Wednesday, April 20, 2011

God Will Be Glorified - PART 94

In the scriptures thus far, we have seen the gifts of the Holy Spirit being manifested through Philip. We also learn that God honoured the selection of Philip as one of the seven apostles. How do we know this? Well, when the assembled church prayed with one accord, God heard the united voice of His people and He, as the head of the church body, responded with abundance. The understaffed mission started received a supply of daily food necessities for those who lacked. 

In Acts 8:14, we read that while the apostles were in Jerusalem, they heard that Samaria had received the Word of God. They sent Peter and John to Samaria. Upon their arrival, Peter and John prayed for the believing Samaritans so that they might receive the Holy Spirit. For as yet, the Holy Spirit had not fallen upon any of them. Had not fallen upon any of them but they had been baptised or buried into Jesus by baptism into His death. This is not baptism into the titles as so many religious institutions have adopted today but rather baptized into Jesus.

In reviewing the text, some questions emerge. In this scriptural passage, the believing Samaritans had not received the Holy Spirit, even though they had received the Word of God. The Samarians were also gladly baptized into the name of Jesus. They had seen the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit demonstrated through Philip but they themselves, according to the scriptures had not received the Holy Spirit. This is not to suggest that the Samarians were not fully persuaded. Persuaded they were and overjoyed too.

But as Christians studying the scriptures, should we not ponder as to why these believers had not yet received the Holy Spirit? Remember, many of us were taught that we received the Holy Spirit as soon as we believed. Early indications, if we were to stop reading this outline here, would believe that something different is being presented here. An alternate message even though this is not the case.

As the scriptures indicate, the apostles Peter and John had prayed to the head of the body Jesus on behalf of these believers. These believers had received the Holy Spirit of Jesus which includes the gift of eternal life. Although Peter and John may have had a different gift than the evangelist Philip, it was not a different gospel. How do we know this? Because the scriptures state, "For to one is given ... and to another ...!" To each and every believer, the Holy Spirit distributes His gifts as He wills.

Philip had four daughters that prophesied, which shows that there is neither male nor female in the body of Christ. What it does indicate is that believers are all fellow labourers in the body of Christ, walking in His Spirit and fellowshipping one with another. As such, let there be no ism's nor schism's in His body. Instead, desire Jesus and desire spiritual Gifts. Stand in the Offering Plate!

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