Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The scriptures confirm that there is only one God and only one mediator between God and man. The mediator is the man JESUS the Christ. For it was God Himself as a Son who is the One Mediator that intervenes for us. He having laid down his natural life which He had received in the womb of His surrogate mother Mary. For it is written that it was God Himself as a Son who mediates over His own household. And who is His household? Us! We are the household.
Further, there was none righteous. No not one. There was none who could pay the price for man’s redemption. Therefore, God in His love and mercy veiled Himself in flesh and dwelt among us as a ‘man’ living a sinless life. And even though He was tempted and tried in all points even as we are, He was perfect.
Further, no man took JESUS life. Why? Because that would have been an impossibility. For at any point in time, the Lord of Glory JESUS could have called for a legion of angels to deliver Him from captivity. Instead, JESUS willingly allowed mankind to maul His natural body for you and I.
As we know, the wages of sin is death. But in this case, death being the penalty of sin was wrongfully administered for JESUS who committed no sin. Yet upon His sinless, (yet prone to sin) body was laid the sins of the whole world. This dedication to you and I was previously decided upon in prayer and that, as a consequence He would drink the cup of our sin. Not my will states the scriptures but Thy will be done! “…
Therefore, there is no escape from the great and terrible wrath of God which must be poured out inadvertently upon all those who reject the offer of salvation which He (God as a Son) Himself through much pain and agony obtained. The offer of salvation whereby mankind should be freely exonerated from all sin.
This is why it will no longer be death alone that is the required punishment. Or that mercy will no longer available. Indeed, when the door to mercy closes, the door of wrath will open. In this regard, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Here we speak of an eternal death in a place called Hell, where there is no death as we know it. Rather, only eternal torment. Yes, agreed, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
This is why we should turn to God, recognizing the immeasurable and unconditional love of God which has been demonstrated before the whole world. This is also why we have been made fully aware through the scriptures that at Calvary, the crucifixion was the pivotal point where good and evil fought the battle for man’s redemption. At this time, the devil thought that if JESUS were crucified that would be his victory. Oh but how wrong he was. For in the death of Christ my Lord, we the prisoners of sin were set free. At Calvary, the raging battle was declared - over. The victory won! This is why we bring forth the Royal Diadem and Crown JESUS the Christ Lord over all!
Today, as a consequence of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, we have a New Testament written in blood. His blood! Spilled for you and I so that we might find salvation. A New Testament that cannot be likened to the old covenant which was written in stone. And thus, you and I are free by the sacrifice of the one God who made the heavens and the earth. For it is He Himself (as a Son) who has bore all of our sin in His own body upon a tree!
This is why we are no longer under the law. This is why we can be confident in loving the Lord our God - JESUS even as He has first loved us! Believe and receive JESUS today. Thank Him for all that He does each and every day for you and I. And then follow Jesus as the first 3000 did in Acts 2:37-42. Why? Because you can be saved because He redeemed you!
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