What we don't often understand is that Satan has transformed himself into a messenger of light. In fact, Satan can take on roles including some that we don't suspect as being corrupted - such as apostle, priest, preacher, or politician. But Satan is a fallen angel who has wanted from the beginning of time to be a god. However, what happened is that he got too big for his shoes. So according to the scriptures, he along with other rebellious angels fought against God. Indeed, what a war that must have been. No place left as habitable except one little planet called earth. Thus, as it is written, "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the satanic rebellious hordes have come to earth seeking to devour." Unfortunately, man did not see him or recognize his evil motives, and instead swallowed his deceptive lies. This resulted in man and woman (Adam and Eve)being cast out of the garden called Eden.
As a consequence, Satan and his demonic followers needed to camouflage themselves. So where do you think the perfect place to hide themselves should be? Obviously, within human beings. Within this context, Satan had an easy prey. Why even Adam and Eve swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker in the garden according to Genesis. But previous to this, Adam and Eve were perfect. That is before Satan enticed and deceived them into disobeying God. It was through their disobedience that they walked right into another world system - a contrary world where deception, sin, sickness, disease, murders, killings, slavery and death were the norm.
If we read further in the scriptures, we learn that Adam and Eve had two sons. Their names were Cain and Able. One was a murderer and the other a religious person. That’s right. Sin is beguiling and when sin takes over, it brings forth death. How do we know this? The scriptures tell us that Satan is the father of all lies - the father of all evil - and he is determined to get man one way or the other to worship him. All of the atrocious things that have befallen man is not of God.
No our GOD is a GOOD GOD. This is why Adam and Eve had another son named Seth. When Seth was born the scriptures declare that men began to call upon the name of the Lord. The promised Seed of God implanted into Eve had now passed from Eve into her son Seth. Note that the genealogical record of the promised Seed down through the ages is recorded in Matthew chapter 1 and in Luke chapter 3. The Seed of promise being the Christ who is the child of the Holy Spirit and in whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed. This is why we should consider the errors of our ways calling upon His Name which we all know is the name above every name - JESUS.
God Himself as a Son delivering His message of redemption to one and all. God Himself as a Son bore our sins, our sicknesses, and our diseases. How was this achieved? First and foremost, we know that JESUS was sinless. He offered Himself as a sacrifice, to redeem mankind from Satan's household of bondage. This is why JESUS died.
So that men and women could become a possessor of this free redemption. So that one and all could benefit from salvation by calling upon JESUS! Men may have killed His body of flesh but men could not kill His Spirit. For inside that body of flesh did dwell the Holy Spirit of God, who has effectively laid down His life as a Son. Now the door is wide open. Admittedly, Adam made a wrong decision but you don't have to do the same. Surely, you are going to make the right decision! God guaranteeing your deliverance and salvation through His redemption so that you and your family can be brought into the household of God! Peace to all in JESUS!
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