Thursday, December 22, 2011


The birth of JESUS the Christ. JESUS the promised SEED of Genesis along with the promised SEED implanted into Abraham. These two SEEDS were not after the fashion of Adam’s natural seed. No, these two SEEDS were the SEEDS of the Spirit of God. These two SEEDS of promise continued down the genealogical pathway until these two SEEDS arrived in a young virgin girl named Mary. The Spirit of God brought the two SEEDS together in Mary's womb and Mary became a willing surrogate mother. When did this happen? Not in the time period as celebrated (e.g. December 25th) today.

Continuing in Acts chapters 1 and 2 we read that King David was also a prophet. David knew that God had sworn an oath with him -- of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, that God in Christ would sit upon his throne. As we know, David the prophet regularly spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ, and prophesying that the Christ’s soul would not be left in the grave. Nor would the flesh of the Christ enter corruption.

Then Peter along with the other eleven apostles elaborates on these prophesies saying to his audience that God indeed has fulfilled these prophetic words spoken through David. Saying that God positively raised up Christ and that we are eye witnesses to these events.

JESUS was raised from the grave and exalted by the right hand of God. JESUS having received of the Father the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit. What you now observe and hear is that promise actuated. David prophetically said concerning JESUS, “The Lord said to my Lord - sit at My right hand UNTIL I make your enemies your footstool”

Therefore, believers are to declare to all nations that God has declared that the same JESUS crucified on a Roman cross is and remains today both LORD and CHRIST! The audience upon hearing that they had in ignorance actually crucified the Lord of Glory were immediately pricked in their heart’s saying to the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" The Apostles replied, "Repent and be baptized every one of you into the Name of JESUS the Christ for the remission of all your sins. Then, you shall also receive the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.

The promised gift of the Holy Spirit is to you and similarly to your children and to all those that are afar off. Indeed, the gift of salvation is promised to everyone who repents of their sins and is baptised into the name of JESUS. All those who believed in their heart were gladly baptized without delay. In fact, they were baptized that very same day - 3,000 persons were baptisedn according to Acts 2. Needless to say, these new believers continued steadfastly in the apostles teachings. So should we.
Stand in the offering plate and offer yourself! And in so doing, trust in God for He will direct your way!

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