Melchisedec met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed Him. Of all places, who would have thought that the Priest of God would appear and then in appearing bring in His Hands bread and wine. The point to note here is that God’s promise to Abraham concerning the SEED Christ was given 430 years before the Law was given. This point is equally important because it shows that the redeemed of the Lord are not under Moses' Law. Neither are we under that covenant. To listen to some religious folks today, one might actually be led to believe that we are still under the Law.
But the good news is that we are not under law. We are not under Moses because the Mosaic Law is not of faith. What we are, even as Abraham was, is justified by faith. Further, grace and truth came by JESUS the Christ! Salvation is not hinged upon any works of righteousness which we have done. Rather, JESUS, God manifest in the flesh has wiped the slate clean from the error of our ways. Man’s salvation from God Himself becoming Man’s saviour would have otherwise been an impossibility for God has decreed that all have sinned and fallen short of His required righteousness. Note also that Melchisedec did not appear to Abraham at any designated time as presented under the Law. Why? Because we are not under the old covenant.
If we were under the old covenant, then Christ would have died in vain and the promise of redemption in Christ would be unobtainable through faith alone! Thankfully, this is not the case. Is it any wonder that Paul declares in Galatians "Who has bewitched you?" Before your eyes JESUS has been presented as the end - the conclusion - to the Law! These believers had began so well in their faith but then in time began to think later that they were perfected by the works of the Law. For example, they started to keep days, months, times and seasons to which Paul responded, "I am afraid for you. Have I bestowed labour upon you in vain?"
As stated repeatedly, JESUS died to bear our sins in His own body at Calvary. JESUS was buried. His sin prone body cursed. But then JESUS rose from the tomb after 3 days and 3 nights for our justification. JESUS' death, burial, resurrection justifying us freely from all things which the Law because of the weakness of our flesh could have never accomplish! It was then that JESUS ascended into heaven and sat down indicating that the work of our redemptive salvation is now complete. And that, this great salvation cannot be amended by anyone.
Yes, JESUS our High Priest after the order of Melchisedec and not after the order of the Law has in His hands bread and wine symbolical of His own flesh and blood. Therefore, we do not come together in any particular day. For as often as we eat this bread and drink this wine we remember the ONE sacrifice of the Son of God who is the Child of the Holy Spirit! As such, we come boldly to the Throne of Grace because in God’s hands is the New Testament! Today, call upon JESUS. Reach out to Him. For He will PASSOVER you giving to you freely the gift of eternal life! Peace to all in JESUS name!
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