Saul, upon hearing the words of JESUS spoken to him from the midst of the light continued on his travels toward the city where he was supposed to receive directions as to what he must do next. this is the same Saul who had previously been given orders from other higher religious authorities that was now awaiting instructions from the same JESUS who he had been persecuting. The voice of the Lord had introduced Himself as JESUS whilst Saul was engulfed in a light -- a light that, according to the scriptures, was much greater than the noon day sun. As a consequence, Saul fell to the ground, also causing blindness to befall him.
Similarly, Saul was bewildered as to what was happening. The voice of the Lord called him by name saying, "Saul it is hard for you to kick against the continuous pricks to your conscience." And then of course comes forth the crowning question, "Why Saul are you persecuting me?" "Who are you Lord?" And the Lord answered saying, "I AM JESUS!"
Saul immediately became submissive to the Lord JESUS, no longer bursting at the seams to expedite his prevision commission. Saul's new commission was to go to the city so that he would be told him what he should do. Being now led by the hand of another Saul journeyed to the city. Admittedly, Saul was a much more humbled person than he had been prior to his destined confrontation with JESUS!
Saul upon entering the city was taken to a room wherein he fell to his knees in an attitude of earnest prayer. At the same time, he knew nothing concerning the Lord JESUS who had met him on the path. Saul only knew that he was obeying the instructions of Him who had introduced Himself as being JESUS, who dwelt within a light brighter than the noon day sun, and, who knew his name was Saul. This Lord named JESUS had accused him of persecuting him. And as far as Saul knew he had never met JESUS. Then JESUS revealed to him that he was kicking against his conscience doing his own thing as he sought to become a Mr. Somebody in the eyes of the elite. In so doing, Saul was becoming a hard hearted person, much in need of circumcision of his heart.
Saul was likely trembling at such an encounter, and inn total confusion for he had no idea as to what fate awaited him. Remember, Saul had shown no mercy, so little should he expect mercy from Him who said He was JESUS. The same Jesus who questioned Saul as to why he was persecuting Him. So Saul prayed and prayed as he reflected upon all the times that he had opposed the pricks to his conscience and likewise, all the times he had heard the cries of everyday people begging for mercy either for themselves or for others. The cries falling upon Saul’s deaf ears.
Yes, Saul's fate was waiting for something or someone to be his judge, jury, and executioner. But Saul was now in the hands of a much higher authority of whom he was not acquainted with. Saul had run with the religious crowd of the day, which would be so easy to do. For the world into which we were born has led us on a path which can include doing things which we opposed in our hearts and conscience. Still, in the meantime, our conscience continually convicted us of our men pleasing habits.
But there is a lesson to be learned here. Indeed, maybe we should follow Saul and realize that we are resisting our God given conscience. Instead, fall on our knees now and call upon the God who has created us and give God the pre-eminence. Isn't this what Saul did? Awaiting upon God to deliver the same message (or lesson) to all of us as He was about to deliver to Saul. Choose this day who you will serve! God Bless You ALL!
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