The revelation of JESUS the Christ or the unveiling of JESUS the Christ.
For JESUS, who is the Son conceived, was veiled in sin prone flesh which he had received while still in the womb of Mary a surrogate mother. Within this context, He was veiled in that body of sinful flesh. Later, JESUS was tempted and tried in all points even as we. However, the difference between JESUS and our own journey is that JESUS did not succumb to sin. Why not? Indwelling within that kernel of flesh did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Yes, bodily in form as a Son!
Further, within the flesh dwelt the life of the Holy Spirit of God who SEEDED the life. Therefore, JESUS is ‘God with Us." In short, JESUS is God Himself manifest in a veil of flesh appearing as a Son. The ONLY begotten Son. JESUS was not begat as we are! Nevertheless, God Almighty humbled Himself to appear and live even as we do in order to accomplish His plan of redemption.
Through the eventual sacrifice of His Life as a Son, we through His plan of redemption can now become sons and daughters of God. In so doing, JESUS as the Only Begotten took upon Himself all of our demerits so that we - each and every one of us - could then become a people which previously were not a people but now are the ISRAEL of God.
Any person who suggests otherwise is an impostor. For we read in Galatians 6:14 that God forbid that I should glory "save in the cross of our Lord JESUS the Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world!" For in JESUS the Christ neither circumcision avails any thing, and neither un-circumcision. Only a person who has been redeemed of God and born of God’s Spirit are His redeemed… So as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy upon the “ISRAEL” of God.
For the Jews at one time were destined to be the people of God. But God cut them off because of their resistance to the Holy Spirit endeavours to bring them into all the promises of God. It could have been theirs. But they, through their persistent unbelief were cut off. The straw that broke the camel's back occurred when the Jews mercilessly stoned Stephen.
At that moment, they were completely cut off. For it is written, that JESUS was seen standing not sitting, thus indicating that the door of Salvation was opening to the Gentiles. Today, as the scriptures point out, there is neither Jew nor Gentile nor is there male or female to be given any preferential treatment before God. All who call upon the name of the LORD JESUS will be saved!
God has declared openly that whosoever exercises faith toward the once and for all time sacrifice of JESUS, (the LAMB of God), their sins and iniquities God will remember no more. God's plan of redemption completed upon the sacrificial offering of God’s sinless body at Calvary.
JESUS is the TREE of LIFE. Eat as much as you possibly can. There will be no indigestion but rather total nourishment in the ways of God.
Further, we need to remember that the name of JESUS is above the name of Moses and/or the prophets. Recall the transfiguration on the mountain? When Peter said, "Let us build three tabernacles" -- one for you JESUS, one for Moses, and one for Elijah? Well, that thought was immediately interrupted and rearranged by God speaking.
As the scriptures state, God said, "This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him! Note here that the only person now seen was JESUS! All the others are part of the house (temple) that God is building. Indeed, JESUS is the builder of the house (temple) which temple is to be a habitation of God’s Spirit. There is no other name whereby we can be saved. You must call upon the Name of JESUS. In other words, there is no backdoor entrance to salvation!
We will continue on the name of JESUS in our next presentation (God willing). Peace be.
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