Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jesus Is A Mighty King, Alpha And Omega, The Beginning And Ending Of All Things, Amen - Part 2260

What future is there when people vainly conspire against the Almighty God? When nations choose to create futile plans? And these same foolish nations plan their little plots against Almighty God? The global turmoil that emerges should be apparent, particularly when the kings and rulers of the earth assemble themselves together with a common cause against the Lord Jesus -- who is God in Christ. 

"To wit, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself ..." (II Corinthians 5:19)

Yes, these haters of the Lord God Almighty mustered together against Thy holy child Jesus whom was anointed and consecrated and marked out as the Messiah (or God with us -- Emmanuel!). (Matthew 1:21-23) But it was not only Herod and Pontius Pilate that conspired with the nations. The people of Israel also conspired! 

Indeed, all unredeemed men and women at one time or another plotted to carry out what Thy hand and Thy will had destined from the beginning. That is, in order to remit the sins that had entered the world by one man Adam in the Garden, the Lord provided a way of redemption. In fact, if we think about it, the people (in their ignorance) still accomplished all that Thy power and wisdom had already decreed.

Thus, Lord, hear our prayer. Give attention to their threat. Enable your servants to speak Thy Word with freedom of utterance, with all fearless courage, and to continue preaching Thy message of deliverance! Lord, stretch forth Thy hand to heal so that mighty signs and wondrous marvels may be performed by Christ Jesus who indwells You -- Almighty God. Lord, we wait with expectancy as our enemies -- Thy enemies -- are put to flight by the preaching and delivery of Thy redeeming Word and power.

This is why Jesus is referred to in the scriptures as the First and the Last. The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending. Yes, Jesus is the Light brighter than the noon day sun. God has decreed that in all things, Jesus who is God manifest in flesh as a Son, shall have the pre-eminence. All things were made by Him and for Him and through Him. He is before all things and without Him, there is nothing made that is made.

This is why our hope can be found in Christ Jesus, for He paved the way for our salvation.

As a result of laying aside the counsel of God as His directive to His beloved creation, men and women have sadly become enemies of God. Separate from God devising all sorts of hopeless plans but outside of the will of God. Indeed, even those remedial plans that may sound good and are endorsed by eloquent orators become akin to the analogy of more hot air being espoused. 

Why? Because the bottom line has always been that nations who choose not to serve God do not prosper, just like the cake in the oven fails when the right ingredients are missed.

Still, in spite of man's initial response to God our Saviour and His blessings and kindness to one and all, God in Jesus the Christ by His wisdom and power devised a plan of salvation whereby men and women could be reinstated into fellowship with the Creator. The same Spirit of the Lord God who moved upon the face of the waters in the beginning. (Genesis 1:1-2) 

But we need to also recognize, like the cake illustration, that Jesus is the missing ingredient for each and every one of our lives. It is for this reason that we need to acknowledge the God who was in Christ --- Christ in God. For God has glorified His only begotten Son Jesus. God has declared that Jesus not only was in the Christ, but that He (being Jesus) is also the Lord over all things. This explains why the angels of God worship Him - Jesus. It also offers a rational as to why men and women (and nations) fall.

But it does not have to be this way. When we personally make our own individual personal declaration that this man Jesus is the Wisdom and the Glory of the Spirit of God, we are no longer blowing hot air. Just like the scriptures in John 3:16, God is not willing that any should perish. He wants to converse with each and every one of us. He wants us to know that JESUS is the Resurrection and the Life. 

His desire is to hear ye Him. This is why we who believe look to JESUS for He Alone is God! Christ in God will save us from the deceptive promises of unredeemed men. If you have a New Testament Bible, open it up and begin reading. Ask the Lord Jesus to establish your steps in all things for He is able and willing. As well, pray without ceasing and rejoice evermore, because you have made the best decision ever.

Stand in the offering plate.

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