Imagine going on a journey and being stopped by a bright light from Heaven. This is what happened to Saul. Dropping to the ground, he was unable to see. But he certainly knew from whence the light came. "What shall I do Lord?" he said. It was Saul asking the question. The Lord said, "Get up and continue your journey to Damascus. There it shall be told to you what you've been appointed and destined to do." He then hears a voice speaking, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" At that point Saul asks the question, "Who are you, Lord?" The voice replies, "I am Jesus of Nazareth who you are persecuting."
Talk about rearranging the furniture in one’s head. Explosions of instant messaging with Saul wondering what was happening. I am sure he was thinking, "didn't we crucify the Nazarene?" Isn't he dead? And now he hears a voice confirming that this voice is Jesus of Nazareth. "And here I am persecuting Him," thinks Saul, "Here I am blind and lying on the ground. Here I am totally bewildered. I am blinded by this glorious light shone and yet here I am in the dark without any answers." Needless to say, Saul was confused.
But the voice gave him directions. The voice instructed Saul to continue his journey to Damascus. Upon his arrival, there would be further instructions. Admittedly, the experience of Saul was not an every day occurrence. As a consequence, the unfolding experience was not giving Saul a lot of details. Still, Saul obeyed. Is this to suggest that Saul was up and running? Of course not. But it did mean that Saul, soon to be renamed Paul was being led by the hand of God.
It should be noted that Saul sure was taking a tumble. Spiralling downward. Here was a man who persecuted Jesus, humbled by the presence of God. In actuality, we are learning a lesson about what God can do. Follow along. Saul’s eyes were closed. What if he should never see again? And his future plans put on hold? "What is to become of me?" he asks himself. All valid questions for someone who is suddenly faced with his Creator.
So, Saul arrives at Damascus. There, he continues in this confused state for three days. During this time, however, he was praying, and how. Jesus who abruptly met him, had not forgotten him even though Saul may have figured that the voice was just a figment of his imagination. A mental breakdown.
But at the same time that Saul was praying, Jesus was informing a believing disciple named Ananias of Saul's encounter, concerning the aforementioned. Ananias, with name and address of Saul’s location headed out to see Saul. Jesus had also informed Ananias that Saul was praying. But Ananias knew what Jesus wanted him to do. Ananias had been instructed as what to say to Saul.
Even so, Ananias was kind of reluctant to put his head in a noose for he knew well of Saul’s hunger for religious fame. But Ananias arrives anyway. Standing before Saul, he said, "Paul my brother, receive your sight." The very same hour Saul, whose name was changed to Paul, glanced at Ananias.
Ananias then said, "The God of our fathers has chosen you Paul. He has marked you out. He has prepared you, that you should know His will. You will learn His will and purpose for your life. You will see the righteous one. And you will hear the voice of His mouth speaking to you through His lips." Ananias was speaking of Jesus. Saul/Paul had heard the voice of Jesus and was being transformed.
Paul without any further delays or hesitations, adhered to the gospel message. Arise and be baptised. Get yourself immersed at once, and by so doing, cleanse yourself washing away all your sins. For it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness. And while you are calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus, be filled with His holy spirit as promised. Paul went on to become the chosen Apostle to the gentiles -- the non Jews. And as the scriptures record, Paul was the last to see the Lord.
Regardless of what some preach, Paul made this point very clear in the scriptures. "Last of all, He was seen of me." (I Corinthians chapter 16)
Today, we need to know that God rules and reigns, whether or not we choose to acknowledge Him as King. Like Saul/Paul, we can venture on life’s journey. We can make life about "our way" or we can give our lives to God so that He can lead the way. The choice is simple. We can continue going around in circles or we can choose life. God has a purpose for you. God has a purpose for your life.
In short, the rule of thumb is this. If you can't take God with you wherever you are going, then don’t go. If God is not being honoured in your conversation, then don’t have the conversation. God in all things must have the pre-eminence. He is first and foremost. This is your call. Stand in the offering plate.
Jesus instructed Saul on what he should and ought to do. And look at how his life was transformed. Saul became Paul. The old Saul became new. We ought to do likewise. With all sincerity. May our Lord God and Saviour bless you.
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