Continuing in the message, the gifts of the holy spirit of Jesus, we recognize that God has arranged all the organs in His body as it has so pleased Him. Many members and yet only one body. As in the analogy of our human body, each member functions not as independents or an island to itself. Rather each one is inextricably intertwined, or as the expression goes, one for all, and all for one. The body only is in the body of Christ if it continues in His Word. Otherwise, we are no longer His body. Instead, the body becomes diseased with isms and schisms, entertaining all sorts of Nicolaitan teachings, things the Lord hates.
As outlined in the scriptures, the body of Christ (the Church) has only one head. The church is not a two headed monster. This church which was conceived of and by the Holy Spirit of Jesus ought to have the mind of Christ, with members going about our Father's business. The head of the church is the spirit of the Lord Jesus. Let believers who have ears to hear, let those believers “hear what the Holy Spirit of Jesus has to say within His own body."
The Holy Spirit of God has delegated certain members in the body as appearing to be more important members than other members. Honestly speaking, positions and hierarchies have little relevance if we consider this description in terms of our own bodies. Indeed, we give little or no thought to the parts of our body until we abuse them through exercising (or not exercising). The same could be extended to include indulging in eating or drinking too much. Of course, the little member hurts and immediately is recognised as a member of the body.
So too it is in the body of the Lord. If you eat the wrong spiritual food, you frequent the wrong places. In time, one becomes cold or lukewarm to the importance of God in our lives. Before we reach this point, we need to examine ourselves to make sure that we are earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to believers. God is not interested in numbers. God made a way whereby mankind could be saved. He did so by sacrificing Himself as a son.
We recognise then that the body is healthy and functioning properly when all the members are endeavouring to walk in the Spirit. That means that the gifts of the Holy Spirit of Jesus are not being suppressed by false teachers slipping in by the back door into the assemblies and seeking the destruction of the unity of the believers. Take away the money and you will flush out the gainsayers. The god of this world is filthy lucre.
But we, as believers, were not redeemed with silver or gold. We were redeemed by the blood of the Holy Spirit of Jesus who loved us even when we were dead in trespasses and sin. Jesus laid down His own life as a son for us. Behold what manner of love our Father has bestowed upon us. God is not the author of confusion. God is a God of order. So it is in the functioning manifestation of the body of Christ. God Has set some to occupy different positions in His body. Stand in the Offering Plate. Jesus stands at your heart’s door knocking. Why not ask Jesus to enter? May God bless all who are in Jesus!
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