Friday, April 13, 2012


And the Lord has made no difference between the Jews and the Gentiles. Indeed, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, bond or free in the body of Christ. Together, we are all ONE in JESUS the Christ. Why is this? Because the scriptures state that there is no respect of person with God. For all have sinned and as a consequence, here is none righteous. No, not one person.

Further, Christ died for every one of us because we are all guilty of unbelief in God our Saviour. Still, God commended His Love toward all of us whilst we were yet sinners. And He laid down His life so that we might have salvation. Therefore, whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Not because of works of righteousness that we may or may not have done, but by reason of God’s mercy. It is He that saves all those who believe!

This means that based on the foregoing references from the Bible, man cannot save himself. This explains why the scriptures declare that the Lord our God has become our Saviour. And that there is no salvation in any other name than the Name of the Lord our God whose name is JESUS! The name JESUS which is given of the angel. JESUS! God with us as a Son.

Unfortunately, if one listens to religious traditions, there appears to be considerable confusion pertaining to God’s Name. But when we read the Bible, we learn that God has a Name which is ABOVE every other name in Heaven and on Earth. This name is declared to be JESUS! (the GIVEN name)

When Paul asked the Lord, "Who are you?" the Lord replied, "I AM JESUS." One would think in a situation where the question is evident and the response this specific, that there would be no need for further questions. Similarly, if the Lord introduced HIMSELF as being JESUS, the logical process would be for the debates to cease. However, because admittedly, there are enemies of the Glorious Gospel of God, opposition to the truth surfaces at times. Still, one cannot deny the gospel -- the gospel that is seen in the face of JESUS the Christ. For it was and is God’s Spirit that indwelt the man Jesus the Christ, reconciling the fallen world to Himself.

This means that while some continue looking for the Father, they should be reading the scriptures for the truth. Surely one understands, from even our own human experience and especially if they themselves are a father, that their fatherhood is dwelling inside their body. As such, I will never be able to view your fatherhood. This is not to suggest that I do not recognize your fatherhood as you display it in a son's body.

Moreover, you are one spirit encased in a flesh body as a son. In that flesh body your spirit manifests as a son, father and spirit. But you yourself are not three persons. For instance, when I meet you for the first time I do not say, Hello, Hello, Hello as if I am meeting three separate and distinct persons. Of course not, I introduce myself to you by name. This is where the misconception arises. For when a Trinitarian assembles believers together, he does say "HELLO, HELLO, HELLO" for in his own mind, often, He believes that God is three distinct and separate persons.

Philip in the New Testament had that same problem as the Trinitarians today have. Philip is looking at JESUS and asks, "Show us the Father and we will be satisfied." JESUS replied to Philip who reflected a Trinitarian viewpoint, "Have I been so long time with you and yet you have not known me?" Essentially, what Jesus was saying to Philip is that you are a Trinitarian for if you have seen Me -- seen Jesus -- you have seen the Father. Why then are you saying show us the Father and we will be satisfied?

Yes, JESUS is the name! The name is not JEHOVAH or YAHWEH. Nor is the name YESHUA or any other devised scriptural presentation that religion likes to present. The scriptures are clear on this point. IN JESUS DWELLS ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY! This includes the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Peace to all JESUS people!

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