Believers will not hear the voice of a hired person. Indeed, true believers in redemptive salvation which comes forth from the only source of eternal life, which source is none other than JESUS the Christ will only hear His voice. This is why these messages are so important. The intent is to ensure Christians continue to read the Bible for understanding and wisdom in the marvels that are God. And also to recognize that while many false prophets and teachers shall arise saying that they are the source, God has already said do not believe them.
How does one know the difference between truth and error? Well the scriptures say that one should observe what is being taught, and if that which is being taught conflicts with that which is written and confirmed of God, then the messenger(s) are not sent of God! This is true even when they may walk like a duck and quack like a duck ... you recognize the analogy! But in this case they are not ducks per se for in these instances, Satan transforms himself presenting himself as a messenger of light.
But Paul the apostle to the Gentiles forewarned that such would be the situation in the religious realm. For many shall come in JESUS name saying that they are Christ’s followers. Pray tell how would they be Christ’s followers if they lay aside the Word of God and teach as commandments a fabricated gospel? This explains why the scriptures said to save ourselves from their religious ways, for if the Word of God in not in that house, we are to shake the very dust or snow off your feet and move on. Do not even say to them God bless you for it is by reason of their pretentious gospel that many are lost and without hope.
Remember Paul declared to the believers that the gospel which he preached is not fabricated. And note that Paul did not receive the message from man. Neither was Paul taught the gospel by man. Indeed, JESUS revealed His Word to Paul. Revealed His word to Paul so that he could ensure that the gospel he preached would be the one and same gospel we read in the scriptures. Therefore, if what is written be not the Gospel of God, then your faith and my believing faith is all for not. But our faith is not for not. Indeed, I protest such a thought for since that day that I called upon the Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ, I have had within me an indwelling peace that passes all human understanding! But peace nevertheless!
If we read Acts chapter 8 the scriptures, we learn that when the apostles which were living in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God through Philip’s preaching, the apostles went to Samaria. Note: one of these apostles was Peter and Peter in this context was sent. There is no indication of pope-ery or elevated religious status here.
Upon another occasion, Paul and Barnabas went up to Jerusalem. Whilst there, the two communicated to Peter, James, and John the fundamentals of the gospel which they were preaching to the Gentiles. In this passage, Peter, James, John extended to Paul and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, while at the same time agreeing that Paul and Barnabas should continue preaching to the Gentiles and they Peter, James, John should continue preaching to the Jews.
Paul adds, Peter, James John seemed to be pillars in the church. However, during their conference Paul and Barnabas received from them no new revelations. (Galatians chapter 1 provides the details). But most importantly, it is here that we find Peter did not rule the roost. Continue to preach the Word of God ...
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