JESUS is that eternal life which was in the innermost being of God who is Spirit (invisible) - the same God that was manifest in the flesh and spoke of within the Bible. As it is written, "God was manifest in the flesh." JESUS, conceived of the Holy Spirit who of Himself provided both SEEDS (one male and one female SEED) whereby both of these SEEDS when brought together would be God Himself. Pure spiritual humanity which SEEDS in themselves contained all the fullness of the Godhead’s spiritual humanity.
These SEEDS were not another God. These SEEDS were the SEEDS of the one God. In God does dwell pure humanity. Just like the scriptures repeatedly state. Adam and Eve were intended originally to be a visible created form in the image of God. Unfortunately, the devil showed up and caused a detour in the original plan. But the good news is that the hiccup in the plan (devised by Satan) was not an unknown to God. How do we know this? For it is written that JESUS - the lamb slain before the foundation of the earth - would at an appointed time be manifest in the flesh purposely to destroy the work of the devil.
And just as God is not three distinct and separate persons, neither are you and I. We are spirit beings veiled in flesh, born as male or female from two seeds. These two seeds are thus brought together in one individual - a spiritual individual who during his or her lifetime is capable of manifesting their individuality in three expressive ways - as a son/daughter, as a father/mother and as a spirit/friend. You see - you never were three persons and cannot be misconstrued as three individuals. More important to this discussion, we are created in the image of God!
So why then would one think that God is three persons even when we - made in the very image of God - are only a single individual? Not only did the devil lead Adam and Eve down the wrong path but apparently even today the devil continues to deceive multitudes with similar lies. For example, the so-called church fathers tried by man’s wisdom to explain God to the masses. Of course, this is an impossible feat for man is totally incapable of such.
Still, as we know from the scriptures, even the Jews knew the content found within the Old Testament. JESUS acknowledged that they had the scriptures. Repeatedly, JESUS quoted the scriptures to the Jews saying many times, "Have you not read" and "It is written." And yet it often seems that the Bible is the most misunderstood book in all the world simply because the natural man does not understand the things of God. This should not come as a surprise. Even the chosen apostles had to have their understanding opened by JESUS for they were also at the time without understanding. The ordinary people who flocked to hear and see JESUS expressed that JESUS did not talk as the religious scribes saying among themselves, "We have never seen the scriptures expressed in this fashion before."
There is a reason for this. The life of God was manifested in the flesh so that we might be saved. The question is this. Are you being deceived? Don't be. JESUS is the only Begotten Son of the Holy Spirit whose SEEDS were conceived into the womb of a willing surrogate named Mary who herself expressed that her spirit rejoiced in God, her Saviour. The scriptures are clear on this point.
There is only ONE GOD and only one MEDIATOR between God and man. That ONE Mediator being none other than the Son of God JESUS!
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