I the Lord your God have become your Saviour.
God is Spirit. It is this Spirit who fills the heavens and earth. No man at any time has ever seen the Lord. The only begotten who is in the innermost being of God, it is He who has revealed God. Moreover, we have our lives because of God. In God we live and move and we have our being. Further, God is light and in God dwells no darkness. Therefore, one cannot look directly upon God for God’s light is so much brighter than the sun at noon time. But we can look upon the same light of the brilliant sun as it is reflected upon the moon.
In short, this summarizes how the same God who created us and is the light also became our Saviour. God the Spirit chose two persons - namely Eve and Abraham - into whom God planted the SEED life of Himself. At the time, God already knew in His wisdom that He was going to reveal Himself as a man. The life promised of God was realized at the birth of JESUS of Nazareth who is the Light of God manifested in flesh. This same Light of God which we can look upon for the Light of God was veiled in flesh in the same context as the moon.
Therefore, JESUS is not another light. JESUS is the same light of God even as the moon was the same light as the sun. JESUS was conceived of the Spirit of God which conceived the life clothed in the flesh in the womb of a surrogate mother named Mary.
Mary was told that the life conceived within her was of the Holy Spirit. A male child who bears the title the Son of God. The title Immanuel which translated declares that the child is ‘God with us.'
Still, these are descriptive titles and not a name. The angel declared that the child’s name was to be JESUS, adding that it is He who shall save His people from their sin. So what was the name given that the child should be called? JESUS. As the scriptures reveal, this is not a name given by Mary or by Joseph. The name given of the angel to Mary and Joseph was Jesus. The REVEALED and GIVEN name was JESUS.
As we know from reading the scriptures, Mary and Joseph (both Jews) adhered to the instructions of the angel calling the name of the child JESUS. Unfortunately, this reality is contrasted by many Jews today who refer to the name as Yeshua. They deny the name given of the Angel or that Mary and Joseph called the child JESUS.
There are other similar examples in the scriptures too. Paul, a radical Jew was a known terrorist for Christian believers. Paul was met by JESUS as he journeyed toward Damascus. The blinding light of JESUS' presence caused Paul to ask the Lord this question. "Who are you Lord?" His reply? “I AM JESUS“
Now ask yourself this. Why did JESUS reply to the radical Jew not state, I Am Yeshua. Simply because Yeshua was not His name. The Lord introduced Himself as "I AM JESUS" and did so for a reason. Other examples? Annanais was told by JESUS to go to where Paul was in Damascus. Annanias who was a Jew went to Paul's residence and upon seeing Paul, introduced himself saying these words. "The LORD even JESUS who has appeared to you by the way has sent me." Who did the Jewish believer say sent him? JESUS!
The same response happened on the day of Pentecost as explained in Acts 2. Jews from all over had gathered together, which also was the day that the Holy Ghost was initially poured out upon believers. Incidentally, as the scriptures point out, the first 3,000 believers - Jewish believing persons - were baptized into the Name of JESUS (not Yeshua).
Why is this important? Because there is no other Name under Heaven GIVEN among men whereby we can be saved! (Acts 4:12) God Bless You All!
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