The SEED of promised blessing is intended to be enjoyed in JESUS the Christ. The SEED being JESUS the Christ and being clearly presented by apostle Paul in Galatians. Paul was inspired by the Spirit of God and as a consequence, revealed the afore-hid mysteries of God. These are the same mysteries that were hid from ages past, now being revealed by God for the edification of His Redeemed body! (The Church)
As the scriptures state, there is only one body and only one Spirit. The Church (being the redeemed believers take their place as members in the body of JESUS (the Christ) which body is the temple. The only temple, according to the scriptures in which the Spirit of God is pleased to dwell.
Believers baptized into JESUS the Christ have put on JESUS (Christ!). For in JESUS the Christ is the righteousness of God revealed. When JESUS was baptized in water by John the baptizer, John said to JESUS, "It is me that needs to be baptized by you and here you are coming to me." JESUS replied to John stating, “It becomes us to fulfill all righteousness." This is why JESUS stepped into the water and was subsequently baptized by John.
John was a man sent of God as a forerunner to JESUS. Front page news in those days. John was sent of God to share the good news of JESUS -- he WORD/ WISDOM of God veiled in flesh -- as one of Adam’s fallen offspring. JESUS as a man obediently obeyed God’s command and by so doing proclaimed the righteousness of God.
John proclaimed that JESUS was the Lamb of God. And that God Himself provided the sacrificial lamb. Indeed, there was to be no other sacrifice for sin. God is preparing to sacrifice His own body. Imagine, the same God who created us loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His body. Once and only once. And in so doing, ensured that no other sacrifice was needed. That is right, There is no more sacrificial offering for sin. Our salvation was PAID IN FULL.
The church then (being the redeemed believers purchased back to God as a result of God laying down His own life as a Son) now being Fathered by God in a Son’s body. It was that body prone to sin yet found sinless that was sacrificed and cursed by God.
God Himself as a Son (lamb) bore our sins in His own body crucified on a tree. (JESUS being the tree of life). Look to Me all you people for I Am God and beside Me there is no Saviour.
As many as received JESUS, to them JESUS gave power(or the right) to become the sons of God. It is by the Grace of God that we are redeemed and delivered from the bondage of sin. We are not saved by works. For if works were sufficient to deliver man from sin then there was no need for the lamb of God to be sacrificed.
But JESUS is the Shepherd of God’s sheep. All who believe and follow in His Words of Wisdom shall not walk in darkness, for JESUS is the Light that lightens.
Further, JESUS died the just for the unjust. The Spirit of God having laid upon His Son the iniquity of all. Herein, perceive we the Love of God. For in that one sacrifice, we ought to clearly see that God has went to unbelievable lengths to rescue us. To save us. To walk with us. There is therefore no condemnation to all those who believe! However, the wrath of God hangs over others who shun this one way of salvation!
May God richly bless with peace! Stand in the offering plate.
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