Taken in isolation, some might assume this scripture means it impossible for us to discover the wisdom and knowledge of God. For me, I use a different lens. That is, when we don't seek the Lord's wisdom and knowledge, and rely on His judgments, His beloved people will perish. We read this in Hosea 4:6, wherein the Lord continually reaches out to His chosen, and yet the Israelites rejected His goodness and mercy in grace.
Thankfully, however, from the beginning of time, the same Spirit of the Lord God that created the earth, looked to this present time in history -- the last days -- so that He could pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, those hearts who desire to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Indeed, when God willingly tore the veil from top to bottom to bring us salvation, He was speaking "peace and good will" for all.
Sadly, there are those who will not come to the Lord, even though the depth of the riches of His wisdom and knowledge is beyond anything available in the world. Instead, these prefer spiritual ignorance, unaware of the mercy and kindness of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus the Christ. (Titus 3:4-7) That He loved us so very much that He willingly took on a body, and became a sacrifice so that we might have abundant and everlasting life in Him. (I Timothy 3:16)
"To wit, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself." (II Corinthians 5:19)
And He, the Giver of Life, the Bread of Life, the Light of this world, the King of kings and Lord of lords wants to bestow upon His beloved body of Christ church, His blessings and gifts. But our hearts need to accept that God became our Saviour, and that He shed His precious holy blood for you and I. (Acts 20:28)
And then, as an answer of a good conscience toward God, we are to be water baptized in His Name -- the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we can receive His gift -- the gift of the Holy Ghost! (Acts 2:36-41; I Peter 3:21)
"For so is the will of God ... " (I Peter 2:15-17)
Stand in the offering plate.
"For so is the will of God ... " (I Peter 2:15-17)
Stand in the offering plate.
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