Monday, December 5, 2011


From henceforth, no man should seek after the flesh, even though we have known JESUS the Christ after the flesh. Fortunately, we no longer know Him that way. Why is this? It is because God’s plan for the redemption of man is now complete.

God Himself lay down His life as a Son. He shed His own blood. This was not the same blood that flowed in the veins of Adam’s fallen race. Rather, the blood that flowed inside the veins of JESUS was the very blood of the Holy Spirit of God who had in mercy and grace, extended His love toward His fallen creation. This is the same creation that God had breathed the breath of life.

Why? Because again, JESUS loved His creation. He loved the men and women that He created even whilst He agonized in pain. Whilst He was nailed to the cross. For He, upon the cross suffered not for sins that He had committed for He was sinless. The only sinful part on the Cross was His flesh body which was fashioned from Adam’s fallen offspring body.

In this case, the Holy Spirit life of the embryo was clothed in Mary who was, for all intents and purposes, a surrogate mother whose prone to sin flesh is inherited from Adam’s offspring. Still, that flesh body was tempted and tried in all points as we are but JESUS, being the only begotten Son of the Holy Spirit did not sin. Neither was there any guile found in His mouth.

JESUS was the Lamb of God - the Lamb was God Himself as a Son. In this context, God by the sacrificial death of Himself as a Son was willing to pave the way to heavens door in His own blood. JESUS being the ONLY door! JESUS being the ONLY mediator between God and man! For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin!

Further, God loves man. But God hates sin. Sin entered the world through ONE man’s disobedience, resulting in all mankind inheriting the penalty. Death. Separation from God. But God in LOVE offered Himself as a Son, thereby substituting His sinless life as the once and for all sacrifice for all sin.

Indeed, GOD PUT HIMSELF IN OUR PLACE. Thanks be to God for such an unspeakable gift. As a consequence, there is now, NO MORE SACRIFICES or OFFERINGS FOR SIN. JESUS cried out whilst on the cross, "IT IS FINISHED." The work plan of God’s redemption is now complete!

This is why JESUS ascended into Heaven, from whence He had descended and sat down. Unfortunately, often religious institutions try endlessly to add to the completed sork of God’s redemptive plan. Some even succumb by endeavouring to scale the way into Heaven through good works and/or religious ceremonies. Still, the question is this. If these were meaningful efforts, then would there have been no need for the agony, and suffering administered upon JESUS.

Take the gift that God freely offers. Ask the Lord to forgive you. Be baptized (buried) into the watery grave so that you can receive forgiveness. You will also receive His Holy Spirit presence into your life as confirmation that you passed from death into an abundant life! Let no man deceive you! Peace be!

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