Before we move on into the distribution of the gifts, we have to clear the deck of today’s religious and primarily unbiblical presentations. As usual, the scriptures sweep all opponents of the truths becoming the Lord’s footstool.
Again, let the word of God be the sole authority. In I Corinthians 12:31 we read, “I SHOW TO YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY." On the strength of this scriptural reference, the gifts of the Holy Spirit would be diminished if we were to believe that the gifts did not exist. Gifts of the Holy Spirit being negatively spoken of as if they be repulsive, and that believers who advocate that believers should desire spiritual gifts ought to be looked upon as delinquents. Rather to be pitied more than listened too.
It is at this junction that adherence to the scriptures is paramount. The arrogance of religious leaders toward the written Word is satanic. It is written that when Jesus ascended up on high, Jesus led captivity into captivity. It is written that Jesus gave gifts of His own holy spirit to men. This has not changed. In fact, God continues to pour out of His Holy Spirit upon all believing flesh causing the recipients to speak in tongues and prophesy. The gifts of the Holy Spirit of Jesus are now imparted to believers in Jesus.
It is for this reason that all good gifts and perfect gifts come from God. As such, these gifts ought to be desired and coveted. I will not leave you comfortless, saith Jesus. I will come to you. Further, when our Heavenly Father bestows gifts upon His children, me thinks that is because He is my Heavenly Father. He knows the things that I have need of even before I know. I for one greatly appreciate my gift and hasten to open the package and enjoy God's gifts with much appreciation.
Still, the scriptures caution believers. There are many spirits that have gone out into the world. The Bible states to try the spirits and if they speak not according to this word, the Word being the scriptures, it is because there is no light or truth within them.
In spite of what formalized religion may state, Paul did not advocate for the laying aside of the gifts of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Paul's presentation was, and still is that we desire spiritual gifts so that we can be edified and motivated to express outwardly that inward working of the Holy Spirit of God. Yes, save yourself from false brethren who constantly falsify the scriptures even as Satan did in the garden. But at the same time, get close to God. He has said that all those who are of God will embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit of Jesus.
Believe in God for His gifts are good. And the greatest gift of God? Eternal Life.
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