THIS IS MY BODY “GIVEN’FOR YOU! No man takes my life from Me, said Jesus. Rather, Jesus said, "I as the Good Shepherd lay My life down for My sheep!"
You see, in the beginning, Adam was created in the likeness -- an earthy form -- an image of God’s form. As we read in Genesis, God breathed into Adam and thus Adam became a living soul. But as we also read, Adam disobeyed God’s words of caution. As a consequence, satan deceived Adam into believing that God had misinformed him. In the end, Adam fell for satan's lie. So God, expelled Adam along with Eve from their Garden paradise.
This is why the scriptures point out that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Because of this, God had declared that the soul that sins shall surely die. Adams' disobedience meant that death now reigned. That we were dead in our sin.
Still, God loved His beloved creation beyond measure. So God devised a plan of salvation, resulting from counselling with Himself. A plan that did not demand involvement by anyone other than Himself. A plan that would reconcile the people He created with the Creator.
What was this plan?
Well, God was going to undo Adam's transgression. He was going to right the wrong that had been done in the Garden. As we know now, this plan was to be implemented at an unimaginable cost. God was going to descend to earth, clothe Himself in flesh, and appear exactly as any other of Adam’s offspring.
He was going to be in the world -- the same world that was made by Him -- but the world would not know Him. He was going to come unto His own but His own received Him not. (John 1:10-11; I Timothy 3:16)
Nevertheless, He in His own way was going to demonstrate the Way that the Kingdom of God functions. JESUS being God Himself manifest in flesh went about doing good, healing all that were sick and oppressed by the devil, and performing miracles. He fed the five thousand. He calmed the weather and the sea.
In other words, JESUS turned the tables upside down on the practiced religion and traditions of the day. In fact, as we read about Jesus' conversations with the religious of the day, we begin to see how these endeavoured constantly to obstruct His message of salvation.
Still, JESUS, at an appointed time allowed His opponents to have their way and crucify Him. In some aspect, one can envision these folks figuring that they could return to their previous traditions and form of worshiping. No longer would they be pricked in their hearts from the good news gospel message. They could just continue worshiping in a traditional form, providing lip service, while their heart was far from Me, as Jesus states in the scriptures.
JESUS was crucified, then buried, rising again the third day, fulfilling Leviticus chapter 23. But JESUS' body did not enter the phase of corruption. For it is written, that God would not permit His holy child’s body to see corruption. The Holy Spirit of God fathered the embryo whilst the fetus was clothed upon in a surrogate mother’s womb. (Luke 1:35)
Later, as we read further in the scriptures, we learn that while we crucified the body, the Spirit within that body we could not kill. Similarly, all the rage of darkness imposed upon JESUS' body were also being imposed /impacted upon the holy Spirit who indwelt JESUS. As stated, JESUS the Name declared of the Holy Ghost -- the body of JESUS was the flesh wherein EMMANUEL or "God with us" did dwell.
Of course, JESUS' body was prone to sin as all of Adam's offspring. Nevertheless, JESUS Himself did not sin. Neither did JESUS die because of His sin! Simply put, JESUS died for OUR sin. JESUS put Himself in our place, and paid the price once and for all.
JESUS physical body died. That was the imposed penalty. But to enter into the state of corruption was not included in the salvation plan, decided before the world was formed. So God who was in the man JESUS quickened (or made alive) the body of JESUS. Instead of JESUS entering into the state of corruption, JESUS body was changed into a spiritual body!
A spiritual body having bones and flesh (tangible. The Holy Ghost in so doing, declared that man in this new spiritual dimension were to be in His Creation -- His habitation.This is why WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST and Jesus the Head of the Church.
If you haven't already repented, today is the day of salvation. Call upon Jesus today and ask Him to be both Lord and Christ in your life. Then find some water and be baptized/buried in the precious Name of the Lord Jesus according to Acts 2:36-47; Romans 6:3-4; Acts 10:44-48; I Peter 3:21-22) Now you have started on the best journey you could ever imagine. Study your New Testament each and every day, asking the Lord to download His wisdom and knowledge into your heart. Stand in the offering plate.
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