JESUS who is God Himself as a Son came to regain rule over His own household. For we were originally His household by means of creation. In us did dwell the breath of God causing us to become a living soul. It was through the deceptiveness of sin by another’s speech that we disobeyed God’s instructions. It is also through the deceptiveness of sin that our living souls were no longer capable of any growth in things pertaining to God. Through the sin of disobedience we were introduced into another realm, a realm which was realm sin abounded. Through dwelling in that realm we no longer evolved. Instead, we became captive to the desires of the flesh which held us tightly in the grasp of sin. In short, we were totally lost, heading to death without any escape route. All of Adam’s offspring were born this way - into sin - a clothing of flesh that was prone to sin.
So God who is Spirit veiled Himself in sin prone flesh. God condescended, veiling Himself in flesh. Not in a new flesh but in flesh that was raging with sin prone capability. He did this in order to redeem man from the prison of sin. Think about this. The creator of all things both seen and unseen became as a Son subject to the very laws of nature which He Himself had orderly created. Why? Because God loves you!
Recall that we were God’s enemies when God planned a way whereby the Jericho walls of sin should be leveled. God in Christ by Himself purchased our redemption. Thus, keep your money in your pocket for if money could have redeemed man, then there would have been no need for JESUS to sacrifice His own sinless body at Calvary. And if money were the price of redemption, then to God that would be a pittance contribution inasmuch as the cattle upon a thousand hills belong to the Lord anyway.
Further, Abraham was met by Melchisedec as he was returning from a victorious battle known as the slaughter of the kings. Melchisedec was the Priest of the most high God (JESUS is called a Priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec -- not after the Order of Aaron). Melchisedec having in His hand bread and wine proceeds to bless Abraham. The blessing fell upon Abraham because of the ‘Bread and Wine’ which symbolized the body and the blood of JESUS crucified! Period. The blessing was applied. In other words, IT IS FINISHED!
Then out of nowhere, Abraham unwittingly endeavours to add an ‘addendum’ to the promised blessing which would have previously been an impossibility. For the blessing had already been imputed resulting from the ‘finished work of JESUS upon the Cross.' JESUS' death, burial and resurrection ensured the promised blessing at no cost whatsoever to anyone.
Yes, JESUS paid the price in full for man’s total redemption! So as far as redemption is concerned, tithing is not involved in the promised blessing. Tithing is not a part of the New Testament and neither is tithing compulsory. For it is written, "Give as unto the work of the Lord." Not grudgingly. Nor of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver. If we sow sparingly, we shall also reap sparingly. But let every man give as the Lord has prospered Him.
Peace be to all the offspring of the promised SEED JESUS the Christ as we offer ourselves to the work of the Lord, which of course would be our reasonable service!
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