And of His Spirit, the fruit of the promised SEED, have all believers in the promised SEED of God received. God planned and put in motion all things, as predetermined by the counsel of His own will. Therefore, the plan of salvation, whereby He willingly paid the price on the cross once and for all is entirely God’s plan.
The greatest love story ever told because the same Lord God who breathed into man in the beginning, still loved His creation enough to personally deliver His salvation to His people.
In fact, no one was His counsellor. Rather, God purposefully prepared Himself a body in which God could appear as a Son brought forth from a willing surrogate mother named Mary. This meant that Mary herself lived her life in a prone to sin body inasmuch as she also was one of Adam’s fallen race.
In Jesus then, Jesus being the Son of God, a new bloodline began. A bloodline that did not descend from Adam. Within this new bloodline, JESUS is the SEED of the Spirit of God. The embryo, the bones, and the blood, were of the Spirit of God. Similarly, the embryo was clothed with Adamic prone to sin flesh whilst in the womb of His surrogate mother Mary.
JESUS, whilst in that body was tempted, and tried in all points - just like as we are - but without succumbing to sin. In other words, if man were ever to be redeemed, it would require a sinless man willing to die. For it is written in the scriptures that the wages of sin is eternal death.
But in deciding the plan of salvation, God searched and concluded that there was no man found that was holy, righteous, or undefiled. Therefore, it is written, a body have you prepared for Me. For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son to die at Calvary so that men and women could be set free.
So that we as believers in Jesus the Christ by faith could stand fast in the liberty that can only be found in our Saviour.
And looking back, this plan of salvation is exactly what God has done. For JESUS was conceived of the holy Spirit of God. The Spirit of God overshadowed Mary. Therefore, He who was brought forth was God in the flesh.
Immanuel meaning God with us. Pure, holy, undefiled, and separate from sinners. It was God who purposed to lay down His sinless life. God Himself as a Son becoming the only means of eternal salvation. By the sacrifice of His life, we in turn could be called sons and daughters of God.
Therefore, we cannot nor ought we to dismiss the Word/Wisdom of God. Instead, we must be born again. This is why we are to arise and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Wash away your sin whilst you are calling upon the name of our great God and only Saviour JESUS the Christ! Acts 2:37-42.
Stand in the offering plate.
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