God has declared that JESUS who we crucified is BOTH Lord and the Christ. God descended and man ascended. The Word - the wisdom was veiled in flesh. The Word or Wisdom was and is God. When God spoke, lo it came to pass. Therefore, it is by faith that we believe the worlds were framed by the Word / Wisdom of God. The Word / Wisdom was always with God and never apart from God. Now that Word / Wisdom is to be made manifest in creation.
Yes, the unseen Spirit of God showing forth Himself in visible spiritual form. And in visible spiritual form God is going to call into visible created form all things that were previously invisible. Things existing in the unseen spiritual world. God is going to rule and reign over His own visible creation for the visible creation is God Himself in visible form.
Initially God steps out of the spiritual world and shows forth Himself in visible spiritual form. No God was not pregnant. God Himself came forth from the spiritual realm stepping into another dimension previously unknown. Not as another God but the SAME God previously UNSEEN, now revealling Himself in spiritual visible form.
Not created but begotten. Not begat. The Spirit of God who fills all things is now appearing in visible spiritual form. We are created earthly images. Created in the likeness of God’s now visible spiritual form! God breathed into man and man became a living soul, who God called sons of God. A perfect earthly image of God.
However, the devil showed up and deceived man into disobeying God’s Word. The result was man and woman were banished from the garden of Eden! As a consequence of man’s removal from the Garden man entered into the school of hard knocks -- life. In the days ahead, even until now, man is tempted and tried. Kind of like being on a roller coaster ride. Man messes up really bad until the flood takes man away. The exception is one man named Noah who by the grace of God was found to be righteous in the eyes of the Lord!
God having prepared an ark of safety (which ark typifies the Ark of the New Testament whereby the Lord JESUS the Christ and our baptism into His death saves us). Note: the SEED of promise (Christ) implanted first into Eve was now indwelling Noah and so the genealogy of the SEED of Christ continued.
God's redemptive promise in the midst of all the turmoil down through the ages continued in most part as an unknown. Hid from man’s wisdom. Abraham received a promise like Eve had -- that in him and in His SEED will all the nations of the earth be blessed. Of course, even though Abraham was given the promise he was in the dark as to the meaning. Abraham then thought that the promise pertained to his natural seed.
However, that was not the promise. The promised SEED (Christ) continued passing from generation to generation -- from Abraham into Isaac to Jacob.
Man once again messed up so bad that God added a Law by His servant Moses. Note that the Law was added 430 years after God gave Abraham the Promise of a SEED wherein all nations would be blessed. But the law was not an addition to the promise terminating with the entrance of the SEED of promise. No the law failed miserably. Indeed, if it had not been for God stepping in to provide a means of salvation, mankind would cease to be.
So at the time called the fullness of times ‘which is the time when the SEEDS of promise to EVE and Abraham should be brought forth together by the Holy Spirit whose SEEDS they both were, are now brought together into the womb of a young surrogate girl. Therein, the child is clothed in sin prone flesh inasmuch, as Mary’s sin prone flesh was incapable of doing otherwise. The child's given name was and is JESUS.
JESUS being the Son of the Holy Spirit was God with Us, veiled in sin prone flesh and appearing in fashion as a man. Of course, within the sin prone flesh did dwell the spiritual humanity of God Himself who will -- within that body -- FULFILL all the requirements of the Law. He would do so whilst being tempted and tried in all points like as we and yet never succumbing to the temptation.
Now the law was added UNTIL the SEED should come. Then JESUS, offered Himself as a sin offering virtually undoing the penalties imposed upon man by Adam and Eve’s initial disobedience. JESUS the lamb of God! Yes indeed He most certainly was, being the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit. JESUS willingly sacrificed His own Son body so that we may now inherit freedom and grace from all penalties, returning to that place where our ancestors Adam and Eve had fallen from.
Within this context, we are now being declared to be adopted sons and daughters of God by Redemption. GOD DESCENDED AND MAN ASCENDED! Through faith in the FINISHED work of redemptive salvation purchased for us by JESUS the Christ ho is God manifest in the flesh as a Son.
Thank GOD in Christ today. Peace to one and all!
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