Monday, December 12, 2011


The second Adam JESUS who is the Lord from Heaven -- the Lord God Himself as a Son was the same JESUS conceived of the Holy Spirit. The same JESUS declared in scripture as the ONLY begotten Son of God, in whose veins did flow the life blood of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, He was the embryo clothed in flesh in the womb of a willing surrogate mother named Mary, inasmuch, as Mary herself was clothed in sin prone flesh.

Similar to all of Adam’s offspring, JESUS was likewise tempted and tried in all points even as we are. And yet Jesus did not succumb to sin. Why? Because the Spirit indwelling in JESUS was greater than the satanic spirit that had deceived Adam in the beginning.

Still, the world having found no fault in JESUS went ahead and crucified Him -- JESUS being the Lord of Glory -- who had humiliated Himself by clothing Himself in flesh and appearing as a man. In so doing, God purposefully lay down His pure, holy, undefiled body as a payment of debt, thereby redeeming man from a prison of sin.

In other words, one man’s disobedience caused the expulsion of man (and woman) from the Garden of Eden, severing any hope of fellowship with God. The result? We incurred a penalty. Or, as the scriptures state, “that the soul that sins, it shall surely die.”

But JESUS, the only righteous man found on earth was the only one who could overturn the penalty. Still, to do so meant that He must die. Is it any wonder then that we read in the scriptures that JESUS in the garden prayed concerning the demands of redemption? However, there was no other means of securing man’s redemption.

So JESUS in prayer sweated as if it were drops of blood. He knew that there was no alternative way to secure man's redemption other than the cruel death of the Cross, creating a juncture in time where He the just would willingly lay down His Life for the unjust!

JESUS, via the decision of Pilate, was delivered into the hands of a religious fanatical frenzied mob and led to the place called SKULL. There they crucified JESUS with Him declaring that "no man takes my life from ME. [Instead], I lay my life down willingly." At this point, Jesus could have called for a legion of angels to deliver Him. For our sake, He did not.

Rather, on the cross, JESUS said Father, "Forgive them for they know not what it is they are doing." There, JESUS delivered the care of His mother into the hands of John prior to delivering His Spirit into the hands of God (for indwelling Jesus was the Holy Spirit of God, His FATHER the Holy Spirit. For without JESUS delivering His SPIRIT the Holy Spirit, then JESUS' body should have never died).

On the cross JESUS said, "IT IS FINISHED." The redemption of man is now complete. For it was God who laid down His life as a Son so that all those who believe in the Name of the son of God - JESUS - can now receive as a gift eternal life. This is why we give thanks to God for His unspeakable gift - salvation!

YES we indeed crucified the Lord of glory. How can anyone expect to escape the wrath of God, if they willingly reject God’s salvation? As the scriptures state, there is no salvation in any other. In the end, they took JESUS down from the cross, laying His body in a tomb.

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