Thursday, February 23, 2012


JESUS breathed upon them saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit!" And likewise, "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you!" So the question is this. Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? The apostles upon their arrival prayed for the people so that they might receive the Holy Spirit.

In this context, it is also important to note that there is only one Spirit - and of His [JESUS] Spirit have we as believers all received. However, somewhere along the way the translators of the scriptures changed the words Holy Ghost into Holy Spirit. But who am I to argue such a point? What I can say with a surety is that that the HOLY SPIRIT has a ghost-like presence.

John (the baptizer) said these things concerning JESUS. That first and foremost, JESUS is the only one who baptizes (immerses) believers with the Holy Spirit and with fire. The woman at the well in Samaria upon conversing with JESUS was told - if she only knew who she was conversing with, then she would be asking Him to give her a drink. That is, a drink from the well of living water. In this case, the well of living water refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

And then there are those who suggest that when one turns their life over to the Lord as believers, that they immediately receive the Holy Spirit. Such is not the case according to the scriptures. Believing persons receive redemption, having been freely redeemed because of the death, burial and resurrection of JESUS. Through their belief in the work of redemption, they are immediately restored to that place of decision where Adam, along with Eve chose to reject God’s direction. Like Adam and Eve in the garden, believers are given a choice whether to hearken to God or to do as Adam and Eve did - listen to the devil.

Once this decision has been made, one must be born again. Indeed, the scriptures actually state that you must be born again or you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

If we read Acts chapter 2, this message will make better sense. In this chapter, the people did not know how to escape their awakened consciousness of guilt brought about by an awareness from hearing the gospel. Until then, the people were not aware of their ignorance or how they were literally condemning the Lord of Glory in their hearts. After all, it was these same people who had consented for the Lord of Glory to be crucified.

As a consequence, he people cried out. "What must we do?" As we read in Acts 2, the people were told what they had to do. Therein, Peter in unison with the other eleven apostles told them what they must do. Certainly Acts 2:38 makes it clear. Each and every person must repent and be baptized in water into the name of JESUS the Christ for the forgiveness of all sin. This included this sin of all sins - the sin where the people willingly consented to the crucifying of JESUS.

But here in Acts 2 the apostles were offering a solution. If the people were to adhere to the instructions, God's promise - His promise that the people in turn would be baptized with His Holy Spirit would become a reality. Note here that this promise was not limited to the people in the scriptures. This same promise extends to one and all today.

And just as 3000 persons were baptized in water into the name of the Lord JESUS that same day, so can we. And even though as of yet they had not received the Holy Spirit, they were fully aware that their condemned consciences were wiped clear of all guilt. Indeed, the 3,000 people had received forgiveness.

Still, as the scriptures state, the people awaited the baptism of the promised Holy Spirit and tongues like as of fire. JESUS shall baptize you with His Holy Spirit and tongues like as if they were on fire. This is the message in Acts 2. It is also the message that is pertinent to our own personal lives today.

It's your call - your choice - your decision. Receive God’s instructions and you'll never be disappointed. Stand in the offering plate!

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