In John chapter 8, the Jewish audience declared to JESUS that Abraham was their father. At the same time, the Jewish made a point in stating that God was their one Father. JESUS then said to them that He came forth from God and that "neither came I by myself." Indeed, Jesus said, I was sent (conceived by the Holy Ghost) God’s only begotten Son.
This is the message delivered to us in John 3:16. God sent His only begotten Son into the world so that the world through Him might be saved! In relation to the Jewish, JESUS further stated that if God were their Father then they would hear His Words which He - Jesus - was speaking. And as such, they would understand the message that Jesus brought by God’s grace. The salvation message whereby men and women could be saved.
In the scriptural context, we also recognize that JESUS was about to expose men for who they really were - captives of the devil - that required salvation. For JESUS made the statement that we as humans are of our father the devil and as a consequence partake in lusts which proves that we are in bondage to our father the devil. Unfortunately, try as we might to escape this bondage, we continue repeating the same sin. Why? Because we are held in captivity by the devil. Ever since that day that our ancestral father Adam ignored God instructions and obeyed Satan, we were led into sin by Satan who was and is a murderer and the father of all lies from the beginning of time. Just like Adam and Eve submitted to Satan's voice, we are likewise led away into the captivity of a sinful nature.
But we are not lost. God made a way of escape. But when JESUS declared the truth, which the Jewish could not receive, they began to smear JESUS, stating that He had a devil. But JESUS replied, "I have not a devil. I honour my FATHER and yet you dishonour me." JESUS continued by saying, "I seek not to glorify myself. I say unto you that if any man keep my sayings, he shall never see death."
Well that was the spark that ignited the debate. The Jews asked, "Abraham and the prophets are dead and you are saying that if any man shall keep my sayings he shall never taste of death. Are you greater than Abraham?" In response, JESUS told them that it is my FATHER that honours me - who you say He is your God .. and YET YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN HIM! But I know Him and I keep His sayings. You also say that Abraham is your father? You should note that your natural father Abraham rejoiced when God told him that in His SEED would all the nations of the earth be blessed. Jesus said - I am that promised seed. I AM THE CHRIST, the Son of the living God.
Then Jesus pulled the carpet from under their feet by saying, "Before Abraham was, I am." You see Jesus is God with us. He is not another person. The same God who is - I AM. I AM was in the man JESUS the Christ, endeavouring to redeem and reconcile man to Himself. In other words, JESUS is the grace of God manifested to the world as SON. Whosoever has JESUS - GOD HIMSELF as a SON - that person has the FATHER also. Therefore, I and my Father are one.
Upon hearing these words they took up stones to stone Him. See that no man deceives you.
Stand in the offering plate.
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