One of the many blessings that emerge from having a personal relationship with God our Savior is the melody that begins to play in our hearts. The joy takes over. The words to the song entitled, "Down from His Glory" is a perfect example of how God can change a life for the better. Making melody in our heart to the Lord. Life can't get any better than this ...
Down from His glory ... Down from His Glory
Every living story
My God and Saviour came
And Jesus was His Name
Born in a manger and to His own a stranger
A man of sorrows, tears and agony
Oh how I love Him
How I adore Him
My breath my sunshine
My all in all
The Great Creator ... became my Saviour
And All God’s fullness dwelleth in Him
The words of this hymn declare what is confirmed in the Biblical scriptures. The words of this hymn declare what we believe and why we believe that it was the Christ in God, conceived of and by the Spirit of God, manifesting Himself as a Son, that has brought us salvation. Herein we perceive the love of God toward us in that He laid down His life for us. For you and I.
As a consequence, there is no more sacrifice for sin. There is only one God in Heaven -- JESUS is HIS NAME. This is the New covenant that was promised by the prophets of the Old Testament. Put the old covenant on the shelf. God bless each and every one of you! Stand in the offering plate.
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