JESUS, the SEED of the Holy Spirit was not a Jew. Why? Because God is not a Jew. God is Spirit, And the SEED of the Holy Spirit was veiled in flesh whilst in the womb of a descendant of Abraham's natural sin prone flesh -- which flesh though prone to sin -- in reality committed no sin. For indwelling in that sin prone flesh body dwelt all the fullness of the Spirit of God, now being manifest in flesh as a Son.
Indeed, the natural flesh seed of Abraham was the seed that was more marred at Calvary at the hands of Jews and Romans than any other. It was this Abraham offspring natural sin prone flesh which had not committed sin. It was upon that body - which indeed was the body in which the Lord of Glory took upon Himself the punishment for all of our sin. That sin prone (sinless) body was the body upon which of all sinful demerits were laid upon with devilish fervour.
So indeed one can say, the natural seed of Abraham (offspring) was a means whereby mankind could be blessed. However, it is equally fair to conclude, based on the scriptures that is the extent of the Abraham natural seed involvement.
The Lord bore our sin in His own body crucified upon a tree at Calvary. In so doing, the Lord Himself has become our Saviour. Therefore, there is no more sacrifice for sin. The decreed penalty resulting from Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the garden has been duly paid for in full.
For in the sacrifice of the kernel flesh of one of Abraham’s descendant natural seed (which was prone to sin, yet sinless) we who believe are able to become fully redeemed! As it is written, "Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth an innumerable number of offspring! JESUS, (God with us) being the corn of wheat who died was buried by Joseph and Nicodemus and a great stone enclosed the tomb. Roman guards were appointed to watch so that no one entered the tomb and stole the body.
The corn of wheat (JESUS) was now entombed -- the kernel flesh dead exposing the life within, which life was the Life of the Holy Spirit. But as it is written, the Spirit of God would not allow His Holy Child to see corruption. JESUS upon the cross gave up the Ghost. For if JESUS had not given up the Ghost then that body should have never died. Remember, JESUS prone to sin flesh body was sinless.
JESUS said no man takes My Life from Me. I lay it down. So God raises the man JESUS from the dead for God would not allow His Holy One to see corruption! The body of flesh sacrificed for our redemption now is changed from being a natural flesh body into a spiritual flesh body (it is sown a natural body but raised a spiritual body - the first man Adam was made a living soul but the second Adam, who is the Lord from heaven, is a quickening Spirit). And as we have born the image of the first Adam we shall also bear the image of the second Adam who has redeemed us.
This is why we must be born again of water and of Spirit! That is why upon the very day that God opened the doors to all people and bid them to return to Him in Acts 2, the instructions were repent for you have crucified the Lord of Glory and be baptized into the death of JESUS the Christ for the forgiveness of all sin and you shall receive the Gift of His Holy Spirit. God bless you!
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