Recognizing that we have been born of God and received of His Spirit is an awesome feeling. This understanding is not because we of ourselves have become enlightened for we realize that within us the dark night of sin ruled and reigned. Rather, it is the realization that God came looking for us, even when we were so lost and deceived. Up until this point, we had resolved ourselves into thinking that what we now have is our lot in life and as a consequence, remained in total darkness devoid of any knowledge of God.
While we searched for the meaning of life, admittedly, some of us followed the forms of religion as advocated by the ruling powers. We were born into this world and exposed to that institutional construct which was a seated form. In this context, unfortunately, we never really questioned the form. We simply followed the crowd.
Therein, religion introduced us to all sorts of images and pictures. Men and women clothed themselves as priests with a variety of other attending ministers attired in all sorts of paraphernalia. Bestowed upon these priests and ministers - often among themselves - were titles exalting them to a position of authority. The authority of these presumed leaders becoming more established as light (and yet in reality total darkness) as each generation passed. And in the end, so deceived and chained were we with religious darkness we crucified JESUS who was the WORD of God. And, by so doing religion figured to put their erroneous falsity back on even keel! This kind of institutional religious mindset continued until total darkness embraced all people. We followed this pattern because we were lost!
Still, God did not intend that any one should perish. This is why God came looking for us. Through His grace and mercy, God made a way which is the only way whereby man could be saved. And because of the light of His Words - His Wisdom and Truth - the gospel message that was delivered into this deceived world was so great that many hid their faces from this glorious light of truth. Regardless of the initial human response, this light of truth shone much brighter than the noon day sun for the light (His Words) and the knowledge of God which is the only true gospel message still melts into the inner chambers of our hearts.
Yes, JESUS was the corn of wheat that died (kernel) and in so doing the life of the Holy Spirit has brought forth a multitude of redeemed offspring! We who believe and are baptized into His death become His offspring. Being His offspring, His Holy Spirit works within us enabling us to walk in the light and truth of the knowledge of God. Indeed, we are the people who by God's grace and mercy are no longer alienated from God, but are now redeemed sons and daughters of God.
Therefore, grow in grace. We have a Saviour named JESUS who will never leave us for we are His offspring! Peace be to one and all - each and every one of us - who have chosen to become enlightened of God! Peace be!
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