Thursday, March 31, 2011

Predestination - PART 73

In Galatians, we read, that God made a promise to Abraham and to his "descendant." The scripture does not use the plural “descendants" as one might expect but rather the singular “descendant" meaning one person only, namely Christ. What is outlined in the scriptures is that God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to keep it.

In contrast, the law was handed down by angels, with a man acting as a go between - an intermediary. But a go between is not needed when only one person is involved, particularly when God is that one. If we read Galatians chapter 3, we see that God's Word is Spirit. It is us that are of the earth and indeed earthy. God had a plan for man right from the get go. And God's plan goes like this.

Eye has not seen neither has ear heard nor has it ever entered into the hearts of man the blessings that God has in store for them. Indeed, the scriptures state that the knowledge of the Lord shall cover all the earth, even as the waters cover the sea. So in introducing this plan of salvation, God who wanted to communicate with man made a body that was made of flesh, bone and blood. As it is written, in the scriptures, "a body you have prepared for me." So God's word was veiled  in flesh. The Spirit of God planted male and female seeds into a young virgin girl named Mary. (see the genealogy in previous issues).At an afore-predetermined time, the Holy Spirit of God united those two seeds to become the child of the Holy Spirit clothed with Mary’s sinful tended flesh.

The flesh that Jesus took on is like our at birth. The difference being, that we were not the seed of the Holy Spirit. Mary brought forth Her first born son and called Him as she and Joseph were instructed to by an angel of God  - call Him Jesus - God Himself as a Son - to become our Saviour.  As we read further, the Holy Spirit child grew until He attained His manhood, then He ushered in His ministry. He talked like a man confined in the body of a son.  God had become like one of us. He was not an alien.
You were born either as a male or female and growing until you possibly married.You and your spouse desired a family. God blessed you with offspring. When your offspring arrived you drastically changed. Instead of appearing only as a son or daughter, there is now a recognition that you had now become a father and mother. Why, at some point, you start to converse as a father and mother even though you are still in a son or daughter's body. When your friends come visiting, they are fully aware that you are a son and daughter but that also, as a result of children, you have become a father and mother also. 

If we consider this perspective a little further, we discover that when we talk to friends, we do not communicate to them as a son or daughter specifically. In fact, you communicate to them with a spirited adult conversation. So here you are male or female, son or daughter, father or mother, speaking like an adult  spirited language. All of these characteristics and personalities are housed in one body. Now ask yourself the question. Are you three persons or are you one person? Or are you three manifestations of one indwelling spirit?

Some of us may have to go back to the scriptures to determine this answer. In the interim, we need to understand that God was about to redeem His created family from Adam’s fall. We also need to recognize that as a Son, He spoke Words that inspired faith. Jesus went about doing good and healing all who came to Him. All  who came in faith to the Lord Jesus were healed. After all God was in Jesus.

His reward? Crucify Him said, the sin laden men and religious zealots. Crucify Him for we will not have this man rule over us. You see, while Jesus was on His mission to save mankind, there was a contingent who thought they had a better way. But Jesus never lost sight of His purpose. His purpose of coming into the world, to seek and to save that which was lost. Most importantly, He went willingly to Calvary for us.

Originally, in Genesis, we were meant to be God's family by creation. Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden failed. Adam the created son of God messed up, and as a consequence, we inherited the curse of sin and death. So God Himself as as a son determines that He Himself is going to undo the curse. He by Himself  is going to take our curse upon Himself and in so doing Jesus fathered us in his death. If he had not taken our sin upon His own self, we would still be alienated from God. He, as a Son sacrificed His body for us.

God Himself as a son  fought the war of the worlds so that He would now rightfully be called Father. We are now the sons of God because He as a son took our place faithful to the end. This is why today we owe it all to the Spirit of God who sacrificed Himself as a Son. God bless. 

No Other Name Under Heaven - PART 72

Jesus told the disciples that this cup is the new testament. He said, “a new testament." By referring to it as the new testament, He had rendered the former covenant old and obsolete. If we review the scriptures in context, we find that the old covenant was between two parties. The new covenant is the last Will and Testament of the Holy Spirit’s only begotten son named Jesus.

Obviously, Jesus did not consult with man before He wrote His last will and testament  As a consequence, there are many people who will try to obscure His Will. The point that they need to note is that this WILL is more than a covenant. Why? For covenants come and covenants go. God walked away from the former covenant simply because the other party involved never fulfilled their part of the covenant.

But this new TESTAMENT is established between God who is Spirit and the man Jesus the child of the Holy Ghost. The contents contained in the new testament are not dependant on Adam or attempts by the fallen race to ratify its contents. However, Adam's fallen sinful offspring became benefactors of all the contained promises and blessings, simply because in the veins of the man Jesus flowed the blood of His own holy Spirit.

It is HIS blood that seals the everlasting testament. In order to receive the contents willed to you by the ONE GOD who was in the man Christ Jesus, you must come to the advocate of the will. This is the way that the Holy Ghost spoke through the mouth of Peter -- Jesus, after being taken up, gave commandments to the apostles THROUGH the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:1-4). Remember when the people wanted to know what to do, and they asked this very question. They had come to the realization that they had, by their collective actions crucified the Lord of glory. The response? Peter said to them, Repent (why not?) and be baptized (why not?) in water (symbolical of being buried as outlined in Romans chapter 6:3-6) .

Into the name of the Lord Jesus, said Peter. And as many as are baptized into Jesus the Christ will be baptized into His death. This is why there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we can be saved. (Acts 4:12)

No other name. Only Jesus! Ye shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sin. (Matthew 1:21-23)

Father, son nor spirit are a name. They are descriptive titles. Follow the instructions as per the words of the administrator of the New Testament (the Holy Ghost) and continue steadfast in His Word.

Stand in the offering plate.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Everlasting Love - PART 71

"Who are you Lord?" asked Saul, when he was suddenly stopped by a bright light which shone all around him. Jesus said unto him,  "I am Jesus" ... the same Jesus who shall save His people from their sin. Call His name Immanuel, which interpreted means, God with us. (Matthew 1:21-23) Neither is there salvation in any other name. (Acts 4:12)

Indeed, in no one else can salvation be found. Only Jesus! This is why the council called the apostles and commanded them, and in fact, dictated to them that they were not to speak to anyone at all about Jesus. Not even His Name.

Peter's response to the council was simple. Peter told them to decide for themselves whether it is right before God to obey individuals rather than God. Paul also confirmed this point of view when he said that it was the God of our fathers who had appeared to Him as He journeyed on the road to Damascus. Paul was told that it was the God of our fathers who had met him and chosen him, when his mission at that time was to find those who believed and jail them. That was certainly his mission for that day.

Thankfully, the Lord had another mission for Saul, and soon, Paul would learn His will. When the light shone around him, Saul became blind. Still, Paul had seen the just one and heard His voice speaking directly to his heart.

Can you imagine what Saul must be thinking, when he uttered the words, "Who art Thou, Lord?" As we know, Saul did not have to ask twice. In fact, Jesus told Saul right there and then, "I am Jesus whom ye persecute."

This is why the scriptures tell us that the Name of Jesus is ABOVE every other name in both Heaven and on earth. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus the Christ is Lord. As Christians, we are renewed, justified, and sanctified in Him -- Jesus the Christ. He alone is the True God that gives eternal life.

God manifest in the flesh. (I Timothy 3:16) The Lord came forth as a mighty man. (Isaiah 42:13; Isaiah 9:6) And this same Lord is Jesus who Peter (standing with the eleven) on the day of Pentecost identified as both Lord and Christ. (Acts 2:36)

 Is it J- H -V- H  or  J-H-W-H? Try pronouncing these letters as a word. Complicated? Well, yes. The councils are still commanding that we ought not to speak in the name of Jesus. We were commanded by Jesus, the shepherd of His own redeemed people to go into all the world and preach repentance and remission in His name Jesus. The name that the angel (the messenger of God) said that we must call His name Immanuel -- God with us -- is named Jesus.

So the flock of a different shepherd went behind the scene and decided on an alternative name. And, as a consequence, they almost achieved their accomplished mission. The mission was to obscure the name of Jesus, child of the Holy Spirit. It is hard to believe that men chose to oppose God, especially when we know that the one who made the world was in the world and answered to the name of Jesus.

So what do these letters mean? Well, the above capital letters are simply the 'incommunicable' name of a Hebrew (God). Pray tell then, why would anyone endeavour to communicate an incommunicable name? Why wouldn't individuals want the masses to understand and comprehend God's name? In this case, their desperation to deceive the people amounts to a travesty. Individuals playing around with the vowels AEIOU and conjuring up something that is readable but their conduct inexcusable. 

Still, in spite of the deceipt, when ordinary people heard Jesus, they ran to Him with enthusiasm. Why? Because Jesus did not speak as the religious leaders of the day did. Jesus had something more to offer - the gift of salvation. So instead of deceiving people and/or being deceived by others, we need to recognize that the throne of Jesus is forever. Indeed, forever all the angels of God worship Him.  

God’s redeemed children (who all are in the man Jesus who is God Himself as a son) are in number more than the granules of sand by the sea. It is for this reason that Jesus people continue to keep their sights on the cross of Jesus. If the first 3000 believers repented and were baptised by immersion (buried symbolically with Jesus) into the Name of the Lord Jesus the Christ, for the remission of sin, receiving a promise that they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, then we need to do the same also.

Stand in the offering plate with Jesus who loves you with an everlasting love. In blessing, He will bless you.

Gift of Salvation - PART 70

In Him we have redemption through His Holy Ghost blood. We have found in Him our deliverance. In other words, we have been ransomed from captivity. He bought our freedom so that we might have life. Not just life on this earth but life eternal as well. 

For those of you who are not familiar with the scriptures, the word "redemption" means the remission and forgiveness of our sins. Jesus, the incarnation of the unseen God. God manifest in the flesh. Indeed, He is the embodiment of the Spirit of God. God Himself is the second Adam, the firstborn and the Head of all creation. 

He is the Word of God spoken through the mouth of God’s own body. And they shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sin. (Matthew 1:21-23)

When Paul asked the question, "Who are you Lord?" the response is simple. "I am Jesus." Jesus said to some unbelievers during His time on earth that if they were to die without exercising their faith, (as in if you do not believe that I AM), then they shall die in their sins. This outcome, even though God is not willing that any should perish. 

When God became our Saviour on the cross, He was on a salvation mission. And two thousand years later, He is still on that same a salvation mission, long suffering so that one and all can come to His throne of grace. He is inviting us to the wedding feast. He asks us to come all of us who are heavy laden and He will give us rest.

Indeed, in all things He shall have the pre-eminence over all created things. All things were made by Him and for Him. It is by Him that all things exist. Without Him there is nothing made that was made for by Him the universe was created. All things He created whether those things are in Heaven or on Earth. (John 1:1-18; I Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6)

He created the visible and the invisible, the spiritual and the material. God even created the angels and archangels, including all the powers of Heaven. Even the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms and its rulers and authorities were all created by Almighty God. 

All of these were created by Him and for Him. All was made by Jesus the Christ for His own use and glory.  

Throughout it all, in every day that passes, Jesus takes precedence. Why? Because He is God alone and in Him and through Him the universe is sustained and embraced as one harmonious whole. Jesus is the Head of the body, the assembly, the church, and the congregation. He Himself is the firstborn from the dead. He is also the church’s source of life. Life. We may not be privy to all the details but we do know that our life began in Him and through Him. He occupies the foremost place. He is justly called Lord of All.

For He willed that in Himself all the fullness of His divine perfection chose to live. For in Him the complete being of God who by His own choice came to live. God wanted all of Himself to be manifest as a Son so that all the universe should dwell in Him. And now, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Himself as a Son, He came to reconcile us. He brought us a new testament, sealed with His very blood.

And, as a consequence, He won back everything to Himself. It was through Himself as a Son that God cleared a path for everything and everyone to come to Him.

For it pleased God that we who were at one time estranged and enemies of Him and in our minds at war with Him, living in evil wickedness, that we can now access the gift of salvation. Now He has bought us back as His friends. He has by Himself as a Son reconciled us to Him. By the means of the sacrifice of His own human flesh and blood body in death at Calvary, God Himself as a Son did all of this on our behalf. This, so He may present us before Himself as dedicated men and women without blemish and innocent in His sight.

The body of Christ. His bride.

Blameless and un-accusable before Him. For you shall have no other Gods before me. The scriptures state, "My glory, I will not give to another." God has glorified His Son Jesus. And what do the scriptures state? That every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus the Christ IS indeed Lord. Herein is the Holy Ghost glorified for He who has the Son has the Father also.

These words are offered in order that you may know Him personally, who if you peruse the unveiling of Him according to the revealed Word is life eternal. It is then that we will and can worship Him alone. God Himself in the face of Jesus. 

Again, the question is asked - who are you Lord? I AM JESUS. Stand in the offering plate with your blessed Saviour and be made whole. Your sins are forgiven you. Peace to all who are in Jesus the Christ.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Glory of God - PART 69

Jesus is God in visible form. Indeed, from the beginning, when the world and man was first created, God knew then that salvation meant showing Himself in human form. A visible form so that we could see that God Himself loved us so much that He would die for us. As a consequence, you now have God’s own personal spirit and word.

To understand the depth of God's love further, let us view this same God who has made all things. It was not another person or triune figure in a godhead. It was the unseen God who loved us so much now being seen. When God made all things for Himself and by Himself, it was because He loved us. He still loves us. This visible form of God that has no beginning of days nor end of life took on a human form for us.

Yes, everything is of God whether it is seen or unseen. In fact, all things are made by God. And, as a result of His counsel, the counsel that determined He was going to create a universe, led to all things contained in the universe being an expression of Himself (God in created form). The Earth showing His handiwork while the heavens displayed His Glory for all to enjoy. It is no wonder that we say, this is the best life we have ever lived and this is the best place I have ever been. It's because the almighty God who loves us so much wanted it that way.

One cannot hide from the Lord. Some will try to hide. However they are fighting a losing battle. At the end of life's road, there is God. In the scriptures, Jesus as a man, is typified as a Lamb slain before the foundation of the earth. God knows the ending from the beginning. He also foreknew that He Himself would go to all extremes to enable us to become a temple and a habitation. A temple that God is going to furnish according to His predetermined counsel. And once we have accepted God's grace, then He, our God is going to move in, at which time we will see that Jesus as a man was the cornerstone of the establishment of this temple.

The fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ, who is the form of God. Think about this for a moment. The fullness of God in Christ. So God's promised/counselled Word veiled Himself in flesh and fashioned Himself as a man. Therefore let this humble mind and attitude be in us which was in Christ Jesus, who though His divine nature was from the beginning God.

Jesus in the flesh thought it not robbery to be equal with God. He emptied Him of reputation and stripped Himself of glory. Indeed, He took upon Himself the nature of a slave /servant. He was born in human guise in the likeness of men. He finally humiliated Himself in obedience so as to die, even going so far as to die a criminal’s death. That is, the death of the cross. God manifest in the flesh.

The record does not say that He was representative of God, neither does the record say that He is a god. What the record does declare is that ALL the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Jesus. The scriptures also declare that it pleased the Holy Spirit, His Father that in Him should all the fullness of the Godhead dwell. God is Spirit.the only begotten son who is in His bosom has manifestly declared Him.

Remember the scriptue, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh." Who appeared in the flesh? According to the scriptures, He (God) was made visible in human form.  He was revealed in our nature and showed Himself as a human being. He was justified in the Spirit and declared / pronounced righteous. Furthermore, He was proved spotless and pure in His Spirit, seen of angels and made visible unto messengers. He preached to the Gentiles, to whom the good news was given among the nations.

Most of all, He was believed on in the world. He was trusted throughout the world and then received up into glory. He is now glorified in the Heavens. Here is a simple example. If you take a drop of water from the ocean, that drop of water would contain all the elements that were in all the ocean. By using the same analogy, the scriptures deliver the message in this fashion. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. There isn't another God. Rather, I am God manifest in the flesh as a son.

Stand in the offering plate. Give yourself willingly to the one who loved you and sacrificed Himself for you. He has done it all just for you. Come to the Lord Jesus. Be baptised into the watery grave with Jesus and rise out of the water a new creation. New and justified and fellowshipping with the same God who created you. Be filled with His holy spirit and go on your way rejoicing. God in Christ bless you!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Children of God - PART 68

Admittedly, it is true that there was a time that my view of Christ was carnal. I viewed Him from the standpoint of the world as only being a man. Although at the time, I viewed his external features in human fashion, looking back I recognize that I was thoroughly mistaken to think of Him that way. How differently I feel now.

But today, I no longer hold the same opinion. I no longer see Him from that simplistic viewpoint.Why? Because I have been born again. When I accepted Jesus into my life, I became a new creation. Ever since, God has been doing a work in me. On my part, I simply believed, and received His Words, His message. I did nothing more and nothing less. I just took God at His word.

As I began to learn about God's salvation, the old things that kept me busy simply lost their appeal. This new walk has been refreshing. In comparison to the reality and persuasions that I used to adhere to, well, there is no comparison. I now have the God who made me working inside me. Remember when Jesus ascended into the heavens? In so doing, He left a very comforting message with us. That is, He, the God of Heaven was going to prepare a place for us, and, that upon completion, He would come and escort us into this new Heaven and new Earth wherein dwells righteousness.

The centurion at the cross, exclaimed, “Truly this was the Son of God.” The centurion recognized that Jesus was no ordinary person. Even though we have known Christ after the flesh, we can now honestly state that henceforth we know Him that way no more. Jesus was put to death in the flesh, but quickened (and made alive) by the Spirit of God. It is written that the Spirit of God will not allow His holy child to see corruption.

To this end, the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. We die in a natural body but we believers will be raised in a spiritual body. God is the Father of Spirits - the first man of the earth was earthy but the second Adam is a sweet Spirit - God Himself as a Son coming into this world to seek and to save that which is /was lost. Then Jesus, having accomplished His predestined mission, ascended into Heaven with a resurrected body, changed from the natural into a spiritual.

He was sown as a seed of the Holy Ghost. On the inside God and on the outside flesh covered in Mary’s sinful Adamic fallen flesh. His flesh became cursed at Calvary. He took on this fleshly role in order to bring us the now redeemed (but previously condemned sinners) to a lively hope. He took upon Himself the penalties of all our sin. He died the just for the unjust. The Spirit of God which indwelt Jesus had previously said that if man were to destroy (kill) His body that in three days He would raise it up again. 

In this case, the Spirit of God not only raised Him from the dead (not in the old natural body) but His body is now quickened. Still appearing in manly fashion yet now incapable of dying. Still, this new body was a tangible body, as we see from His frequent appearances in various forms to His disciples. This was the case, as the scriptures describe for a period of forty days. At the end of forty days, He ascended into heaven, blessing them, until a cloud hid Him from their sight. (Acts 1:1-4)

After His ascension (10 days after) the man Jesus was glorified. We, being His redeemed chosen people and the true Israel of God -- the non, people now called the children of God -- the people who were birthed by Jesus seed with He being the seed that fell into the ground and died. Well, we are  the resulting offspring. And as a consequence of God's salvation, now we are the body of the Christ. As such, we are made partakers of the same Spirit who promised us that He would abide with us and in us always, even to the end of the age. 

This same Holy Spirit is now indwelling believers. It is not another or different Spirit but it is the same Spirit of Jesus. His glorified brightness is much brighter than the noonday sun. His love for us equally bright. God is one Spirit, at at the death of His own natural body the veil of the old temple was rent in twain. God has glorified His son Jesus. God has declared that Jesus who we crucified is Lord and Christ. 

And to the Son, the Spirit of God declares, "Your throne O’ God is forever and forever. Let all the angels of God worship Him." Consequently, Jesus is the one written of in the book of Revelations (the unveiling) of Jesus the Christ. Where it is said, I am. He that IS, and WAS, and is to come -- the ALMIGHTY!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Word Veiled in Flesh - PART 67

This might be an ideal time to interject why we make reference to God as being male in gender. First and foremost, God is a Spirit, filling the heavens and the earth. Even the scriptures state, "Why even the heavens cannot contain God?" How big is God? Well, in God, we live and we move and we have our being. Further, God created man in His own image. This might be where we begin to think of God as HE.

The first woman was taken from man. The bone was of his bone and the flesh of his flesh making man incomplete without the woman. Eve then, is the mother of all living. God delivered Eve from Adam in the garden of Eden. Thereafter, whither male or female, we all came from a female.

One day a person wanted to inquire as to where I came from. I replied, I came from a woman. Where did you come from? It is the same situation within creation. When that initial creation intersects with salvation in the second Adam or Christ the New Creation, it is here that our understanding of the gospel message is increased. Indeed, there is neither male nor female.

For further clarification, you might want to read 1st Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 1 through 16. Here, you will begin to read how no man has seen God at any time. It is the only begotten who is in the bosom of the Father who has declared Him. The only begotten. Jesus spoken of Him as the Only begotten. In comparison, we are spoken of as begat. The difference is that Jesus is God’s holy child being conceived of the Holy Ghost, spoken of in the scriptures as one who is without father or mother. He has no beginning of days, nor end of life. Why? Because His begin is after the order (the lead) of Melchisedec.

We cannot be talking of the flesh in which the Spirit of the Christ was embodied. for the flesh covering began in the womb of Mary when she served as a surrogate Mother. The fetus being seeded of the Holy Spirit.  What do the scriptures state? That which is conceived in you Mary is of the Holy Ghost ... and finished at Calvary. He was sown a natural body and yet raised a spiritual body. Jesus is introduced as being God with us -- as a Son. The Word was made or veiled and the flesh lived among us.

The Word of God did not become a human being, rather the Word was clothed in the flesh of fallen humanity. Having been clothed upon with flesh in Mary’s womb, the pure humanity is attributed to the Holy Spirit which was in the man Jesus the Christ. God was in Christ. God did not come to Earth to acquire humanity. God is, and always will be the source of pure humanity. Before the fall, Adam was perfect in all his ways, an earthly expression of God.

God was endeavouring thereby, to reveal His own spiritual humanity in visible earthly created form. A form created from the dust of the earth into which God breathed the breath of Life. Fresh air. The same air which keeps us up and running yet is incapable of providing us with spiritual humanity. In the Old Testament, we learn that Adam was a created son of God. One could say that if you had seen Adam, you had perhaps seen God, in a created form.

But in the New Testament, we read that the Word was veiled in flesh. The Word -- God Himself. The SAME Word (or counsel of God ) that had brought forth Adam. God Had promised that He would become our Saviour, and in keeping with His promised Word, He conceived Himself into Mary’s womb. Even though He had created all things, God still humbled Himself for you and I. God took upon Himself the form of a servant in a son form. He was referred to as the second Adam. He was the Lord Himself!

God who at different times and in various manners spoke to us through the mouths of prophets has now spoken to us as/in His Son. God’s Spirit created all things and by Himself (as a Son) and for Himself, all things were made. Apart from Himself, there is nothing made that was made. God said, "My glory, I will not give to another." It is said, Let all the angels of God worship Him. Jesus, the Christ, is the same God, yesterday, today and forever. This is why Thomas declared to Jesus,“My Lord and MY God!" So should we. 

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. (Ephesians 4:5-6) Stand in the offering plate.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Lord is My Light and My Salvation - PART 66

Often, when presented with contradictory information, we are left confused. This is certainly the situation when we hear references to one God revealed in three persons or as conversely, that there is only One God revealed in three distinct and separate persons. In this case, where there are two very distinct and contrary perspectives, we have to consult the scriptures. Otherwise, how will we learn the truth?

Certainly, from a historical perspective, it is not good enough to rely on tradition. Why? Because many of the teachings relating to the Godhead emanated from the church fathers in 300 to 400 AD, and are now known as the trinity, even though the word trinity is never mentioned in the Bible. It is at this point that we need to ask ourselves - what is the correct answer to the questions above?

It is also important that we know the answer. Why? Because if we don't know who we worship, how can we understand God's ultimate gift of salvation. Plus, it is nice to know what God has to say about Himself. In the same context,  we learn, by searching the scriptures, who it is that we ought to and should be given pre-eminence to.

In John chapter 1, the scriptures state that "In the beginning was the Word." God originally was the Word. The Logo existed in the very beginning. From the first days of creation, the Word was already in being. In the beginning, God expressed Himself and when all things began the Word already was. By recognizing the value of this point, it establishes that the Word of God is the supreme and sole authority. The Word was with God and the Word was God.

The logos was with God and the Logos was divine. God had His Word abiding with Him. The Word was God Himself. What God was in the scriptures, the Word was one and the same. The same Word was in the beginning with God, was originally with God, and the same was word was with God from the first. The same Word proceeded from God’s face and this same Word existed in God from the beginning.

As a consequence, one cannot separate God from His Word or you would render God incapable of speech. Indeed, all things were made by Him - GOD - and through God all things came into being. Everything came into existence through God. All of creation took place through God, created by His hand. Recall in Genesis chapter1, when the scriptures state that in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. And, without God was not anything made that was made. Creation was not only designed by God Almighty but similarly came into existence because of God. No creature came into existence -- into being apart from Him. No single thing was created without Him.

In Him then was Life. In Him appeared Life. And the Life was the Light of men -- the Light of humankind. What happens when the Light shines in darkness? Of course, the light goes on shining. It continues to shine. But yet, the darkness does not comprehend the light because darkness can't overcome the light. Light can't be hidden under the bushel by darkness. Neither can darkness extinguish the light.

Continuing in verse 9, that was the true light, which lightens every man that comes into the world. The same light that shines upon every man as he comes. There is only one true light, even the light which lightens every man coming. The true light was coming into the world. The light was on its way into the world. Remember the verse that states, "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him."

Yes, He came into the world. He entered our world, this world that was made through Him and by Him. This world in which we live came into existence through Him. Still,  the world did not know Him. The world did not recognize Him! Instead, the world treated Him as a stranger. At the end of the day, we have the record and regardless of how many times it is turned every way and back again, the scriptural record is clear. So, is God three or is He One? Is He the one and only God Almighty?

Why not ask Him? As you can see, if you hold to the trinity, and believe in fact that God is three persons, you encounter a problem. That is, which one of the three persons are you talking to? Think about it. God is not as complicated as tradition would have us believe. You are made in the image of God and it is His Word that was veiled in flesh!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

His Faithful Love Endures Forever - PART 65

In Luke chapter 22, the time came for the evening meal. Jesus had sat down with the twelve apostles saying, "Earnestly have I longed with all my heart to share this Passover meal with you. I will never eat the Passover again until it finds its fruition in the Kingdom of God." A cup of wine was handed to Him. After saying the thanksgiving, He said to take this cup and distribute its contents among each of them. Jesus then said, I tell you, I shall not drink of the juice of the grape until such time as God’s reign comes. Then He took a loaf of bread and once again gave thanks. He then broke the bread into portions. 

While doing so, He said these words. This illustrates my body being given up for your sake. Do this as a commemoration of me and in remembrance of me. After they had eaten, He handed them the cup, saying this cup of wine is the New Testament ratified by my blood which is to be poured out for you. And then they sung a hymn.

In I Corinthians chapter 11, the Lord Jesus the same night was betrayed and arrested. He took the loaf of bread and when He had given thanks, He broke the bread and gave to His disciples. This example was to illustrate what was still to come. That is the breaking of Jesus body being given on our behalf. I am taking your place, Jesus was saying. Do this in remembrance of me. In my memory. Similarly, when supper had ended, He took the cup of the juice of the grape and supped it, saying, this cup of wine is the New Testament ratified.

In so doing, Jesus established and set in motion the plan of salvation that would be available to one and all through His blood. This do for me. As often as you drink it, Jesus said you are doing it for me. In remembrance of me. In remembrance of the cross. For as often as you eat this bread and drink this juice of the grape you are commemorating, heralding and retelling the message of our LORD`s death. Remembering how Jesus died for us. 

Until He comes again, whoever shall eat this bread and drink this juice of the grape unworthily in the wrong spirit will be guilty of desecrating the body and the blood of the Lord. Therefore, let each man look into his own heart, and only then, should he eat of the bread and drink of the juice of the grape. For whosoever eats and drinks unworthily brings a judgement upon himself by his eating and drinking because that individual male or female does not recognize that this is being done in remembrance of the Lord`s death on our behalf.

Those who neglect to recognize the aforementioned admonitions, then the following may be in dire straits or fall from God's intended grace. The scriptures state that it is this careless participation without consideration of the real purpose of drinking the bread and eating the wine --- the purpose being do these things in remembrance of Jesus -- which is the reason that many are feeble and sickly Christians in your assemblies. Moreover, many sleep in death.

But if we would only read the scriptures. If we would only carefully examine ourselves, we would not be judged of the Lord. So brethren, when you gather together to remember the Lord`s sacrificial death on our behalf, do so with Jesus in your heart. Each one at the same time partaking of the simple elements, symbolical of the Lord`s body and blood that was sacrificed once and once for all. There is no transubstantiation. Melchisedec brought forth the bread and wine.  Recall that the body of Jesus was cursed! You cannot at man made altars re-sacrifice Him. Jesus has already paid the price. He only asks that when you take the bread and wine, remember Him.

Stand in the offering plate. Come just as you are. I sacrificed myself for You. It is your call. God in Christ bless you with the bread and wine JESUS.

Live by Faith, Not by Sight - PART 64

The Spirit of God has continually endeavoured down through the ages to reveal Himself to mankind.  Unfortunately, humans were always misreading God’s intended results. Even though God was constantly and purposefully attempting to reveal Himself, utilizing descriptive titles of His name as one approach, and by sending prophets to disseminate divinely inspired revelations, both His and the apostle's words fell on deaf ears.

In a last attempt to bring man salvation, the same God who created us was moved by love and compassion toward His created. Deciding by the counsel of His own mind, He Himself set out to make a final attempt to redeem man from his fallen estate. God would become as one of us. This He accomplished by issuing His own seed as a man and as a woman (that which is conceive in you Mary is of the Holy Spirit). In today's language, Mary was a surrogate mother.

As the scriptures state, an angel revealed the child's name, Jesus the Son of God. While on earth, Jesus went about His Father’s business, attempting to remove the fog of tradition that had become so entrenched within society. Ordinary people -- indeed, ordinary Joe's -- responded to His new gospel message. In relaying His message, many noted that it was an authoritative one. Jesus did not speak like the scribes and the Pharisees. In fact, He talked the talk and walked the walk. Well, that conduct could not be tolerated by a seated religion. So, as a consequence, the back room boys began to scheme, developing a plan that would remove Jesus. We know the end result. But there are equally important details to note that set the stage.

First and foremost, Jesus is the child of the Holy Spirit. The child had been clothed in Mary‘s womb in the fashion of men. That is, Jesus was clothed with that which Mary‘s womb was only capable of supplying. That is, similar to all those born of women, sinful flesh. It could not be any other way for she was also the offspring of Adam‘s fallen race.

In the man dwelt the Holy Spirit, for Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit. In effect we see the priesthood of God being revealed in earthly fashion. God who is a Spirit was always love, mercy and compassion, right from the beginning. Now, centuries later, we are going to the school of God, to be taught the ABC's of God. We are learning that God Himself became as a son in earthly visible language.We are being introduced to the spiritual priesthood of God. What we are having unveiled to us then is love. The love that God has for His people and more. Unlike the priests of today, there is no other priest like the priestly nature of the unseen God now being manifest in the man Jesus the Christ.

Initially, Philip who actually walked with Jesus was hung up as to who Jesus was. If you recall in the scriptures, Philip desired to see God the Father and said that if he did, that would satisfy Him. Well here comes the eye opener. 

Jesus responded to Philip saying, "Have I been so long time with you and you have not known me? If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." 

God’s priestly nature (MELCHISEDEC) was in the man Christ Jesus, child of the Holy Spirit, revealing His Father’s priestly nature reaching out with His arms wide open. Who would ever desire any other form of priest? Particularly when there is no other love like the love of Jesus. The Spirit of the one God who was in the man Jesus was and is and will be the prophet, priest and King. This God who has revealed Himself in the man Jesus is now revealing Himself to you too if you are looking for a priest.

Look no further. For God has said, "Look to me all you people who are lost and you shall be saved. Why? Because as Jesus points out, beside Him, there is no Saviour. Your only high priest - He lives forever - He has an unchangeable priesthood. So come today. Stand in the offering plate. Take my Hand precious Lord.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Precious than Gold - PART 63

 Melchisedec, the priest of the most high God, creator and possessor of Heaven and earth, met Abraham and when He did, He brought forth Bread and Wine. The Bread and Wine (now to be observed by us), represented this Priest’s own sacrificial death at Calvary. For without the blood of Jesus the Christ, there would be no priesthood. The life was the life of God Himself as a son, without which there would be no priesthood.

For He who is now our great high priest who is none other than the one who sacrificed His own holy spirit life as a son. At which time He by Himself purchased our redemption once and once for all. Melchisedec’s priesthood ruled and reigned because He had something to offer, and that something being offered was Himself. He bridged the gulf of our sin which separated God from man. He was represented here as the bread and wine.

Therefore, it becomes apparent that apart from His earthly ministry as a man, pure, holy and undefiled, no priesthood would or could exist. Now the Priest Melchisedec with His own natural sacrificed life represented by the bread and wine in His hand proceeded to bless Abraham. And as the only High Priest and the only mediator between God and man renders these words on our behalf. Blessed be the Most High God, which has delivered your enemies into your hands.

You must notice here that the blessing on Abraham was placed upon Abraham by the High Priesthood of God. God reached out to man. God made a way when there was no way. For God commends His love toward us, in that while we rolled around in sin, He was laying down His life redeeming us. God had already decided His plan of salvation before we were born.

Yes, we have been redeemed but not with silver and gold. We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus that washes white as snow. When you or I approach God's throne of grace, we bear nothing in our hands. The price of our redemption and our now justification has been paid in full. The Holy Spirit of God ministers to us because we come in the name of the Spirit of God‘s holy child Jesus. The same Jesus who is now our great high priest after the Order of Melchisedec. Jesus on earth was touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He also was moved with compassion. He wept. The God who created us wept for us. Therefore ought we to call upon Him while He is talking to our heart!

No one every cared for you like Jesus ... and no one else has the capacity to love you the way that Jesus loves you. This love, the love of God is far greater than a tongue or a pen can tell. Unfortunately, Abraham jumped the gun, something like Peter (the apostle) was in the habit of doing. It is recorded in the scriptures that Abraham offered to Melchisedec one tenth of all the spoils, or the loot. The blessing was free. A gift of God. A gift from God.

So make sure you do not intertwine your good works with grace in a manner that suggests that your works are more favourable than the gift of salvation. Jesus is the tree of life. As such, God wants you to be taught of Him through the ministry of His indwelling Spirit. For it is written, that we shall all be taught by God.

Abraham made the same plunge (as previously touched upon concerning circumcision). The promises to Abraham were already delivered to him. If he had wanted to add circumcision then he was on his own because it was not contained in the delivered promises. What is being said here is that tithing, like circumcision, was mentioned only by Abraham after the blessing was administered by Melchisedec holding the bread and the wine. Period.

Yes, if one is led of God to give, then give. But it is not a condition to obtaining salvation. However, it is a work of love that emulates from the circumcision of the heart. Here is the new testament presentation of giving ...  “give as unto the work of the Lord, not grudgingly, nor of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver."

He Whispers Sweet Peace - PART 62

Transubstantiation. Priests were then and still are in large numbers all appointed by men. Generally, priests come from a line of successors, stepping into high offices promoted by a religious system. In fact, there was a saying during the dark ages “That in Europe, priests were as numerous as black flies.” May we also suggest that with a host of priests comes an oft times corrupted message -- another gospel -- that is in stark contrast to the gospel message that Jesus delivered. 

In this case, the gospel message they delivered was as polluted as a black fly infestation. The only retardant to the progress of their religious pursuit was that death curtailed their expansion, at least temporarily. However, when we converse concerning the Priesthood of God, we recognize that God’s unchangeable priesthood continues ever. As it is written, Jesus, is the same yesterday, today and forever. He knows all about your life, the ups and downs, the tears, and even the sorrows. That is why He is a Faithful High priest touched with the feelings of our infirmities. One who is compassionate. For God Himself, as a son was tempted and tried in all points, just like we are.

That is why we speak of Jesus as being our one and only High Priest. There is no other. When we profess that Jesus is GOD Himself as a son, He is mankind’s priest forever after the order of Melchisedec. Jesus, God Himself, is the only mediator between man and God. The scriptures declare this. There is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus the Christ. His Priesthood is untransferable. Why? Because Jesus' priesthood is permanent and does not hail from a long list of successors, as our religious priests do.

This is why when we come to Jesus, everything in our life changes. Jesus turns "our" light switch on to the point that you will never be the same person again. He is able to save you completely, totally and absolutely all those who approach His priestly office. Yes! Here is the High priest who willingly responds to our every need. In so doing, He whispers sweet peace to me and you. The stormy sea subdues and the strong wind ceases and as a consequence, we find rest. Safe in the arms of Jesus!

There is no con artist at work. No impostors. He came to you first so that He could be your friend. Yes He did. And with God on our side, who shall accuse us of anything? Christ has died for our sin once and for all. He rose from the grave confirming our justification. God, swearing Himself to an oath, that stated that all of our sins and iniquities, He would remember know more. Again, there is now no more sacrifice for sin.

Therefore, run as fast as you can to Jesus. He is the one and only author of salvation. What he has promised to do for you He will perform. It is impossible for God to lie. And why would He? Here is the same God who created us willing to become a man to bring us salvation. Comfort one another with these words. Remember too that God as a son sacrificed Himself. The battle is over. The victory is won. Come just as you are to Jesus.

Read the record in Hebrews. Melchisedec was the king of the city of Salem and priest of the most high God. Abraham returning from a battle (known as the battle of the kings) was blessed by Melchisedec. What was the blessing? Melchisedec brought forth bread and wine. There stood Abraham who is spoken of in the scriptures as the father of the faithful before Melchisedec receiving a blessing represented as bread and wine.

So what does all this mean? In the first place His name primarily means King of Righteousness and Justice. Melchisedec is without a record of father, or mother, or lineage. There is simply no genealogy, no pedigree or ancestry in the records. Further, there is no record of birth or a record indicating the end of His life. Indeed, it would appear that He was never born nor, did He ever die. His life is a true symbol of the Son of God, and now as a priest He blesses Abraham, appearing with bread and wine. He continues to be a priest without interruption. No successor. Mark the dignity of this man. How great this man must have been. The lesser is blessed by the greater and still the blessing is symbolised in bread and wine.

Rock of Ages cleft for me ... Let me hide myself in thee ... Let the water and the blood ... From thy wounded side which flowed. Such is our High Priest.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Promise of the Lord - PART 61

We continue with the theme transubstantiationn. In the aforementioned posts, we saw the similarity of the Mosaic Law - the priestly conduct endeavouring to be reproduced into the administering of the ordinance of communion. Before we become immersed in the topic, it is first important to clarify that Christian believers living in the 21st century are not under the Order of the Mosaic Law.

In other words, we as Christians are under the order of Melchisedec. This new order is a totally different conduct of order - the order that we know and accept as the New Testament. At this intersection we discover that which was ministered under the Mosaic covenant (or the old law covenant ) was an agreement between two parties.

The old covenant being a covenant of sin and death was replaced with the new testament (or the Promise of an endless life.  But this agreement was not between two parties. Unlike the contractual agreements of today, only one party was involved in the transaction. Indeed, God, who is one Spirit made undeniable precious promises with Himself as a son so that we would inherit (in His last will and testament all) all of His many promises as a gift.

Why? Because God as a son bequeathed them to us. Again, God is the love that will not let me go. The scriptures state that as a result of a change in the priesthood, there must similarly take place a change in the ORDER of law -- necessitated by a changing (but not an altering) of the Law regarding priesthood. After all, the man of whom these things are prophesied is not of the tribe of Levi. Rather, He is from the tribe of Judah.

It is important to note here that no man has ever given attendance at the Levitical alter. This priesthood and order whereof we now speak belongs to the order of Melchisedec. The order of Melchisedec is a totally different priesthood. Yes, you could say that a priest of a different kind has now emerged. a priest whose priesthood has not been derived from a law of fleshly commands and dealing only with earthly requirements. The scripture clearly state that JESUS, the only begotten son of the Holy Ghost, was the one previously prophesied of in the Old Testament.

The scriptures further state that you are a priest forever after the Order of Melchisedec. But who is Melchisedec? Well, because of the entrance of this new order recognized as the Order of Melchisedec there must be a disannulling of the commands that went before. Plainly speaking, there is a definite cancellation that occurs. This happens so that the law which went before is now set aside. The reason for this is simple. The old law was weak and ineffective. Some might even suggest that the old law was useless and impotent. Certainly, the law was incapable of bringing anything or, for that matter anyone, to maturity. In the end, the old laws simple did not make anyone feel right with God.

On the other hand , God introduced us to a better hope in the New Testament. This new hope enables us to draw nearer and closer to God. In fact, this new priesthood introduces God to us as a sworn oath, ratified and confirmed by God.

Unlike the world in which we live today, whereby the former priesthoods take their office by appointments from me, God did not swear any oath of promise pertaining to them. Listen to what the Spirit of God has said concerning JESUS. His priesthood is an in-transmissible and unchangeable priesthood. God Himself as a son came to bring us salvation. God manifest Himself in the flesh showing forth His spiritual existence in visible earthly expression. The Lord took an oath that will not change. Neither will God change His mind.

God's word is carved in stone forever. God will not recall His words. “You are a Priest Forever after the Order of Melchisedec" is what the Biblical scriptures state. Therefore, because the oath of promise was delivered to us, expressing and showing the validity of God’s promise, we are by grace led of God to Himself. We are led to God as a Son seen in the face of Jesus the Christ.

Remember what the scriptures state. For it has pleased the Spirit of God who fathered the man Jesus that in Him and in Him alone should all the fullness of the Godhead dwell bodily. As a consequence, we are complete in His life. For surely, He alone is the bread of life. If men would only search the scriptures and learn of Him, they would never die.

The way into your heart is not through your mouth. Taste and see that the Lord is Good. Transubstantiation still continues. Stand in the Offering Plate!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Actions Speak Louder than Words - PART 60

In the last post, we had a small opportunity to examine the doctrine of transubstantiation. We also read in the previous post how scripturally, believers were forbidden from eating flesh with the blood contained therein. These two inextricably intertwined points will become more important as we become familiar with the scriptural context that coincides with transubstantiation.

One of the aspects that was not mentioned in the afore-mentioned post was the wafer or bread that is presented as part of the communion service. Please note that the wine is not offered to believers. Rather,the wine is consumed by the administering priest. The reasoning that is given for not delivering the wine to believers too is that the wine (now supposed to be blood ) would be retained within the bread (now supposed to be flesh). Does this make sense?

Where does this absurd contradiction find its origin? Certainly, there is no justification for these types of erroneous teachings within the written word -- within the pages of scripture. It is for this reason that the Scriptures warn believers to save themselves from this untoward generation. Similarly, this example provides a rationale as to why believers need to discern between the teachings of the so-called wise and the scriptures.

Why is this important? Because the life is in the blood. When one regularly indulges in blood, one would be receiving whatever disease(s) may be contained in the blood.This would become even more of a concern if the flesh were to be taken from an animal that had been strangled or one already dead.

If we think about this example further, we recognize that no where in the scriptures did they advocate or condone cannibalism. When we weigh these practices in light of what the Biblical scriptures tell us, we realize that these practices - in many places they've become traditions -are nothing more than heathen practices Certainly, these practices are contrary to the engrafted word.Whether knowingly, or acting in ignorance of the scriptural truths,those who pursue these traditions practices which are contrary to the sound teaching of the Holy Spirit of God -- are guilty of participating in the re-sacrificing of Jesus.

This is a big mistake. Unfortunately, actions speak louder than words and those who may be unfamiliar with the written word will fall into this religious ditch along with the administrators. Personally,I do not believe that is your desired motive. It isn't God's desire either. This is why we need to study the scriptures, so that we don't fall into the ditch.

Indeed, by learning and understanding the scriptures, we would rid ourselves of any desire to follow the traditions of religious persons.Why? Because we would recognize that Jesus did suffer on the cross for us. In fact,He bled as He died at Calvary. This consequence, even though He was found not guilty by the judicial system of the day. He died willingly for you and for me. He took our sins, failures and iniquities upon Himself, and in so doing totally and completely satisfied the white high court of Heaven’s demands.

Originally, men and women, when weighed in God’s balance of guilt or innocence, were found guilty on all counts. There was no redemption at the time. But God is love. That is why He prepared for Himself a body. Where love is, there is always a way. In this situation, however, God made the way. And then He died for us so that we may have eternal life as a gift.

Now we encounter God at the crossroads of life. That is where the two road ways meet. The decision is whether you will continue on the road your way or whether you recognize the value and peace from following God’s way. At the crossroad, God’s scale is weighted down on the "not guilty" side because Jesus has already paid the price for you and me. He paid the price once and once for All.

It is finished was His cry. There is no more sacrifice for sin. In fact, while you are accepting Jesus into your heart, remember to cast out the bondwoman’s relics of religion tradition,. Don't let those who refuse to adhere to the scriptures come slivering in like wolves in sheep clothing. The scriptures state that if anyone, man, woman or angel preach any other gospel to you other than that which He has preached to you, let him, her or the angel be cursed,

But those who have believed in the completeness of Christ’s sacrifice can abide in the new covenant. We no longer entertain the old covenant temple forms of re-sacrificing. As a consequence, we are complete in Him. Stand in the offering Plate. Jesus paid it all and all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain.But Jesus washed me white as snow. Peace to all who are in Christ Jesus.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Let God Be True - PART 59

Today we will be examining yet another un-scriptural and anti-Christian heretical teaching emanating from the so called church fathers. So many times, we are so gullible and intoxicated with erroneous teachings that are totally contrary to the teachings of the Holy Spirit. In this context, we need to remember that the Biblical scriptures did not just appear. Indeed, the Word of God was personally delivered to His chosen Apostles, as outlined in the New Testament. The apostles then verbally or by letter endeavoured to forward those same teaching to us believers.

Further, God Himself confirmed the word with signs and wonders and gifts of His own Holy Spirit. In so doing, He affirmed that their word was indeed His word. As the scriptures sate, if God confirms the signs with His own spirit, then no man can make the signs null and void. Remember too that Jesus said to the Apostles that they were to be His witnesses in all the world. And as His witnesses, the Apostles were to deliver to us the same gospel message that had been given to them.

Now we arrive at the inevitable questions. If they were, as the New Testament describes, the chosen Apostolic witnesses of the God who was in Christ, then who are those who assert themselves today His witnesses? The Bible is clear. The scriptures state, "Let God be true and every man opposing God’s word be dismissed as a believer or follower of the faith that was once delivered." In other words, if any man deliver a message that is contrary to the gospel, let that man be accursed.

Why? Because God delivered His message to us. At no point, does the Word of God originate within us. Even to entertain this thought must set a few people back in their pulpits. Undoubtedly, Christ is the sole head of the church and as the head of the body of Christ, should be glorified and acknowledge as such. There is no other. What do the scriptures say? When Jesus finished his earthly ministry, He sat down. He had completed His earthly mission on our behalf.

Note that this same Jesus continues His ministry of redemption and salvation today. But there are those who want to change the gospel message. There are some who want to use a religious fallacy known as"transubstantiation" as a basis for elevating themselves beyond the scriptures. For those who may not be familiar with the term transubstantiation, the Webster's dictionary defines it as “The miraculous change by which according to roman catholic and eastern orthodox dogma, the Eucharistic elements at their consecration become the body and blood of Christ while keeping only the appearance of bread and wine.”

This definition is hard to swallow inasmuch as Webster’s defines it, transubstantiation is nothing more than a form of cannibalism or one that eats the flesh of its own kind. But is this what the scriptures say? Of course not. It does not even align with other Biblical scriptures. In Acts chapter 15, for example, the apostles and elders instructed believers to keep themselves from four things.

One of these things was blood. The scriptures are clear in the instructions for believers. That is, believers are to avoid blood. Keep away from blood and from flesh which still has blood in it. This instruction was not only delivered to the apostles but the instruction to refrain from blood was also agreed upon and disseminated to believers near and far. Similarly, their conclusion was further circulated throughout the assemblies either by letter or by voice. As a result, the early believers had no reason to pursue any teachings that included transubstantiation.

Later, the letters that form the Biblical scriptures commenced, and as the Apostles state, it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us. We have therefore, delivered these instructions under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and we. Indeed, it is the Holy Spirit pleasure (and ours) to lay upon you these necessary things. These necessary conditions. These necessary requirements that will indispensable in ensuring that the same gospel that we have taught is taught to all believers for generations to come.

At the end of the day, these four scriptural requirements which includes refraining from blood were confirmed in the scriptures for a reason. Keep yourself free from these things and you shall do well. You shall prosper and yes, you will have done your part to ensure that believers are not led astray by so-called leaders who have not read the scriptures for themselves. It is for this reason that we must adhere to the scriptural teachings of Jesus. It is also the reason that we should beware of those who present false teachings -- like the foxes who attempt to raid the sheep pen.

Instead, remain steadfast in the Lord. Be happy and strong. The aforegoing is intended to show you that which seemed good to the Holy Spirit. Are you consoled and rejoicing? Are you delighted, relieved and comforted? Did not the Lord Jesus say that you shall know the truth and in knowing and accepting the truth you will be set free? Yes, this is the gospel message. There is only one gospel message and although may be difficult to walk away from the religious traditions that have infiltrated your life until now, remember it is God who blesses you. It is God who intervenes and brings comfort to your life. Be reconciled to God. God delivered His word to you personally. Stand in the Offering Plate.

His Eye Is on the Sparrow - PART 58

In order to effectively balance our presentation on separating the wheat from the tares, it is necessary to explain in more detail what the scriptures reveal concerning Abraham's son. By Abraham's son, we mean the son born to him by Sarah’s maid Hagar. The situation that was emerging in the Old Testament is, admittedly, quite complicated and particularly difficult to comprehend for those only learning of God's miraculous interventions.

If it is easier to comprehend, consider the following analogy as a starting point. There was a man that always wanted to visit Hawaii. He lived on the American mainland. This man was terrified of flying so during one of his prayers, he expressed to the Lord his desire to visit Hawaii. The Lord answered him by granting him two wishes. The man suggested to the Lord that maybe a causeway could be constructed, to which the Lord replied that a bridge logistically would be a near impossibility. (At least from man's point of view) The man then, in contemplating his second wish asked the Lord for a woman that he could, as a man understand. Well, the Lord replied,"How many lanes do you want this causeway to have?"

So the message that we need to understand is that Sarah instigated the situation. The maid, willing or unwillingly, had her life rearranged as a consequence of her subservience to Sarah’s whims. The child is born and named Ishmael (defined as a social outcast in Webster’s dictionary). Abraham, like most men prior to the birth of a child are totally clueless as to a woman’s mood swings, repeated episodes of morning sickness, her ice cream /chocolate cravings, and the birth pains which yet await her.

In Hagar’s case, she is being forced into playing the role of a surrogate mother, but in form only. During the span of the next nine months, Abraham watched things transpire, beholding Hagar’s form changing. Well, by this time, Abraham must have had his own thoughts. When the child was born, Abraham viewed his offspring and the delight of fatherhood swelled up inside him. Note here that even though Abraham knew what it was like to be a son, he had stepped into the role of a father. Still he looked like a son.

Undoubtedly, Abraham wanted to throw his arms around Hagar, this beautiful girl who mothered his first born son. Little would Abraham have known at this time, that this child Ishmael in turn would father twelve sons/princes. However, Sarah who had contrived the plan initially began to recognize that her plan had backfired. She had by her cunning created an impossible situation to dwell in. Once again the axe was to fall on Hagar’s head. Abraham loved Sarah but yet his love for Sarah did not mean that he was detached from Hagar and his first born son Ishmael. Unfortunately, because of the awkwardness of the situation, Hagar and Ishmael had to go.

You can imagine that both Hagar and Abraham were singing the blues. But as we also know from the scriptures, God does not fail us. When tears fall down like falling rain, then, I turn around and I call upon your name. God’s eye is on the sparrow and that meant that He was watching Hagar. God watched Hagar in her grief, crying. Her world had caved in leaving her all alone. But then God turned up as God always does. The sparrows are never far from God's loving intervention.

In quickly summarizing the scriptures in Genesis chapters 16, 17, 25, 28, and 36, and I Chronicles chapter 1,it is important to note that Ishmael was born to Sarah’s maid Hagar when Abraham was 86 years old. Ishmael was circumcised at the age of 13 years along with his father Abraham and his servants. Here, at this time, promise was given by God that Ishmael should father 12 princes and become a great nation. Ishmael met Isaac at least once after Hagar and Ishmael had been sent away. That meeting was at the burial of their father Abraham.

In Genesis, chapter 16 verse 12, we further note that Ishmael would become a wild man. His hand would be against every man, and every man's hand would be against him. He shall dwell in the presence of his brethren but his nature none can tame. In opposition to all his kin shall he encamp. Indeed, he would live at odds with all his kinsmen. In other words, Hagar, this son of yours will be a wild one, free and untamed as a wild ass.

It is in this context that we all need to be reborn! God Himself as a Son, made himself as a curse, a castaway Jesus for us!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Foundation - PART 57

The section on separating the wheat from the tares continues. Consider this. If we were to go back to the grass roots of our faith and remove all of the Biblical foundations that form our beliefs and values, we could readily accept the false imaginations of others that would be flaunted as truth because we would not know the difference.

This scenario is in fact the case for many believers today who have come to enjoy God's freedom but then later, at the encouragement of certain individuals, become later subject and confined to the law. The question is why? It could be because as a young Christian believer, you are not yet aware of what is recorded in the scriptures concerning the law. Let's review this point.

The scriptures declare that Abraham had two sons. The first son was born of a slave girl named Hagar. The second son was born of Abraham's wife Sarah, and as such, presented as being a free woman. The child of the slave girl was born in the ordinary course of nature. However, the second son born of the free woman was the child born in fulfillment of the promise. God's promise. Of course, all of this is allegorical, for these two women represent the two covenants.

The first covenant was given from Mount Sinai and represented by Hagar. The children born thereafter, being brought up under the confines and dictates of Sinai law, are born into the bondage of slavery. The law. Note that the word Hagar in Arabia stands for Mount Sinai, and is representative of the earthly Jerusalem which like Hagar was in bondage together with her children.

Conversely, Jerusalem which is above (that beautiful city of God) is free and the mother of us all. If you are struggling here, you might want to go back to earlier blogs where the discussion focuses on the generational history of the promised seed of the Christ. This will allow you some time to reflect and digest the scriptures before proceeding. Remember, as you read the scriptures, that living under the law was not always the case. God made them male and female - as one man and one woman - so that they could fellowship and converse freely with God.

As we move on, we know that Sarah was barren and without children. That is, until God stepped in. Of course, God stepped in at the appointed time which is important to remember. As the author of salvation, it was God that opened Sarah's womb. In so doing, He brought the prophetic scripture from the back burner to the front burner. The scriptures state, "Rejoice, O barren woman who never bore a child. Break into a shout of joy, you who have never known a mother's birth pangs. For she, the deserted wife shall have more children than she who lives with the husband."

Like Isaac then, the good news is that we also are children born in the fulfillment of promise. Abraham's son by Hagar may have pursued his fleshly desires, and likewise persecuted Isaac but it does not negate the fact that Isaac was the son of promise born by the power of the spirit. The difficulty is that this understanding from the scriptures still raises questions today.

Still, regardless of what people might say, the scriptures remain true. What does the scriptures state concerning this ongoing conflict? First, drive out the slave girl (Hagar the law) along with her son. The scriptures state this, not because Hagar is being condemned or discriminated against but rather because God was making it clear that neither Hagar or the offspring would share in the inheritance bequeathed to the son born of the free woman. The child of promise into which the seed of promise was to be lodged, and continually progressed through the generations that would follow.

Indeed, the promise would continue until the fullness of time in God's clock, at which time the Holy Spirit would bring His own two seeds of promise (male and female seed) together in the womb of the surrogate mother Mary. So, you see believers, that we are not the slave woman’s child. In fact, our mother is the free woman.

So it is in this context that we are no longer subject to the law. The scriptures state that Christ has set us free. Stand fast in your freedom, and do not become entangled in that yoke of bondage. You are not under law. Christ has taken care of the law by burying it deep in the blood He shed. The same God who dwelt on earth as a son ... it is His sacrificial death that has made captivity captive. Remember too, that you have been bought with a price and there fore we ought to glorify God in our mortal bodies. Which, by the way are now members of the body of Jesus the Christ. The bone of his bone and flesh of His flesh. Blood, Water, Spirit. Refresh ourselves with the assurance that you and I can walk in the glorious liberty as the sons of God. For he who has been set free by the Son of God (God Himself as a Son) has been set free for eternity. Free indeed.

Stand in the Offering Plate. Welcome to the new covenant. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If the Blind Lead the Blind - PART 56

If the blind lead the blind, they might both find themselves in a ditch. This is hardly the situation one wants to find themself in. This is why, sometimes, relying on an analogy or an example to explain God's message can be helpful.

For example, sons of God ought to stop considering that unsaved, unredeemed persons know what salvation is. How could they? You were there once. Blind to understanding God's plan of salvation. But now, by accepting the salvation that Jesus provided on the cross, you have been made a partaker of the power of the life to come. So, in this context, cease striving to perform good works. The fruits of your salvation will shine through as you get closer.

Admittedly, there may come a time when you have to shake the dust off your feet because of unbelief but in the interim, all you, or I can do is set the table.  Send out the invitations to the 'whosoever will' in order that they too might come, dine and pray, remembering that God loves the lost more than you or I.

Why? Because He wrote His love in crimson red. Now that is love. Recall the parable of the sewer who went out to sow seed in the harvest field?  Not all the seeds took root. Some of the seeds fell here and some seeds fell in all the wrong places. The seeds that fell in the latter places withered and died. There is a message here. That is, keep your hand upon the throttle and your eyes upon the rail. A boat without a rudder is going wherever the tide or wind directs it. For us, though, the Lord is our shepherd. He guides us and directs us. Whether the wind or tide rocks us to or fro, we can rest assured that Jesus has us in His arms.

So why is it then that some people will resort back to the old ways? Sort of like Lot's wife in the Old Testament. When they were fleeing, she looked back. The Hebrews exiting Egypt are yet another example - they sort of turned back in their hearts. They marched on and on around and around the same mountain and didn't know it. Unbelievable. But these prods of the scriptures are not written to deter you. Rather, they are written so we do not fall asleep, reverting back to following the masses rather than listening to the voice of God's Spirit  that  whispers, “Follow Me.”

Us? We need to be wise -- indeed, wiser than the deceiving serpent known as the enemy. We need to be resourceful and compassionate and to some extent, harmless as a dove. In so doing, saith the scriptures, all men will know that you are His disciples. It is your faith that is on trial. Your faith that the enemies want to steal. Some will even say that if you stop believing in God and stop talking about your faith, that they will be your friend again. Why it will be just  like old times. Yea.

That is precisely the reason I called on the Lord to deliver me. The good old days were not very good. If the truth be told, most of the time the old times were boring. And now my so-called friends are being so nice, hoping to entice me back. My question is this. Back to what?

Those of you who want to be under the law of sin and death, you preach it constantly from your pulpits as if it were salvation. Why if you had not delivered the law unto me ,I would never have been convicted of my fallen condition. But every time you advocate that I must do this, or I must do that, it confirms to me that the hole I am digging for myself, just keeps getting deeper. 

It reminds me of a time when I was a kid at school. We used to get cross hander’s with the leather shaving belt. We were being punished but punished for what. Well, if you are listening to what is being prescribed by the law, the law prescribes a prescription of death. Think of the sacrifices made in the Old Testament.

Consider the meaning of verses like, "For I cannot arise to justification by endeavouring to fulfill it." In actual fact, there are simply not enough animals around to be sacrificed for my sin. The other consideration, even after I would have sacrificed the animals, is that I still walk away with sin. Why, the very thought haunts my mind. Yes, it is no wonder God said, "Away with them. Your sacrifice and offerings I have had no pleasure in them."

Indeed, it is because of all of this prescription and adherence to laws, and sacrifices that don't take away sin that you have forced me to prepare myself a body. I the Lord, the God of the universe, will become your Saviour. I will deliver you from your sin. God was saying to the who ever wherever you may be, that He will save you. For apart from me, there is no salvation.

Still, the scriptures warned believers (with tears night and day) that even of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves. They don't want you to talk about Jesus and how he rescued us from a world of sin. The good news is that God loves us and regardless of what people say, they cannot take away our salvation. They can't take away our joy!

So the message for today - keep preaching the Word of God both in season and out of season. 

We love to tell the story
It will be our theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
Of JESUS and His Love.

Peace. Stand in the Offering Plate.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seeking Jesus - PART 55

To catch the sly old fox that is hiding among the sheep is similar to but not quite the same as separating the wheat from the tares. The tares? Well, unfortunately they have become so well disguised and entrenched that you may have to wait until harvest time for the full revelation. We were warned in the scriptures of this situation. We were also told to guard ourselves against those foxes whose only mission is to keep us far away from God's truth.

Still, now that we have tasted faith and are hungry to open its treasure chest, we want more. Our inner spirit had been deprived of spiritual food for so long, being only fed the crumbs that fell off the table of those 'powers that be.' Those husks delivered to us by the voices of the Nicolaitans, (those who lord over the laity) emanating from the platforms of their Laodicean. The Bible says that they are neither hot nor cold, these so called churches. 

These things God hates too. He hates their presentations, or should we say pretensions so much that if they do not repent, as pointed out in the scriptures, He, God is going to vomit them out of His mouth.  It is a fearful thing to oppose the living God purposely. Instead, let's step into the realm of faith. When we do, we who have believed are likened to new born children. Of course, this is what we now are since we have been born again of the blood, water and spirit. And because we are newborn children, then we desire to be fed with the sincere wholesome nutritious milk of the Word of God. We no longer desire pablum or the diluted message.

As heirs of all the promises of God and the edifying gifts of His spirit, we want to behold the gospel message in its entirety. As it is written. When we were born into this world, imparted to us were natural gifts. Even though at times we may neglect these natural gifts and not utilize them because nobody could by worldly efforts arise to a gifted plateau, does not mean that we don't want to fully enjoy the heavenly gifts that God desires to bestow on us.

It is in the spiritual that you have been awarded freely what is known as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts were presented to you and expected to be utilized by you. They are gifts not intended to enlarge an individuals ego, but that we may, when an opportunity arises, apply our gifted resources so that others may be liberated and blessed. For we are believers -- the unified Body of the Christ adopted into the family of God. In accepting God's plan of salvation, we become certified citizens of the Kingdom of God in Christ.

We are no longer tutored under the law. We have stepped over the threshold of unbelief into the royal law -- the perfect law of liberty -- the new covenant or testament. These laws of the new covenant are not written on stone or paper. No, this time God is writing his law of love on the fleshly tables of our heart. Not on our foreskins as some would have us believe.

He will be our God, and we shall be to Him a purchased redeemed, adopted people, seeded with His Word. From His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love inextricably intertwined flowed, mingling down to a creation that had ventured off in a different direction. Did ever such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown? Love so amazing and so divine! God Himself brought that love to us when He became flesh. He still wants to bring that same love to us today.

I understand we have a hard job letting the shore line go! But we are heirs, and, as long as we remain as little children, we remain under tutors. This is the where the warning of the tares, the foxes among the sheep becomes so important. This is the point where we, as believers, must be careful that our tutors (our scriptural teachers) are not so denomination- minded that it causes our hunger for the Word of God to stagnate. What did the scriptures state? Let the dead bury their dead.

Hear the Macedonian call? Come on over and help us for the harvest is truly plenteous. Unfortunately, the labourers are few. Pray for us and that God will send forth HIS labourers into His harvest field. And like the shepherds of old, we may keep watch over our flocks. Yes even at night, when the darkness of sky folds around us. There are foxes among the sheep. We know this because the sheep are meeing. The foxes are trying to keep the sheep from knowing fully what God intended for their life.

Oh men of God arise. The time is now. The harvest is wasting in the fields. Give tomorrow's children one more chance. Please bear with us. We are not bogged down but rather we are burdened in this delivery. Pray without ceasing as the scriptures encourage -- men ought to pray and not to faint.

And pray with us -- Lord , only you can make this world seem right. Only you can make the darkness of people's hearts shine bright. Only You Lord. Only you! Stand in the offering plate.

Faith in Jesus - PART 54

When faith is come, we are no longer in the charge of an attendant. Instead, we are now free. We have been delivered from the house of bondage. Our shackles, the chains of bondage, have fallen off and made our prison doors ajar. Although we are hesitant to step out into the wide open expanse, we have grown accustomed to three square meals a day. We ask the expected questions. Now what and where do I go from here?

Our head imagines all sorts of strange thoughts. Is it better to stay where we are ... yes, maybe I should stay. Maybe. But then as we consider our circumstance, we still encounter faith. What is faith? And the obvious next question, should I take that leap of faith?

Explain faith to me that I should believe. First, we all recognize that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if I were to stay put today, and not move forward, then I will still be in the same 'stay put' condition tomorrow. Unfortunately, we have been so programmed by generational unbelief.  But do I stay here, in a place that offers no hope? Of course not. Indeed, enough is enough.

A decision has been made. I have decided that I am not going back to more of the same. I have looked over the mountain and caught a glimpse of possibilities unlimited. Like the apostles, I do want to get over the side of the boat and walk on the stormy sea if needs be.  Why? Because I know of the promise the promise that God gave. That is, after every storm appears a rainbow. Even though at this point in my life, I may not exactly know what faith is, I do know that the life I am living is not working. 

Instead, my decision is that I am up and out of here. When I was imprisoned in the hole, I looked up and asked someone who I could not see to deliver me. Now, that I have made the decision, I am in a whole new dimension. My life has been encompassed by a refreshing breeze. The breeze from a God who loved me enough to bring me His plan of salvation.

In all honesty, I can't explain the inward uplift but it sure feels good and refreshing. The dirt in the hole has been washed clean. Once again, I converse with the one who I cannot see so that He can guide me. 

After all, at the end of the day, it was not man that made me. If man never made me, why am I subservient to him? It does not seem logical. I am surrounded with a creation that man never made. My eyes behold beautiful colourful landscapes and my ears receive beautiful vibrations. I taste in my mouth satisfying food. In these contexts, is it not better to spend a lot of time dwelling on these things that adorn the earth womb and into which I have now been introduced. 

Some one who I cannot see has made and purposefully upholds the universe faithfully generation to generation. Even more important, when I call on Him, the one who I don't see from inside the hole, He rescues me.

While I open my eyes and escape from this jungle called life, I realize that even if I do not see His form, He most assuredly has a vested interest in us. It is He who has opened my understanding. Like the song, I can honestly say that I am beginning to see clearly now. In this world, instructors have tried to rob me of wisdom. They have stricken the owner and maker of this beautiful place of His rightful adoration. In this context, admittedly, I may not and may never have all the answers. That’s okay. One day at a time, step by step, I learn from the one I do not see. I am attending HIS new school of faith.

Further, I cannot see the air that I breathe but as long as it is fresh air, I breathe anyway. In the same way, I may not see the Almighty. But what I have found is that my life have changed for the better since I called upon Him. By His grace, I am no longer wormwood. I am not going to fall through the cracks in a system of error. I will not subscribe to a belief that the general populace must be kept in ignorance.

Why? Because I know the Spirit of the one who loves me. The one who wants me to prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers. Start prospering today. Walk into the health that God has for us. His spirit will quicken (make alive) your mortal body as you walk from a dead world of unbelief, into the new world of faith where impossibilities become possibilities. Take the small step of faith from an ungodly religious world and enter into a believing world of faith. You'll never be disappointed in the fact that Jesus love you and me.  He understands. Stand in the offering plate.

Monday, March 14, 2011

No Longer Imprisoned Under the Law - PART 53

Before we were introduced to faith, we were in many ways imprisoned under the law. In this realm, we were incapable of escaping as if there were no plan of escape. Conversely, even if there was such a plan, what would we be escaping too? Certainly, it would be hard to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man, particularly if that man had never been introduced to faith or of its effectiveness. Like so many aspects of life, for those things which I do not know, I need an instructor.

Indeed, while we may have read of Abraham's faith, we were incapable of grasping the meaning. We needed to have our understanding opened and the meaning expanded upon. Who would open the cell doors of our mind? Well, definitely none of our cell mates, for they also were wallowing in the mire of sin, imprisoned by the law of sin and death, without a key.

But God works in mysterious ways! The scriptures ask, "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who was His counsellor? So, in the beginning days, after Adam sinned, the law had become our custodian. The law was like a strict governess in charge of us. That is, until we looked beyond our hopeless predicament and called in our hearts for a deliverer.

In this capacity, God was and still is the only hope for us. Out of our hopelessness we looked up with expectancy. It was here that faith was seeded in men’s heart. So, by our imprisonment we were taught the defined meaning of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the incurred wages, we swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. In other words, we dug our own hole, a hole so deep that we could not climb out of it.

Like the simple analogy of the man and woman walking at night and falling into a deep hole. They were unable to scale the walls of earth so they did what most people would do. They started calling for help. Along came a priest (it could be a rabbi too) who, upon hearing the yells of distress, ventures over to the hole. When he sees the man and woman in the hole, he starts praying but then walks away.

The man starts calling again and this time a doctor hears the cry. He approaches the hole and seeing the situation, takes a note pad from his pocket and writes the two a prescription. He throws the prescription into the hole and then turns around and walks away.

In many ways, this resembles society today - the 'powers that be' may be in power but they do not have the solution. Still, the two people stuck in the hole start yelling louder than before. Surely, there must be some intelligent  and compassionate life up there who will help us get out of this predicament. Just then, a friend just happens to be taking an evening stroll when he hears the distressed call. The man approaches the hole, peruses the situation and immediately jumps into the hole.  Wow! The man and woman in the hole start thinking, "Well, that was not too smart!"

Here we are, with nothing but a prayer and a prescription and you decide to join us too! Well, the friend smilingly says,  “Only believe. I know the way out." I can help you get out of this mess.

The reality is this. The world does not have the answer. When no one else could help, His love, the love of Jesus, lifted me. Hear the good news message -- the good news gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He came to me. I could not go to where He was so He instead came to us. And all we have to do  is believe in Him by faith -- the Lord of Glory. The King of kings. The Great I AM. Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending.. Thus, the message here is to step out in faith and trust the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Cast all your cares and concerns upon Him. Why? Because He cares for you. Let me say that again --- He really cares for you.

So, in terms of covenants (the old and new) you are not under law. You are under the dispensation of grace, whereby the Lord has declared peace and goodwill to all. Indeed, Glory to God in the highest!

This explains why when you believe, you are under the new testament -- the covenant of grace -- grace that is given and yet unmerited. While the law was given through angels to Moses, note that God's plan of salvation, grace and truth came to us through Jesus the Christ. Personally delivered to you and me. Jesus said to call upon Him and He -- "I shall deliver you."

My kinsmen according to the flesh. Faith in Jesus is the victory that can overcome the world. Read Acts 2:36-47 today and understand the peace and joy that will fill your heart if you would only ask Jesus to be both Lord and Christ in your heart. God manifest in the flesh. Now that is love!

Stand in the offering plate.