Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Foundation of Knowledge - PART 76

If the church fathers - religious leaders - misinterpret the scriptures, then it's easy to understand why the church fathers flunked new math too. Guess it's back to the drawing board for them. For example, the same misinterpretation of the scriptures occurs when we discuss circumcision. From the scriptures, we learn that circumcision in the Old Testament was carried out 8 days after birth. Today, however, the church fathers have adopted infant sprinkling in the place of circumcision but they do so with no scriptural justification.

It is almost as if institutionalized modern day religion is endeavouring to link circumcision and infant sprinkling as one and the same. That perhaps in their mind there is a similarity between the two. It is even more deceiving when they lead people to believe that there is some sort of crossover in the New Testament for their motives. Unfortunately, the assumption is ridiculous inasmuch as the new testament is a NEW testament, meaning that the old covenant is out. Indeed, the New testament is not an addendum to the old covenant. But the church fathers should know this. Instead, however, we see that the church fathers are up to the same old tricks of distorting the Scriptures. the Jewish weekly Sabbath  falls on a Saturday. We know because of the references embedded in the scriptures around the entombment of Jesus that Even was approaching so they hastily entombed the body of Jesus, before the start of the Jewish Sabbath. 

In other words, the Jewish Saturday Sabbath was approaching. The Jewish day starts at 6 pm in the evening of one day and finishes at 6 pm in the evening of the day following. The reason this point is so important is that religious leaders today are adamant that Jesus was crucified and buried on the Friday toward 6pm. The Jewish Sabbath commences at 6pm Friday terminating 6pm Saturday. This means that from 6pm Saturday to 6pm Sunday the day referred to the first of the week. So, Jesus, according to the church fathers reconning must have arose from the tomb early Sunday morning at dawn. The scriptures are not in error. The scriptures cannot be broken. Just because the church fathers propagated an error does not mean that the scriptures are rendered ineffective. In fact, as Christian believers, the one point that we can remain steadfast on until eternity is that the scriptures are the foundation of our beliefs. Our assurance and our confidence are not misplaced when we rely on Biblical truths.

But if this projection put forward by religious leaders today were the summation of Bible truths, and we relied upon their version, then the scriptures would most certainly be broken. This is why God in His infinite wisdom ensured that we had a scriptural foundation in which to form our Christian beliefs. Please take the time to refresh yourselves with the Bible. 

Most importantly, remember that Jesus did die so that we might find salvation. Remember too that when Jesus rose from the tomb, He fulfilled the prophecies outlined in Leveticus 23. And yes, Jesus rose on the first day of the week of Sabbaths, after spending three days and three nights in the bowels of the earth. If we do the math, we can find out for ourselves that the scriptures have been telling us the truth all along. 

These are examples of religious presentations being made on behalf of the scriptures that really, at the end of the day, have no Biblical foundation. Stand in the Offering Plate. God bless!

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