The subject today is communion with the following excerpt obtained from an internet source. Herein, the message is about the Passover meal in the old covenant prior to switching into his perspective on the scriptures. The following states this preacher’s words.
Communion is not a memory. Communion is a re-enactment He (JESUS) never said "remember me." Indeed, He said, "Do this in remembrance of me." In this context then, it is the doing of it that is important. It is not just remembering it. In fact, there is no power in the memory. But there is power in the re-enacting of the event.
Communion then is the re-enacting. We act it out. We live the event again so it is happening now. Put a different way, we bring the past into the present. Jesus said, Do this in rememberance of me. He did not ask or tell people to think this in remembrance of Him. Why? Because it is the doing of it. That is why the Jewish people to this day during the Passover re-enact every event of the Passover with a meal. Everything they eat represents an act. Everything they eat represents a moment in time and replicates what took place thousands of years ago.
In earlier posts, we mentioned that the LORD JESUS said in I Corinthians chapter 11 "that there is no higher authority." Scripturally, higher authority means being a figment of foolish men’s imagination. So when a preacher is being influenced by his childhood religious instructions, based upon the erroneous teaching of the church which had its beginning in Rome 300/400 AD, we need to ask why. First, the self-imposed church fathers of Rome adopted a teaching known as transubstantiation, in which, according to church traditions, the simple elements of bread and wine are mystically transformed into the flesh and blood of the Lord JESUS the Christ.
The difficulty is that literally by their actions they are effectively pronouncing that the Crucifixion of JESUS at Calvary was an insufficient offering. And these are the people who are re-enacting Jesus crucifixion? The truth is that the LORD JESUS offered Himself ONCE and ONCE ONLY for all sin. So that all believers are complete in that one sacrifice. This may explain why there is no more sacrificial offering.
THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME, the scriptures state. Take the BREAD and DRINK the WINE and by so doing you SHOW FORTH the LORD’S DEATH until He returns. But the good news is that we are not going to crucify the Lord Of glory afresh. IT IS FINISHED! And we remember that JESUS was nailed to the cross once, taking our place for the Lord Himself took it upon Himself -- all of our past sins, present sins and even those of the future.
But the message does not end here. There will be times, as foretold by the scriptures that shall men arise, speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. Therefore, save yourself from this other gospel that doesn't align with the scriptures. Instead, obey Acts chapter 2 which is the WORD of the LORD coming / going forth from Jerusalem! Continue in MY WORD, the Bible states. Then you will indeed be MY friends! Peace to all Friends and Brethren in JESUS.
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