The Church of God ought not to be a money making racket. Rather, the church of God should be in the business of preaching the message of salvation as commanded of God in Christ. Why? Because the salvation message is totally free of charge. Or, as the scriptures state, freely we have received of God the gift of eternal life.
Simon, in Acts chapter 8, thought with money he could purchase the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Therefore, Simon offered money. But he was told that his money will perish along with him if he retains the thought that the Holy Spirit can be purchased. Simon is not alone. There are many who entertain the thought that they can work their way into the Kingdom of God. However, the scriptures clearly declare that salvation cannot be obtained by works. For if salvation were of works, then there would no need for God Himself as a Son to be crucified.
In this context, we see that many institutions (including religions) have turned the good news of the gospel - God's plan of salvation - into a well rehearsed show where many are duped by the glitz and glamour styled in Hollywood theatrics. These productions are intent in making merchandise of the simple Christian faith - which faith was demonstrated to the whole world by God Himself, indwelling the man JESUS the Christ!
But in spite of the theatrics, the gospel message remains the same. JESUS, the Lord of glory was crucified so that we might be saved. In this context, JESUS became poor for us. Even though all things were made by Him, and all things belong to Him, even the cattle upon a thousand hills, JESUS message to man was a message of love, peace and goodwill.
Somewhere in the midst, JESUS' message has been shelved and money - filthy lucre in the scriptures - now appears to have become the primary motivation. Money has become the seed. But the seed is not money and those institutions - religious and otherwise - who portray money as such are distorting the message delivered by God to man. That is, the SEED is the WORD of God!
The New testament is specific here. Indeed, the New Testament declares that one should give as unto the work of the Lord - not grudgingly nor of necessity - for God loves a cheerful giver. Note here that tithing is not demanded in the New Testament. Why? Because when Melchisedec appeared to Abraham, Melchisedec had in His hands bread and wine (symbolical of the life and blood of the crucified JESUS. Plus, salvation is of the Lord. Abraham willingly offered tithes as an addendum! Abraham did likewise when God promised that in His SEED (meaning JESUS)would all the nations of the earth be blessed. This is why Abraham again added an addendum going and circumcising his household.
Further, JESUS turned the tables of the money changers in the temple upside down, whipping the money makers out of the temple saying, My FATHER'S house shall be called a house of prayer but you have turned it into a den of thieves. Similarly, in Acts 20, Paul, the apostle to the gentiles writes - that after his departing shall grievous wolves arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves. Paul continues by saying that the elders ought to work with their own hands to provide for life necessities. In other words, even though Paul was chosen of the Lord to be an apostle, Paul forewarned us of these days with tears. And Paul's response recorded in the scriptures for one and all to see?
We labour not for the meat that perishes but for the things which pertains to everlasting life! The most important things that matter. That people everywhere learn and understand that the same God who created them loved them so much that He died for them too. This is why the apostles went everywhere preaching the Kingdom of God and the name of the King JESUS! STAND in the OFFERING plate. JESUS IS THE SEED OF LIFE and He loves you dearly!
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