In the last post, we had a small opportunity to examine the doctrine of transubstantiation. We also read in the previous post how scripturally, believers were forbidden from eating flesh with the blood contained therein. These two inextricably intertwined points will become more important as we become familiar with the scriptural context that coincides with transubstantiation.
One of the aspects that was not mentioned in the afore-mentioned post was the wafer or bread that is presented as part of the communion service. Please note that the wine is not offered to believers. Rather,the wine is consumed by the administering priest. The reasoning that is given for not delivering the wine to believers too is that the wine (now supposed to be blood ) would be retained within the bread (now supposed to be flesh). Does this make sense?
Where does this absurd contradiction find its origin? Certainly, there is no justification for these types of erroneous teachings within the written word -- within the pages of scripture. It is for this reason that the Scriptures warn believers to save themselves from this untoward generation. Similarly, this example provides a rationale as to why believers need to discern between the teachings of the so-called wise and the scriptures.
Why is this important? Because the life is in the blood. When one regularly indulges in blood, one would be receiving whatever disease(s) may be contained in the blood.This would become even more of a concern if the flesh were to be taken from an animal that had been strangled or one already dead.
If we think about this example further, we recognize that no where in the scriptures did they advocate or condone cannibalism. When we weigh these practices in light of what the Biblical scriptures tell us, we realize that these practices - in many places they've become traditions -are nothing more than heathen practices Certainly, these practices are contrary to the engrafted word.Whether knowingly, or acting in ignorance of the scriptural truths,those who pursue these traditions practices which are contrary to the sound teaching of the Holy Spirit of God -- are guilty of participating in the re-sacrificing of Jesus.
This is a big mistake. Unfortunately, actions speak louder than words and those who may be unfamiliar with the written word will fall into this religious ditch along with the administrators. Personally,I do not believe that is your desired motive. It isn't God's desire either. This is why we need to study the scriptures, so that we don't fall into the ditch.
Indeed, by learning and understanding the scriptures, we would rid ourselves of any desire to follow the traditions of religious persons.Why? Because we would recognize that Jesus did suffer on the cross for us. In fact,He bled as He died at Calvary. This consequence, even though He was found not guilty by the judicial system of the day. He died willingly for you and for me. He took our sins, failures and iniquities upon Himself, and in so doing totally and completely satisfied the white high court of Heaven’s demands.
Originally, men and women, when weighed in God’s balance of guilt or innocence, were found guilty on all counts. There was no redemption at the time. But God is love. That is why He prepared for Himself a body. Where love is, there is always a way. In this situation, however, God made the way. And then He died for us so that we may have eternal life as a gift.
Now we encounter God at the crossroads of life. That is where the two road ways meet. The decision is whether you will continue on the road your way or whether you recognize the value and peace from following God’s way. At the crossroad, God’s scale is weighted down on the "not guilty" side because Jesus has already paid the price for you and me. He paid the price once and once for All.
It is finished was His cry. There is no more sacrifice for sin. In fact, while you are accepting Jesus into your heart, remember to cast out the bondwoman’s relics of religion tradition,. Don't let those who refuse to adhere to the scriptures come slivering in like wolves in sheep clothing. The scriptures state that if anyone, man, woman or angel preach any other gospel to you other than that which He has preached to you, let him, her or the angel be cursed,
But those who have believed in the completeness of Christ’s sacrifice can abide in the new covenant. We no longer entertain the old covenant temple forms of re-sacrificing. As a consequence, we are complete in Him. Stand in the offering Plate. Jesus paid it all and all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain.But Jesus washed me white as snow. Peace to all who are in Christ Jesus.
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