Believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus the Christ, we shall be saved. Indeed, the line between this world and the next is God's grace. The greatest love story ever told is about God's willingness to become as one of us so that we might be saved. Some might ask - saved from what? This is a fair question. Certainly, the answers to this question are as numerous as the stars. Understanding the multitude of answers can be found within the Word -- the breadth and depth of knowledge and wisdom that is inherent in the Biblical scriptures.
What you should recognize is that God works in mysterious ways. The scriptures state, "Who has known the mind of the Lord?" Who was His Councillor? In the beginning days, after Adam sinned, the Law became our custodian. The Law was like a strict governess in charge of us. That is, until we looked beyond our hopeless predicament and called in our hearts for a deliverer.
In this capacity, God was and is still the only hope for humankind. Out of our hopelessness we looked up with expectancy. It was here that faith was seeded in men's heart. So by our imprisonment that began in the Garden of Eden we have learned the defined meaning of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the incurred wages, we swallowed it hook, line and sinker. In other words, we could not climb out of it. At least not by ourselves.
But the good news is that we are no longer under the Law. We are not bound by the shackles and chains of this world. When you believe on the Lord Jesus the Christ you are under the new covenant of grace. The grace that was given so freely and yet unmerited. While the Law was given through angels to Moses note that God's plan of salvation, grace and truth came to us through Jesus the Christ. God in the flesh. Grace personally delivered to you and me.
Jesus said to call upon Him and He shall deliver us. Stand in the Offering Plate.
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