According to the scriptures, the gospel of the Kingdom of God must first be preached in all the world before the end would come. But of course this criteria is referring to the world as a whole. There is another future that is somewhat closer to home. This is the end for individuals - the inevitable moment of death and the hopelessness that one feels if they do not know Jesus as their personal Saviour.
Indeed, no man knows the day nor the hour in which the Lord may come. However, because of the scriptures -- His Word -- the times and the seasons we are not ignorant of. We know when the seasons are changing. The same is for the prophecies that foretell of events occurring in the world that would indicate that the end is near. The scriptures put it this way. For when you see these things come to pass, then you will know that summer (or the day of the Lord) is at hand. And, as Matthew chapter 24 reiterates, these prophesies shall surely come to pass.
So what are these signs that we should be aware of. One - the scriptures state that in the end times, many shall come in my name saying, "Here is the Christ or there is the Christ." The scriptures warn us not to believe these false prophets and false teachers because their purpose in the world is to deceive many. In fact, they will compass land and sea endeavouring to recruit multitudes of converts if they could. The problem is that even believers, who have not taken the time to search the scriptures - the unadulterated Word of God - many are led into the captivity of religion.
The modern day religious culture that follows the traditions of men more than the Word of God.
Still, God has a glorious gospel and that gospel message was delivered to mankind in the face of Jesus the Christ. There is in God’s eyes only One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism. (Ephesians 4:5-6)
Unfortunately, even though God delivered His Word at no charge to man, the price that was demanded of Jesus for the redemption of man was horrific. He purchased equal accessibility to salvation for all men (and women) so that they could partake of the tree of Life - which He Himself was and is - the tree of life.
But along comes institutionalized religion and turns life into a systematizing of error. Instead of preaching the good news gospel of Jesus Christ as instructed in the scriptures, there are those that have laid aside the Word. In short, they whitewashed themselves transforming themselves as messengers of light. This is why the scriptures state that they went out from among us. Why? Because they were not of us for if they were of us, then no doubt they would have continued with us. But they did not. Instead, they left so that it may be made manifest that they were not of us.
The scriptures state to save yourself from this perverse generation. The wolves are amongst the sheep, and they keep on preaching church - institutionalized religion - over the gospel as revealed in the scriptures. But a church or religion cannot save, deliver or heal you. What do the scriptures state? Well, first and foremost, there is no other name under heaven given of God to man whereby we can be saved other than the name of Jesus the Christ. He alone is the Good Shepherd that laid down His sinless life for our Redemption.
He has declared, "Look to Me all people and be saved for I AM God and beside me there is no Saviour." Yes, Jesus is the door that every man and woman must pass through if he /she feels the calling. Light of the Spirit of God drawing them to Himself. Come -- just as you are -- burdened down and heavy laden -- and tell it to JESUS, the God who cares for YOU!
In this place, wherever you might be, you are not coming to a wooden altar or a idol. You are not being asked to join anything. Rather, you are coming to the same God who created man and woman in the beginning. He is touched with the feelings of all our infirmities. Give your life to Jesus for He alone is able to completely save!
Stand in the offering plate.
Written by William (Bill) McKendrick
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