Saturday, January 14, 2012


Paul said these words to the Galatians - That if any man or angel should preach any other gospel to you other than the gospel that I have preached to you let them be accursed. As we know from the scriptures, Paul at the time was the apostle to the Gentiles, chosen and appointed by JESUS as a vessel to preach Jesus to the nations. We also know from the scriptures that Paul was the LAST PERSON to see the Lord. (I Corinthians 16) In Acts 1, JESUS was taken up into heaven in disappearing from sight. However, after JESUS ascension He (JESUS) communicated with His apostles through the Ministry of His Holy Spirit.

The apostles are the God in Christ - witnesses even to the uttermost part of the earth. There are not two gospels. This one and same gospel was confirmed of God. And if this gospel was confirmed of God, then it is also a gospel that no man can dis-annul. But there are those who would try to preach another gospel. We are warned by the Spirit that such, particularly in the latter days, would be the case. Therefore, we are admonished by the Holy Spirit to try the spirits. If the spirit within individuals speaks contrary to the Word delivered to us by the Lord’s apostles, it is because there is no gospel enlightenment within them.

Why are we warned? Because satan has the ability to transform himself into a messenger of light. Our recourse is to know the scriptures - exposing his antics for what they really are - by preaching the words spoken by the Lord Himself - these same words have been committed to us by the apostles.

Still, we need to conscious that this is not done so that we are exalting the apostles. Rather we exalt the Word’s of the Holy Spirit of JESUS - whose words are LIFE abundant! We are simply presenting the view that if one removes the Holy Spirit Words spoken by the apostles, then we have no gospel to preach. As a consequence, we would be as the multitudes who have no gospel, who are doomed and without any hope whilst we sit in our comfortable pews.

A partial list of religious teachings that are contrary to the scriptures or - other camouflaged gospels include 1) JESUS is not God OR conversely that JESUS is only a god. This contrary message even though we know JESUS ascended into Heaven. Other contrary teachings include Mary was the mother of God OR Mary was without sin OR Mary is a mediator that intervenes between man and God. Again, these contrary teachings are prevalent even when the scriptures adamantly state that Jesus in the ONLY mediator between God and man. Others? The Pope is the head of the Church. The New Testament is an addendum to the old covenant. The Jews are the chosen people of God. We are still under Mosiac law. God is three distinct and separate persons. One is to be baptized in the titles - father, son and spirit. Indeed, the list goes on and on.

The good news is that when people read the Bible, they will see that God made a way whereby all men may be redeemed from sin. As a result of God's plan of redemption, man can choose God to be their Saviour or conversely, continue being alienated from God that leads to sin and death. Me? I thank God that we are not part of the crowd that shouted (or shouts) crucify JESUS. Instead, I like the apostles chose to repent and be baptised into the name of JESUS for the remission of all my sins so that I too could receive the Holy Spirit!

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