We are the offspring of God in Christ. God has fathered all of His children in a Son’s body. Indeed, JESUS was the very SEED of the Holy Spirit because there was no other party involved. God who authored all seed - both the male and female seed that proceeded forth from Adam and Eve - has now in these last days raised us up a second Adam to redeem the first Adam’s fallen race.
All having sinned resulted in each and every one of us being alienated from fellowship with our Creator. In order to redeem man, another sinless man had to be found. For by one man, sin entered into the world, so therefore it necessitated that a sinless man must die in order to negate the decreed punishment of sin.
Adam was forewarned of God of the penalty that would be imposed on the world if he were to eat of the fruit of two trees. But as we know from reading Genesis, Adam and Eve went ahead and ate of the tree anyway. Kind of like they say today - doing their own thing! As a consequence, we are now inheritors of the sin, sickness, pain, agony, and hunger.
Still, God so loved His creation. Therefore, God became in fashion like his creation (flesh). In so doing, God provided two SEED'S. One seed was the pure untainted female SEED that God planted into Eve. The second SEED was the pure untainted male SEED that God planted into Abraham. (For detailed account, please review the numerous earlier presentations made on this subject)
Before moving on, it may be necessary to revisit the original Eden Garden where innocence was the norm. Therein, Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil. God had forewarned Adam concerning eating fruit from either of the two forbidden trees. Even though Adam was aware of the penalty of death that would be incurred resulting in their disobedience to God’s instruction, he ate of the fruit anyway. God told Adam but Adam did not tell Eve. So EVE was in ignorance as to what God had said. Therefore, it is declared of God that it would be the SEED of a woman that would at the fullness of time bruise the serpent's head.
Adam was in sinful disobedience, his natural seed inheriting a sinful nature. If there had happened to be another man who was without sin (unfortunately there was not), then any offspring born of them would not inherit a sinful nature. We also know that Adam and Eve were both naked when they sinned.
We see the same nakedness in the New Testament. When one observes JESUS nailed to the Cross, He was also naked. In this latter case, it was ‘only naked’ sin that was being dealt with in the redemption of creation. Nothing else! Nothing can be added to the penalty of sin.
This is the covenant between God who is Spirit and God Himself as a Son! This covenant is not dependent upon you or I. Indeed, this covenant was JESUS the Lamb of God and child of the Holy Spirit, in whose veins did flow the life giving blood of His Father who is the Holy Spirit.
Yes, it was God as a Son who laid down His life as a Son, enabling all who believe in the sacrificial offering of the Lord’s own sinless body to receive the free gift of eternal life. Our redemption purchased of God! Therefore, there cannot be any additions added.
We cannot hasten past the crucifixion of the Lord of Glory, as if it were only a fleeting thought. Why? Because without the crucifixion of JESUS no one can be saved. God having said that without the shedding of His blood there is no remission of sin. This is why God did not offer someone else. Rather, God sacrificed Himself! This explains why there is no other offering. All that men and women can do is stand in the offering plate along with two companions sincerity and truth, thanking God for all He has done!
It is here that we can now proceed from redemption into salvation, being baptized into the name of JESUS the Christ, and receiving the promised gift of the Holy Spirit that indwelt JESUS!
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