What if some do not believe, shall their unbelief make the Word of God ineffective? This is the question of the day. It is worth noting that the written Word of God - the Bible - is still the number one best seller in the world today. Unfortunately, because the scriptures constantly retains the standard of being the number one selling book globally, often the powers that be think it repetitive to promote the Bible as such. Of course, we have a different perspective.
For where can we go Lord? You alone have the Words of Eternal Life! There is only one sun in the sky, that sunshine lightens the whole world. Similarly, there is also a light that shines much brighter than the noon day sun. It is this light that shines 24/7 that confirms that whosoever walks in this glorious light thereof shall never stumble!
The Light whereof we speak being that true enlightenment which directs mankind to the knowledge of God. This light can only be viewed in the face of JESUS the Christ, who was and is the only begotten Son of God’s Holy Spirit. For God Himself was in the man JESUS the Christ, reconciling His creation back from the deceptive tactics of Satan. Conversely, Satan is on the route to hell. Because Satan is incapable of procreating himself, he is constantly endeavouring to increase his population by entering into man using lies and other deceptions, and bringing upon man all the wages, of sin, sickness, disease, hunger and suffering.
As the scriptures state, Satan was cast out of heaven. There was war in heaven and the angels rebelled against God, (something similar to what rebellious man is doing today). Satan knows that his time is running out and has thus opened the doors of Hell wide in a desperate effort to swallow your soul. The scriptures also situate Satan as religious. Recall what Satan said to JESUS - fall down and worship me. In other words, Satanic religion has all sorts of demonic outreaches.
Moreover, Satan hates the New Testament. Why? Because the ‘NEW TESTAMENT’ exposes Satan for the deviant that he is. Jesus turned Satan's business on its head when JESUS cast the demons out! And when JESUS healed all those individuals who were sick and afflicted but came to Him! Yes, our God is a good God! JESUS said, Come to Me all of you who are heavily laden with the burdens of life and I WILL give YOU REST!
The world system has left true wisdom somewhere in the dust and instead adopted man’s rebellious wisdom, which in the eyes of God is foolish! Reverential fear of the Lord is the opening chapter of life and that is where Wisdom begins! . Satan longs to establish a home on earth..Satan next stop is Hell! he stir up men and women to assemble themselves, having the same mindset of those in NT days to Crucify JESUS Ways, Satan cannot tolerate that this man JESUS should rule over us...of course they profess to know God, but in their heart they do as the judge of old did, wash their hands of active believing faith, ..
The good news is that even the devil believes in God,but he trembles at the very thought of JESUS. Why tremble?. Because GOD's declares to one and all,.. that EVERY knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that JESUS the Christ, is LORD! Ask Jesus into your life today!
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