JESUS breathed upon His disciples, saying to them "Receive you the Holy Spirit."
In JESUS did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Indeed, JESUS was God Spirit veiled in an Adamic sin prone body coming forth out of Heaven to seek and to save His creation from an otherwise lost eternity. JESUS did not come to condemn the world. That was not His purpose. His purpose was for all of Adam’s fallen offspring to receive redemption which He by Himself was going to secure as a gift. Redemption whereby all persons through faith would be granted an opportunity to be saved from the barnyard of sin.
In this context then, the Spirit of God within the man JESUS outsmarted the devil, who would never have dreamed that God who made all things and by whom all things exist would be willing to lay down His own flesh and blood body as a sacrificial offering upon a roman cross at Calvary. But as the scriptures point out, who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? God indeed did lay down His life for us.
When JESUS said to His disciples that He was going to leave them and that they would see Him no more (in the flesh). He also added that He would not leave them orphans or comfortless. This is why JESUS breathed upon them saying prophetically that they would receive of His breath -- whose breath is the breath of the Holy Ghost.
Then He opened their understanding that they might more accurately comprehend the Scriptures. In Acts chapters 1-2, they all received the Holy Ghost which is said to have sat on them causing them to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. In other words, their tongues were speaking so fast that it seemed as if their tongues were on fire.
Up until this moment, the Holy Spirit had never been imparted to anyone. This is because the Holy Spirit was not as yet given, because JESUS was not yet glorified. With the outpouring of the Spirit was the pronouncement that JESUS was and is now glorified!
God glorified His Son JESUS, thus declaring, that JESUS is both LORD and the CHRIST!
Paul the last of the apostles, chosen of JESUS to bear His Name [JESUS] to the Gentiles could say the following concerning the gospel. That which he preached was not of man and neither was it taught by man, Moreover, neither did he [Paul] receive the gospel message of man but rather through the Holy Spirit revelations of JESUS the Christ!
JESUS said when we receive His Holy Spirit, then His indwelling Spirit shall lead and guide believers into all truth. The Holy Spirit indwelling within believers shall glorify me - JESUS - and shall bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said to you!
JESUS said to His disciples that He had many things yet to say to them but until they were endued with power (the Holy Spirit) they would be unable to digest these spiritual depths.
For example, the Spirit of the unseen God declared to His Son JESUS - "Thy Throne O’ God is Forever and Ever." Let all the angels of God WORSHIP the Son. And the voice from Heaven saying this is MY BELOVED SON - Hear HIM! For JESUS is the builder of the TEMPLE OF GOD. For without MY SON JESUS there is no temple for He is the corner stone of My temple in which I am pleased to dwell. As the scriptures point out, this temple is not made of brick and mortar but rather constructed with redeemed living stones being to Me as adopted sons and daughters.
Have I not said, "Let my son go that He may worship ME?" So that they can enter into the Kingdom of God, into the promised land that flows with milk and honey, as a holy nation, a peculiar people, a people which were previously not a people , a people that I foreknew before the foundations of the world. The ISRAEL of GOD!
Grow in the grace and knowledge of God our Saviour!
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