Sunday, January 22, 2012


Jesus said, "I AM the light of the world!"

 As a consequence, the people who formally sat in darkness have now become privy to seeing a great light. Likewise, as we read in the scriptures, the Lord ascended into a mountain to pray, accompanied with three of his disciples, namely Peter, James, and John. The three disciples fell into sleep and whilst in sleep, they saw a vision. In the vision, they saw that JESUS' facial appearance had changed and His raiment had become white and glistening. The two persons speaking with JESUS were Moses and Elias who had appeared out of glory. Here they were conversing with JESUS - and conversing about JESUS death which would occur at Jerusalem. (Note that Moses was the individual who was appointed of God to introduce the Law (commandments) in the Old Testament and Elias was a representative of the prophets). When the disciples awakened they saw JESUS' glory and the two others standing with JESUS. The disciples said, "Let us build here three tabernacles, one for you JESUS and one for Moses and another for Elijah."

Well the response to their suggestion was met with an immediate reaction. One might say an unforeseen reaction. A cloud suddenly overshadowed them causing fear to fall upon the disciples. As they entered into the cloud they heard a voice from the midst of the cloud saying, “This is my beloved Son. Hear and listen to Him." When the covering cloud diminished, the only one that was left standing was JESUS - the beloved Son. Scriptural References: Matthew 17:1, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28.

Further, in Hebrews, we read that Moses was faithful to God during his earthly life. In terms of dispensing the law to the people, Moses did so as a servant. Indeed, the prophets spoke as the Spirit of God gave them prophetic utterances. Actually, it was the Spirit of the Christ that spoke through them (the Spirit of Christ - the Spirit of God’s humanity being revealed to man). In other words, the pure humanity of God in totality is found revealed in the Christ of God.

In sum then, JESUS is the builder of the house (temple) of God, of which He - God - as a Son is the corner stone. Therefore, this spiritual building that God Himself as a Son is constructing consists not of brick and mortar. In fact, God Himself as a Son is the cornerstone of this temple. Within this temple, there is no animal slaughter and there is no man made priesthood. For it is God who has sacrificed Himself as a Son. Therefore, there is no other sacrifice required inasmuch as the blood and body of the Holy Spirit of God was the once and for ALL sacrifice. This means that there is no more offering for any sin from henceforth accepted by the eternal Spirit. And it similarly means that there is no further need of priests or mediators. Why is this? Because it was God who as a Son was tempted and tried in all points before being crucified.

He then - JESUS - is our ONLY bishop and our ONLY High Priest. Our ONLY mediator. God in Christ being more than capable of succoring us in all trials and temptations. This explains why we now understand that the voice from the cloud said, "This is MY BELOVED SON. Hear and listen to Him." So, if the Holy Spirit of God has declared that mankind ought to hear and listen to the Christ who is the Holy Spirit’s Only Begotten and Beloved Son, who is the Word of God Himself, the same God who created all things, then why would any one desire to establish religious institutions or forms of worship in an effort to vainly worship another? More to come.

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