What is man or woman that you Lord Jesus should know our name? That you Lord Jesus would not only speak the heavens into place but scatter the stars too while all the while giving earth its frame. And yet, this very same Almighty and Everlasting Lord God who calms the oceans daily loves each and every one of us deeply -- with a love for us that is so sufficient and all encompassing that He even knows the number of hairs on our head.
He knows firsthand our trials and tribulations. And yet throughout our worldly issues, we can rest assured in His blessed love knowing that He has clothed us with garments of salvation and arrayed us in a robe of His righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10) That the Lord of hosts opens the storehouses for those who believe in Him. In Isaiah, the Lord of hosts is quoted as saying, "If I will not open for you the windows of Heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."
Indeed, the scriptures state that if we ask Jesus into our hearts, the heavens above will rain down upon us with His righteousness. "Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I the Lord have created it." (Isaiah 45:8) The righteousness of Jesus -- the Alpha and Omega -- the beginning and the end.
This is the reason why -- in every thing we give thanks -- for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (I Thessalonians 5:18) Because as Barnes writes about this verse in his commentary, we know firsthand that there will never be a time that we are forced to drink the cup of affliction when there are no drops of mercy intermingled. Ever placed in circumstances in which there is not much for which we should be thankful and yet, we know that even in the worst of times, Jesus will make us victorious. This is why we as believers delight in the Lord. The reason why our soul rejoices in the God who loved us so much that He would become flesh and shed His precious blood on a cross for our transgressions.
Let Heaven's peace flood your soul today. Let Jesus fill your being with His peace like a river so that your righteousness becomes as the waves of the sea. Stand in the offering plate.
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