Making an observation may help to clarify this discussion. God Fathered all His children in a son’s body saying that you must be born again of water and of His Spirit to be a member of the body of Christ. What is it that the scriptures say? He that has the Son has life. God was in Christ. He that has seen me has seen the Father. Or, I and My Father are one. Indeed, I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
Moreover, God explained His status numerous times when He dwelt here on earth. The Father sent the son to be the Saviour of the world. The Spirit of God was manifest in the flesh as a son. And all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Jesus. How about the scriptures that state the Word was veiled in flesh, a body have you prepared for me.
God has given us a body. But you and I are spirits veiled in a body. Whether we are fathers or mothers, all of our children appear in the body of a son or daughter. To some extent, our word too was veiled in the flesh with all our fullness - whether as a son, father or spirit. The word within us required a body. The word manifest in a son or daughter's body. It is our spirit speaking through our body. The body without the spirit would be dead.
So, in reflecting upon our own life, are we three persons? This, unfortunately, is the message advanced by trinitarians and religious individuals - that you are indeed three distinct and separate persons but all in one. Does this even make sense? We in our one body have revealed ourselves as a son or daughter, husband or wife, father or mother, individual male or individual female. In these varying capacities, we voice our opinions and commentary in the same respective roles - as a son or daughter, husband or wife, father or mother, individual male or individual female - and all from the same body.
And yet, who was speaking? It must have been your spirit life that was prompting you to speak for the body could not live without the spirit. You and I accomplish all of this as a son or daughter in the flesh ,and yet we dare to think that God was incapable of revealing Himself to mankind in a like manner. Much learning has made them mad. The Lord Almighty had this to say. "I am the first, the last, the only God. There is no other God."
So, is there any other god? A trinity of three persons? The scriptures state to come out from among these heathen teachings so that He will receive you. The Holy Spirit of God who was in the man Jesus loves us so much that He laid down His own life as a son to birth us out of the house of Adam’s fallen race. Our Saviour. Jesus is His name whether He portrays Himself in the scriptures as a father, son or spirit. He is one God over all who loves all who adore the Lord Jesus. He is the true light that enlightens every man and woman that is born into this world. Stand in the Offering plate. Peace to all who are in Jesus.
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