JESUS responding to a group states that they were being hypocritical. He said this because as capable as they were of discerning the approaching weather conditions, this same group of people were incapable of discerning the signs of the times.
Well, if we consider the signs of the times today as revealle in the scriptures, they would indicate that many stormy clouds are gathering. Everywhere the earth is experiencing unusual and abnormal weather conditions including earthquakes, floods, roaring seas and ocean passageways that open while conversely icecaps melt. But the signs of the time go beyond global warming.
Indeed, it appears that perilous times are at all nations doorstep. Every day the darkness darkens. Men and women's hearts seem to fail. Epidemics of incurable disease and starvation are rampant. One hears of constant wars. Incidents on a global scale with the potential to impact all nations such as the nuclear plants in Japan or Russia’s Chernobyl. Events with catastrophic unforeseen happenings. Or the twin towers in New York unmercifully attacked by religious fanatics. The list is endless!
Wars, wars, and rumours of wars. Violence in the countryside. Violence in the city. Women being treated as if they were of no consequence, being raped and beaten at random. Indeed, abortions conducted repeatedly. In days gone by, such happenings would be referred to as the slaughter of the innocents. The economic collapse. Religious fanatics blowing each other up and upon so doing, they think that they are doing God a service. And then these religious fanatics broadcast to the world that really they are a peace loving religion. In the interim, the United Nations applies bandage solutions.
JESUS said that when you see buds appearing on the trees, then we say summer draws near. Likewise, when you see all this turbulence occurring in the world, a change in affairs is about to occur. From a scriptural perspective, such happenings can be likened to a pregnant woman. The earth being the pregnant woman which bears a child. During the pregnancy, many strange effects occur. The earth initially inhabited by Adam and Eve is now inhabited by billions. But as in pregnancy, the time of delivery of the child approaches. Anxiousness and awareness is accompanied with impending pain forewarning us that delivery is nigh.
Likewise is the happenings which now encompass the world as if it is now time for the earth to bring forth the child which has been developing within the womb of the earth since the dawn of creation. Like real births, there are delivery waters (water a prelude, water always pre-empts birth which can also bring forth life or death). Suddenly birth ushers in the finished product which signifies a new offspring. A new beginning.
But as we know, man has rebelled against God from the garden of Eden. Man’s rebellion in the beginning caused men to be in bondage to a then unknown task master who is so convincingly deceptive that men no longer believe that they were created. Why institutions unfortunately even instruct children into the errors of our unbelief.
Yes, at the end of the day the world as we know it is darkening. The 666 generation is prevalent. But don't worry because JESUS said that all these things must come to pass. Still, it is not the Euro that needs to be saved. It is Europe that needs to be saved. And beyond. Why? Because we are all in it together.
"Come to Me" saith Jesus, "and I will give you rest." Give you JESUS not religion because Jesus is man's only Saviour. Therefore, ask the Saviour into your life. God is a good God. PEACE in JESUS!
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