Jesus breathed on His disciples, saying to them, "Receive the Holy Ghost." It is of His Spirit that we as believers have received. This also also explains why if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to the family of God.
There is only one Spirit. God is that one Spirit. God’s Spirit is holy. The Spirit of God has made all things. He made the things that are seen and those things which are not seen with our eyes - the visible and the invisible. All things were made by Him. In doing so, God counselled with Himself. There were no advisors. He, God purposed all things.
Indeed, the Almighty God does not throw dice. Out of nothing came forth God Himself. Creation declared God’s eternal power and Godhead displayed in created form. Further, God Himself is the beginning of the Creation. God declared that He was going to reveal Himself in visible fashion and that is what He did. This is why it is written, "That all things were created by Him and for Him. He, God, is before all things and by Him all things in the world exist.
Indeed, the Word of God reveals the Wisdom of God. Through His Word, we receive and understand. God made us in His own image. However, we were all born into this world with blank slates. First created and then born in created form into a beautiful world.
God’s plan right from the garden was that man and women would be fruitful and multiply. Before our appearing on earth, God has revealed that there was war in heaven. Angels who were a different creation than Adam’s race were warring big time. Lucifer desired to be the chief. He persuaded other angels that he was chief because Lucifer had an agenda. He wanted to dethrone God.
But as the scriptures point out, that was just not going to happen. So the war raged on. One third of the angelic host aligned themselves with lucifer, and the other two thirds with God. Please note here that angels cannot die. Angels can only be subjected to suffering. This is why God prepared a place called hell, a place located in an space called outer darkness, especially prepared for lucifer (satan) and his demonic followers.
God never intended man to go to that place. The war raged on. We read that during this period, the earth was without form and void. Planets became deserts, uninhabitable and void of any beauty that may have previously existed. However, as we discover in Genesis, God had created a beautiful little planet called earth, in which did dwell man who was an earthly visible form of God Himself - called the son of God in created form.
The potential inside that visible form is called the breath of God, which causes man to be called a living soul. All that was needed was time to move into those hidden potentials within. God teaching the blank slate, the blank slate through God’s teaching, and growing to become spiritually a son of God.
Because of the raging war satan and his hordes arrived on this paradise earth. From that moment on, he has endeavoured to increase his one third in number by enticing men and women to follow him. Admittedly, humans have messed up and succumbed to his lies. It is the same situation as the one third of angels who thought that they were not created. These also believed in the big bang theory and that there was no God.
As often, history repeats itself, so is satan alive and well. But now, he is so active that he has planted himself in high places, planting his vices on the main streets. The scripture saith that in the last days satan and his angels will run to and fro to devour whom he can -- those who will succumb to his twisted message. And as in the garden, he is subtle in his approach. Remember Eve.
But in spite of satan's attempts to misrepresent the scriptures, the Word is clear. And yes, as the Word declares, here will come a time when every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Herein this message is the Spirit of God glorified. For God was the Spirit in the man Jesus. God Himself manifest in the flesh as a Son. In Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus is the God who made all things and wants to have fellowship -- friendship -- with His beloved creation.
Jesus -- the Great I AM -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Stand in the offering plate.
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