Monday, May 27, 2019
It's Time To Enter Into The Ark Of Salvation; Into The Arms Of Our Lord God And Saviour Jesus The Christ - Part 2363
In plain terms, Eve is the mother of all living while Adam was the earthly image of God. Jesus is the beginning of the visible, spiritual coming forth from the innermost being of God - Jesus, the express image of the unseen Spirit. The scriptures state "for in Jesus did dwell all the fullness of the Godhead" -- the invisible Spirit. (Colossians 2:9; I Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6; II Corinthians 5:19)
This is the same Spirit that even the heavens of the heavens cannot contain. Adam was a visible earthly form of God’s spiritual form from the very beginning. The spiritual visible form bore a name. That name was and still is JESUS. The name JESUS is a name above every other name in Heaven, and upon earth. And yes, it was this same Jesus who laid aside His Glory, humbling Himself while purposely veiling Himself in flesh to dwell among us. It is this same Jesus who so loved the world, appearing in fashion as a son of Adam.
Jesus was the afore ordained lamb. God Himself stooping to save man. God revealing His everlasting Love. His planned counsel of His spiritual will, now to be shown in creation, which He Himself will rule and reign over. And rightly so inasmuch as He is the source of all things seen and unseen. This plan of Love had to be manifest. Otherwise God’s love would be beyond our comprehension.
For scarcely can we take in the magnitude of thoughts when we consider that God Himself would become the sacrificial Lamb. Therefore, let no man boast of obtainable salvation resulting from good deeds. For in God’s eyes our good works are as filthy rags. Sin was and is sin that at the end of the day brings forth death.
It is for this reason that sin had to be eradicated, in order for the purposed plan of God to proceed. This eradication of sin, required holy, pure and undefiled blood. God searched for undefiled blood, and then proclaimed to one and all .. "There is none righteous. No, not one."
Here is the stumbling block. If there be none of us found righteous, then we are in dire straits. And there would be no way to bridge the gap between God and man. But this, as we now know from the scriptures is not what God wanted for the human race. For His beloved creation.
So once again God steps in. Why? Because nothing shall separate us from the love of God. God exhausts every avenue to redeem man from satan’s grasp. God loves us more than tongue or pen can express. God steps in and offers Himself as the redeeming offering of sacrifice. Yes, GOD SACRIFICED HIMSELF.
God’s blood is undefiled - pure. Our holy God veiled Himself in sin prone flesh so that we could be saved. What humiliation He experienced. God laying aside His splendour for you and I. Now if that is not love personified! This is the love of God manifest in flesh. In fact, redemption necessitated the crucifixion of the Lord of Glory.
So how can we escape a confrontation with God if we neglect so great love? We need to accept Jesus, the Prince of Peace. We also need to recognize that this offer of salvation will not last forever. Like the Jews who have been the recipients of all sorts of misfortune, we Gentiles were also given an opportunity to believe the gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ. But there is also the warning - that is, if the Gentiles continue not in faith they also shall be cut off.
Again, this is not what God wants. God is righteous! He wants each and every one of us - the Jews and the Gentiles - to believe in Him. To discover His purpose in them. But He would not railroad us into making a decision. Instead, He offered the choice of life, of peace and joy, of everlasting life. And He said, "It is your call."
Still, God is not willing that anyone perish. In fact, the Lord Jesus is still inviting us into His fold this day. Today is the day of salvation. Come unto Him today. Because as the Biblical prophecies continue to make news headlines, the door into the ark of salvation is closing. We need to enter in and let His love and righteousness clothe us.
Know too that JESUS is the Ark. Stand in the offering plate.
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