Today we look at a new topic entitled the great fish. Remember Jonas from the Old Testament? Well, Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly. The scriptures are more specific. The Word states that God prepared a great fish. And that He did. But the scriptures also attest to the fact that the Son of man shall also be three days and three nights in the deep and remote parts of the earth (bowels) Context for this post can be obtained by reviewing Matthew12:40.
Well, as has been outlined in earlier posts, you probably know by now that those church fathers never give up. They continue to act like a drowning man grabbing at a straw in a desperate attempt to save themselves from what is to come. Indeed, they endeavour to build a house on a foundation of wood, hay and stubble... But isn't that what the foolish man built his house upon - the sand? It was the wise man that built his house upon a rock.
Members of the church of God who are in Christ Jesus are built upon the solid rock foundation with Christ as the corner stone. No other foundation can man lay. Paul the apostle both to and of the Gentiles in I Corinthians15, delivers a message to the believers saying, "Moreover brethren, I declare to you the Gospel essence that I proclaimed to you, which you gladly received, and at which time your faith is squarely standing, being securely built upon this wonderful message. Through faith in this message you are being nourished in the first principles of the oracles of God. Keep these in memory and hold fast to the message that was delivered to you."
Unless of course, your faith at first was spurious. First and foremost, the apostles indicated that they had delivered - handed on to us the facts that had been imparted to them - the gospel message that Christ died for our sins. As the writings of scripture foretold, Jesus was buried and arose from the dead the third day as foretold. Note that in verse 8, Paul said that last of all Jesus was seen him. So much for those religious leaders who argue otherwise, presenting that He went to the American continent after the fact. (This sidebar will be pursued at another time.) Jesus' references to Jonah's 3 days and nights must be viewed in light of Paul’s received foundational apostolic truths. We move to Luke 24:21 where we read that today is the third day SINCE these things had come to pass. (Luke 24:46 - ie. bread and wine, mock trial, crucificion, burial) It is now 3 days since these happenings.
The message is written in scripture that the CHRIST should suffer and that He would arise from among the dead the third day. It's time to rejoice and sing. Jesus died and rose again. Thus it behoved Him. Thus the prophets said, Jesus must die and rise again. We hear them say "three days since" Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again and today is the 3rd day SINCE. According to today's traditions, Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose again early Sunday morning. That is seemingly what the fathers propagate. Surely the math here must be wrong. Or, worse still, it is a total misreading of the revealed word.
As one of the former United States of America President said, "All is well. God is still in His Heaven." Einstein refered to it differently. He said the Almighty God does not play dice. there is no need to gamble, as the eye in the sky declares when you make an unexpected detour, "Recalculate - Recalculate." Unfortunately, many of the teachers may have greatly erred not knowing the scriptures. You do not have to make the same miscalculation. Stand in the Offering Plate. Say this simple prayer with sincerity," I THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR DYING FOR ME." And let His love shine in your heart today. God who indwelt the man Jesus the Christ bless you.
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