How shall anyone escape if we ignore or neglect so great an offer of eternal salvation? The gift of salvation that is freely offered to all of Adam’s offspring. Yes, the Gift of Eternal Life!
According to the scriptures, eternal life cannot be attained by any other means other than that which God accomplished on our behalf of us at Calvary. There is no other means of salvation. Just as God has declared that there is no other name other than the name of JESUS whereby anyone can be saved, there is no other means to be saved.
Why? Because JESUS is the only Begotten Son of God! JESUS was not begat as we are. JESUS, the SEED of promise that brought forth the embryo was of the Holy Spirit. In JESUS' veins was the life giving blood of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, in JESUS did dwell ALL the fullness of Godhead bodily. JESUS as a man being the very same God who is Spirit. And as a man, JESUS was still the form of God. Only in that period of time was JESUS veiled willingly in flesh appearing as an earthly image (as was Adam) of that spiritual form.
JESUS being the “I AM“ JESUS being also the “Father” of all things created, seen and unseen. JESUS being the very same God who has made all things - the very same God - not another person! Like the scriptures state repeatedly, JESUS is God appearing in flesh as A SON! Indeed, JESUS is the ONE HOLY SPIRIT being the FATHER of ALL who now for our sakes was found in fleshy fashion as a SON. The words that JESUS spoke including the healings and miracles were of the Holy Spirit who indwelt JESUS!..
JESUS said, "It is not my flesh that is doing these works, miracles, signs and wonders. It is the Spirit of God that dwells within." For it was a performance of the grace of God in JESUS the Christ endeavouring to reconcile the fallen Adamic race to Himself.
In other words, JESUS the Christ was put to death in the flesh and buried, arising from the tomb very early in the morning on the third day - which day was the first day of the week of Sabbaths - fulfilling Leviticus chapter 23.
Upon that morning Mary spoke to Jesus. As the scriptures reveal, JESUS said to Mary "Do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to my Father." However, that same day just prior to even(between 5 and 6 )when the disciples were gathered together in a locked door room, suddenly JESUS appeared in the room. The assembled group were filled with fear, thinking they were looking at a spirit being.
But JESUS told them to "HANDLE ME and see." A spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have. While in their midst, JESUS asked for food and they gave food to Him and He ate the food. Still, JESUS continued to go in and out among them for a period of 40 days and nights (Read I Corinthians 16 and Acts chapter 1). At the completion of the 40 days JESUS ascended into Heaven. After His ascension, JESUS through the operation of His Holy Spirit gave commands to His chosen apostles.
From henceforth, we do not know JESUS after the flesh. But in the scriptures, we retain a partial record of the things that took place as JESUS walked among us in flesh. As it is written, even though we have known JESUS after the flesh, yet henceforth, we no longer know Him in that fashion.
JESUS was manifest in the flesh to destroy the work of the devil (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED) meaning the work of Redemption is now complete!
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