The Bible says that when the Holy Spirit of truth is come,
He shall lead and guide you into all truth. He shall bring the whatsoever Jesus said to us to our
remembrance. Why? Because the scriptures are adamant. That is, no other foundation can man lay, other
than the Word which has been laid. This is why Jesus the Christ is the cornerstone and His
chosen apostles are the foundation.
For the apostles by the Holy Spirit have
expounded to us the first principles of the doctrines of Christ. It also explains why the Word was given of God.
The Word sent to us -- written and confirmed of God -- so that no man can
deceive those who believe that the written gospel is indeed the Word of
I John 5:7 states "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one." Note that the scripture does not refer to Son but the Word. As John stated in John chapter one, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God .... and the Word became flesh."
But there are many that have departed from this faith, giving
heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils who deceive people. There are religions out there that refuse to align their teachings to the Word. In other words, those that are supposed to be teaching the good news gospel prefer to hide the truth about Jesus to them that are lost because of their own
This, unfortunately, has led to many unbelievers staggering at the simplicity of faith
when told about Acts 2:38. Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus. Even so, God has a people which He
foreknew even before anything was created. That's right. God foreordained a
people to be His elect chosen of God! He did so because God is the Father of all
spirits. He is the Alpha and Omega -- the beginning and the end. Indeed, He is likened to a potter. As as a potter God
creates one vessel to honour while another vessel dishonours but each vessel of
itself fitted of God to serve whatsoever purpose is required. In unfolding the
universe, God orchestrates all things after the counsel of His own will. That
said, no one has been His counsellor.
But God is not unrighteous. Neither
is He umerciful. God has chosen to create
a visible kingdom -- visible in all ways and yet similar to His unseen (to us)
spiritual kingdom. ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven." The things which are created visibly display the power and majesty of
God so that all men are without excuse for their willing denial of God’s
presence. For it is in God that we all live and move and have our being. God is
altogether merciful toward man and is long suffering to man’s foolishness and
willing ignorance.
This is why we read in Genesis that man was
made in God’s image a visible expression of God to be manifest in a body of
flesh while the life within man displays the inward life outwardly. We also
read here that Adam was a created son of
God. Adam sinned the sin of disobedience and was put forth into a world outside
of the garden of Eden with a death penalty resulting from disobedience. Adam was
forewarned not to partake of a certain fruit. However, setting himself apart
from the Word of God, Adam brought upon himself the wages of disobedience which
is spiritual and physical death. As Adam’s offspring, we inherit the penalty
which is why there is none righteous in the world today. No, not
But God did not plan to leave us helpless in this state. God
loved His creation. He loved us. Even though it appears that God had lost the battle
resulting through the craftiness of the devil in beguiling Adam to indulge in
disobedience, the battle was not lost as we know from the New Testament
today. God planted into Eve a pure SEED
adding that, ‘this SEED of the woman would bruise the serpent’s head ( power).
The good news today is that in this SEED will all the nations of the earth through the exercise of faith
be blessed. Stay steadfast in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayer as stated in Acts 2. Hallelujah! Praise Jesus ...
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