Separating the wheat from the tares is today's topic. In 1st John, chapter 2, verse 19, the scriptures state that they went out from our company because they did not really belong to our company. For if they had been one of us, saith the scriptures, they would have persevered by our side and stayed. Instead the scriptures make it clear that they went out. They left the fold. And in reality then, by leaving, these individuals were clarifying that they do not, either then or now, fellowship with us.
Separating the wheat from the tares. John continues to elaborate on this point. The reason I am writing to you, he said, is not because you are unaware of the truth. On the contrary, he states, you positively know the truth. But you also know that no lie is of the truth. As John states, anything that is false has nothing in common with truth.
The same message that John was portraying in his 'separating the wheat from the tares' is equally relevant to the scriptures that state, "He who denies that Jesus is the Christ is a notorious liar." Indeed, only the antichrist would deny that the Father was in the Son. That the fullness of the Godhead dwelled bodily in Jesus the Christ. Further, he who habitually denies that Jesus is the only begotten son of God, he or she has no knowledge of the Father. Why do the scriptures raise these points? Because God made His presence well known to the apostles. And He wanted to make Himself equally well known to us.
"For he who has seen the Son has seen the Father, and he who has known the Son has known the Father also." There is no secret here. No mixed messages. God instructed believers to keep these scriptural treasures which have been heard from the beginning close to our hearts. I beg you to adhere to the original gospel teachings too. That is, the teaching of the Spirit of God spoken through His own mouth. This is the mouth of the man Jesus who is God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son.
These things I write concerning them that endeavour to lead you astray, misleading you with enticing words that are contrary to the gospel which was first delivered to mankind. The gospel that was first spoken by the Lord Jesus for from His mouth proceeded the very word of God. Keep in union with Jesus. God is separating the wheat from the tares.
Still, the antichrists are everywhere, hiding behind the scriptures and cloaking themselves in robes or in angel's attire (white suits). These antichrists are speaking all sorts of things contrary to the original sound doctrine that was delivered to you in the scriptures. Their words, while enticing and endearing words and accompanied with glitz and music, are really making merchandise of you. They are fleecing you with their vain imaginations, hammered out on their own anvils. They fashion themselves in the style of Hollywood. Indeed, these antichrists are well rehearsed and take great delight in delivering their own "revised" gospel message. But their message is not the gospel message as delivered in the scriptures. It is not the intended gospel message of salvation that God wanted to share. It is not the message that will lead you to the love and peace of God.
But God is separating the wheat from the tares.
Paul further confirmed John's message when he stated that there would be men coming forth from your own gatherings and speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. In fact, Jesus said that some enthusiasts would compass land and sea to gain one convert after themselves. Imagine, travelling near and far in the hope that one soul would worship you rather than the Almighty God.
So what are we to do? How are we to know who is preaching the gospel message of Jesus?
The scriptures say to test the spirits. If these individuals speak words other than the original teachings of Jesus, as outlined in the Biblical scriptures, then Jesus said to come out from among them. Be separated from them so that Jesus can receive you. For these people with their false teachings have already left the fold and in so doing, go to great lengths to deviate their message from the scriptures. The Bible says, "What fellowship has light with darkness? Can two people walk together except that they are in agreement?" Of course not.
Still, what a travesty. God is separating the wheat from the tares.
In the days to come, we will continue to present the Biblical truths as delivered in the scriptures. If you find these scriptural truths to be in opposition to what the antichrist churches are teaching, then you need to come out from them. Get close to Jesus instead. In so doing, remember that you will never be asked to join an assembly or give donations. Rather, you will be encouraged to "Stand in the Offering Plate." It is "you" God wants.
In Jesus name, receive redemption as the free gift of God. And from here, obey the first alter call message delivered by God’s Spirit. It was delivered through the mouth of Peter so that all people should obediently submit to God’s way of salvation. Read Acts chapter 2, verses 37 through 40. This is the born again message of reconciliation. God's intended plan of salvation, that includes being born again of water and of the spirit.
God bless you, for He has said in blessing, I will bless you.
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