context, it only makes sense to adopt the scripturally correct version and adhere to the same Word that went forth from Jerusalem. This same premise should apply to faith statements too. For if the Word that was given to the apostles is indeed the Word of God, then we shouldn't lay the Word aside to embrace statements from so-called church fathers.

We refer specifically here to Matthew 28:19, a controversial topic among established religions because church leaders admitted to altering the scriptures. Yes, that is right. Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 (which pertains specifically to water baptism) was altered by them. As a consequence, the church fathers then adopted words such as .. "In the name of the father, son, holy spirit" to the original scriptures. In so doing they sought to establish the erroneous teaching that still exists today. That is, God is three, distinct, and separate, persons.

One will also notice that there is also others that say that water baptism has nothing to do with salvation. Have these church so called leaders forgotten Acts? Certainly, if anyone were to proceed to Romans, they first must first read the recordings of Acts. For it is within Acts that the church teachings were established!

The other point to note on this issue is that there are false authorities likewise declaring that no one was baptized into the name of JESUS. Rather, these individuals were being baptized only upon the "authority" of the name of Jesus. In this latter presentation, believers were to be baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. But doesn't God's Spirit and God's Word agree? If indeed, we believe this scripture to be foundational and in accordance with the scriptures, then we must also accept that the revisions to the original Biblical text in Matthew 28:19 goes against the original teachings of the apostles.

We already know that JESUS was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. JESUS was buried and in this context, we are planted together in the likeness of His burial. Our old man is buried with Him. The OLD ADAMIC prone to sin nature is buried. But JESUS did not stay buried. No, JESUS arose from the dead. JESUS the second Adam is the Lord Himself. Our redeemer, Saviour and friend lifts us up out of that watery grave as a new creation which is why we can be confident in our salvation. For now we are totally justified. JESUS was raised for our justification.

This is why an understanding of baptism is so vital to Christians. Because when Jesus died, there went forth from JESUS' side blood and water.not blood alone but Water and blood. The saving grace that covers all sin. Similarly, as the scriptures state, the forerunning believers were told to save themselves from this untoward generation. And as a consequence, what did they do? As the scriptures state, believers saved themselves by obedience in the apostles ( Holy Spirit teachings) teachings being baptized into the name of JESUS.


"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given: and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)

For those of you who might not be aware, Isaiah is a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. The words in the Old Testament were written before Jesus' birth so these verses foretold of events that were going to happen in the future. In this case, a child is going to be born that will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Today, however, we have the advantage of looking back within the scriptures to see how God's plan was weaved throughout time. How God's love for each and every one of us unfolded through the ages. By reading the New Testament, we can lay a scriptural foundation in our hearts that provides us with an inside glimpse into how the very same God who created us was willing to become flesh so that we might be saved.

In John chapter 10, Jesus said "I am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved." Continuing, Jesus stated, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." When Jesus was at the feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem, He was asked by the Jews that were gathered around Him, "Are you the Christ?" Jesus answered them by saying, "I told you and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness to me but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep."

He continued in verses 27-30. Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand. My Father who has given them to me is greater than you all and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and my Father are one." Here the Jews took up stones again to stone Jesus for blasphemy because as the scriptures state, "you being a man [Jesus] make yourself God!" When the Jews tried to arrest Jesus, He escaped from their hands because the appointed time -- the time that was decided before the world was even formed -- had not yet come.

In John chapter 14, Jesus reiterates His earlier point. In verses 6-7, Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also, henceforth, you know Him and have seen Him."

Philip then said to Jesus, "Lord show us the Father and we shall be satisfied." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, "Show us the Father?" Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me, or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves."

It is in this context that we can be confident that if we ask anything in His name -- Jesus' name -- He will do it. May God richly bless you this day!

Monday, June 11, 2012


In the beginning God. Indeed, God existed first and foremost before the formation of the world and without Him nothing exists. This was true in the days of Genesis when God the Almighty formed the world and it remains true today. The same God who created the world and then became flesh to bring us salvation remains in total control of all things.

Further, the universe is His whether the components of the universe are visible or invisible. He alone spoke this world into its form and equipped mankind with the capability to enjoy its richness from one generation to another. The question is why is it that, even to this day, the Lord God of Glory is so mindful of man? Why does He care so much about you and I?

In the beginning, God set man over the works of His own hands, desiring that man be fruitful and multiply. As such, God continues to replenish His creation, of which God Himself, upon completion of His handiwork, saw His creation to be good. Think of it. God Almighty thought His creation -- man and woman -- you and me -- to be good. Good! But God's love story does not end there.

He loved this creation because the creation was "God Himself invisible in created form." And to this day, the Heavens continue to declare His Glory and the earth continues to show forth His handiwork. All He asks is that we personally acknowledge that without His sacrifice on the cross, we are as nothing. That we desire with all our heart, soul and mind to know His plan for our life in exchange for His Amazing Grace! His amazing love!

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear and Grace my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come. T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far and Grace will lead us home. The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil a life of joy and peace. When we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise then when we've first begun. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see.

May God richly bless each and every one of you!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


The scriptures never cease to amaze me. Today, I opened the Bible to the book of Matthew - chapter 23. I wasn't looking for any particular gospel message or a specific topic. Indeed, I just opened my Bible and started reading the text at the point where my eyes first gazed. Beginning at the beginning of the chapter, Matthew wrote:

"Then Jesus said to the crowds and to the disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat so practice and observe whatever they tell you but not what they do; for they preach but do not practice. They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear and lay them on men's shoulders but they themselves will not move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by men, for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honour at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and salutations in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by men. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have "one teacher" and you are all brethren. And call no man your father on earth for you have "one Father" who is in Heaven. Neither be called masters for you have one Master, the Christ. He who is greatest among you shall be your servant; whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

Jesus' message to the crowds is clear. He is referring to those who demand our attention and adoration but are not willing themselves to humble themselves before the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Although admittedly, this may seem to be a simplistic interpretation of the above scriptures, and observed without any deep reflection, these verses serve to remind us as men and women of our humble place in the world and that without our Master, the Christ, we are as nothing. But note that Jesus did not end His message to the crowds there. Jesus had an important message to tell the people -- and by extension to us in the 21st century as well -- one that we all need to hear.

In verse 13 Jesus said, "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites [the religious of the day] because you shut the kingdom of Heaven against men. For you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte. You make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves."

Continuing in verse 23 Jesus further states, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you tithe mint and dill and cummin and have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faith; those you ought to have done without neglecting the others. You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel."

There is more -- actually much more -- that Jesus said to warn us of the hypocrites who would come and try to lead us astray from this gospel message. In fact, Jesus warned that "many will come in my name saying, I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray." But Jesus doesn't want us to be led astray. The same God who created us loved us so much that He became flesh and sacrificed His blood on the cross so that we might have salvation eternal. This is the reason why Jesus' arms are stretched wide waiting for us to reach out and pray with all our hearts -- "Jesus, here I am."

Stand in the offering plate!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Someone asked me the other day if there was a simple way of explaining the Godhead, without getting into too much detail. Of course, this is not to suggest that the detail is not necessary, particularly given the number of traditional institutional teachings in today's world that do not align their religious teachings with the scriptures. However, I do understand that not everyone has received the same scriptural foundation in their upbringing and in this case, a simple answer becomes a valued starting point for further study. Where to begin is the question.

First, it might be helpful to note that the word trinity does not appear in the Bible. The word trinity was terminology established by the religious fathers of the day (around 300/400 AD) but yet had no scriptural basis. Unfortunately, many of today's churches have not honed in on this error so the error of tradition continues.

Second, the same God who loved us and created man and woman in the beginning is the same God who became one of us so that we -- you and I -- might have life eternal. Indeed, Jesus was the "begotten" of God. In Jesus, did all the fullness of the Godhead dwell. When Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father, it was an indication that His work on earth -- as a Son -- was finished. Finished! God would never have to become human again because the blood He shed on the cross of Calvary -- the blood that was intended to cover our multitude of sins - was sufficient!

Third, if we look at water baptism as an example, early church believers were baptized in the name of Jesus. They did so because they understood firsthand that Jesus was the name given among men and women whereby we could be saved. But this is not the only reason. Early believers of the gospel recognized that Jesus was God in the flesh. Jesus was the Father, Son and Spirit. Didn't Phillip say "Show me the Father." What was Jesus' response?

John 14 in the New American Standard Bible states: "Jesus said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?"

In the King James version, John 14:8-9 states: "Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?"

There are numerous other scriptural references too but if you are looking for a starting point for delving into the scriptures, this might be it. Remember, the Bible said to search the scriptures for yourself so that you would know Jesus. The Bible also encourages each and every one of us to discern the scriptures so that we would know the truth - the truth that will set us free.

For the individual who asked, I hope this helps! May God richly bless each and every one of you!

Friday, June 8, 2012


It is in God that we all live and move and have our existence. So if God be God, then why would one even want to oppose the revelation which He has personally delivered to mankind. The Spirit of God that fills the heavens and earth even today -- this same God -- unveiled Himself to us.

Still, no man at any time has seen God because God is Spirit. So when we speak of the Lord JESUS the Christ, we speak of the God whom we cannot see who manifested Himself in the flesh in order that we might now be able to look upon Him. Indeed, God is the creator of all things. You and I are the works of His hands. We are intrinsically woven together and although this may be too complex and far beyond man’s capacity to understand, it doesn't negate its validity.

Further, while we study and examine every intricate detail of our world, there still remain those who declare that humans evolved from matter. Sometimes, the world with all its learning cannot humble itself to call upon the God who loved them so much that He would become as one of us. The same God who gave us a mouth to speak and ears to hear with and eyes to see.

But regardless of man's folly, God has a ‘spiritual kingdom’ and a ‘visible natural kingdom.' This latter natural kingdom is displayed in created form while God’s unseen spiritual kingdom is still invisible or as yet unknown to us. In this natural kingdom, God displays His might, wisdom and power. How then can we justify our unbelief when the God who created us loves us so much? God is God so it does not matter if this earthly systemising of error denies God. There are no unbelievers in the front lines.

I remember visiting an old graveyard once. On the tombstone (or marker as they were called in past days) I read the following words. I believe they are important for us all today. That is: "I once stood where you now stand. I cannot come to you so I suggest you now prepare to come to the place where I am."

Stand in the offering plate. Be true to your conscious and offer yourself to our Lord and Saviour Jesus!

Monday, June 4, 2012


God who at different times and in various manners has spoken to men has now in these last days spoken to us in His Son. For God was in the man JESUS the Christ. That means JESUS is the very Son of the Holy Spirit. The embryo was the seeds of the Holy Spirit, and in that embryo did dwell all the fullness of God. Note the word fullness. Not a part of God but rather everything that God is, was found in the embryo. For the embryo is God Himself as a Son!

Further, God is the Father of all natural life imparted into the seed bank of all. The features take on the appearance of their parents clothed in flesh. However, as one matures, the offspring can take on a different lifestyle and mindset. For example, in the scriptures, Adam and Eve brought forth two sons - one became a murderer and the other religious.

JESUS was the SEED of the holy Spirit. The SEED of God has a totally different nature from that of Adam’s sin prone race. And yet, in your veins flows the blood of Adam’s sin prone race. The difference is that in Jesus' veins flowed the life of the Holy Spirit!

Indeed, the embryo of the Holy Spirit was clothed upon in flesh in the womb of a surrogate mother named Mary. Because Mary was a descendant of Abraham, JESUS took on the same features of Abraham's natural seed, which seed by the way was totally sin prone in the same fashion as all of Adam’s seed inherit.

All of this came to pass so that we would know one thing. That is God so loved the world -- you and I so much -- that God was willing to sacrifice Himself as the ‘Only Begotten Son.' JESUS being the ‘Lamb of God.'

No, not like Abraham who was going to sacrifice his son as an offering as we read in the Old Testament. And no, this is not God sacrificing someone else on His behalf. This is God sacrificing ‘Himself as a Son‘ for us! Why? Because Adam's sin prone blood could never reconcile man back to a place of fellowship with God.

When God declared that there was none righteous, no not even one, it was the reality. Yes, even worse than Sodom, for God did find in Sodom some persons that could still be considered righteous. But in this case, God was unable to find even one that was righteous. So God Himself made a way when there was no way. How did God do this? Well, according to the scriptures, God raised up of Himself a Saviour, who is ‘God with us as a Son’ (the Lord even JESUS) fathered by the Holy Spirit. JESUS -- the child of God.

The scriptures reveal all of these things to us. Nowhere in the scriptures is a reference made that states God is three distinct and separate persons. This type of religious doctrine is a product of the so called church fathers from 300/400 AD but has no scriptural basis. This is why we are encouraged to read the scriptures -- so that we are aware of the truth contained within the gospel.

It should also be noted that the only New Testament manuscripts found are written in Greek. There are no Hebrew manuscripts. Why? Because none exist. Moreover, nowhere in the Greek manuscripts is there a reference made to ‘yeshua.’

This is in fact a distorted product of the Jews who have always, down through the ages, endeavoured to take your minds and hearts away from the Only One who could and did become man's Saviour. The same Saviour who bears the given name JESUS. The same Saviour who is the embodiment of the Word of God.

Apart from JESUS, who is the child SEEDED by the Spirit of God, salvation is unobtainable. Jesus is the only name under Heaven whereby men and women can be saved. JESUS being the ‘Lord of Glory’ who we crucified. Peace to all!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


The Word was veiled in flesh and we beheld His glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. In fact, so powerful is God’s Word that we read that the very worlds wherein we live were framed by the Word of God. God spoke. Lo and behold, whatever God spoke took on a visible form. Why? Because God made all things after the counsel of His own will.

If we think of God as a potter who moulds all things to His liking, then it is easy to see that some vessels the potter might make are honourable while others might remain dishonourable. Still, all things are purposefully made for God furnishes His house to His own pleasing. Likewise, God at the end of His work of creation said, "It is good."

Further, God made man and God set man over the works of His creation. Indeed, man was made in the likeness of God. Word is Spirit. Word is spoken by means of the flesh. Nevertheless, word is the expression of our spiritual life that dwells within our veil of flesh. The outward shell perishes whereas our inward man grows, seemingly having no limitations. As the scriptures state, "What is man that God is mindful of him or the son of man that God constantly visits him?"

But man stunted his growth by rebelling against God. Man in his sin to prone flesh body resisted God yielding rather to the pleasures of sin. In the battle, we lost an intimate fellowship with our creator. We would have remained in that state forever had not God intervened. And intervened He did.

Before the cross, God had sent many prophets endeavouring to turn man back to Himself. God even added a law in an attempt to define sin so that man would be saved. Still, man with His sin prone nature added more laws which they emphasized more than the Law which was given by God. The law was a covenant between two parties. And as any contract, when one fails to uphold their responsibilities the contract forecloses. Likewise, God walked out and left them. Unfortunately, they did not acknowledge the disablement of the contract. Instead, they arrogantly professed that they were and are still the people of God.

God in a last attempt to redeem man from His fallen state, decides that He will send His own Son. The Holy Ghost provides the SEED which provided the embryo -- which embryo was conceived into the womb of a young virgin girl named Mary. The embryo of the Holy Ghost was clothed in sin prone flesh and brought forth as a Son. The Son of God bearing the ‘given’ name of JESUS. For it is JESUS who shall save His people from sin.

JESUS being ‘God with us’ as a Son. Yes, in JESUS did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. God who is Spirit now manifest in the flesh as a Son. Not another God but the very SAME God who made all things in the beginning. In fact, if one were looking for God then they need look no further than JESUS.

JESUS Himself said that if you have seen Me you have seen the Father. So when JESUS speaks, it is actually God who is speaking. JESUS has said that the Words that He speaks (through my body) are not His Words but the Words of Him who has sent Him - God!

There is only one God who is Father, Son, Spirit --- all manifest in JESUS. Like man (or woman) you are not 3 persons -- you dwell in a son or daughter's body but still are only one being! God bless you all in JESUS! Stand in His offering plate.

Friday, June 1, 2012


If it be as the church fathers of 300/400 AD declared -- that God is three distinct and separate persons -- then the question that needs to be asked is which one of these three became my Saviour? For if they were all one, there should be no need of them to be three. Or as some religions present, the three all sat together (meaning the Father, Son and Spirit) at a conference table, banging their heads together trying to decide which one of the three should become man‘s Saviour.

Yes, surely God has sent these religious institutions strong delusion so that they should believe lies. What does the scriptures state? Who has bewitched them, for most certainly to believe such foolishness one must not be of stable mind. What else do the scriptures state? Save yourself from this untoward generation of artists who from their theatrical performances proliferate their message even though it is devoid of a scriptural foundation. The only seed that they plant is to plant the thought into your head that by giving money to them, you are sowing into the work of God. In so doing, they attempt to lure us into their den of deceptiveness.

However, the good news is that the SEED that JESUS sowed amongst us -- the Word of reconciliation -- came at no cost to anyone. JESUS, the Lord Himself from Heaven left Heaven for our sake. Indeed, He became poor for it was not with pomp or money that He brought us redemption. Rather, it was His reconciliatory Word that He Himself brought down from heaven, being the Word of God. As a consequence, we are now restored to unbroken fellowship with God because God our Saviour personally delivered salvation sealed with His blood -- which blood was the blood of the Holy Spirit! After JESUS had completed His redemptive reconciliatory mission wherein He delivered to all the KEY to the Kingdom of Heaven, JESUS then ascended into Heaven and SAT down.

JESUS breathed upon His followers of His Spirit, which Spirit is the Holy Spirit, saying to believers that His Spirit would lead and guide us into ‘all truth’ and that His Spirit would not speak contradictory to the message which He had imparted. JESUS added that His Spirit would bring all things to our remembrance. "Whatsoever He has said."

This is why JESUS told us to test the spirits in the latter times. For if someone says they are of God and does not adhere to the Word which He personally delivered and confirmed, then we ought to - as the scriptures state - to distance ourselves from them. Shake the dust off our feet as a testimony.

Why? Because no one can add to the Word of God and no one can take away from the Word of God for God’s Word is God.

To recap, God entered into His created world at a particular time, and delivered His message in the Greek language. There are no New Testament manuscripts to be found written in any other language. There are none in Hebrew, for example. So rest assured that by learning Hebrew one does not become more acquainted with the Scriptures. The old covenant does not reveal the New Testament. It is the New Testament that reveals the old types and shadow meanings. The New Testament reveals the only name whereby any man or woman can be saved. That is, JESUS the ‘given’ name never translated into Hebrew as yeshua.

As the scriptures state, continue in my WORD so that then you will be my disciples! Three thousand of the early believers obeyed Acts 2:36-42 and so should we. Stand in the offering plate.